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Posts posted by Arndtwe
Need some feedback on a cache container/hide plan. Ok, A 4 oz. fishing sinker, attached to 50 lb. line, attached to a bobber. The sinker has a water proof match stick container attached to it, inside is the log in a ziplock bag. The bobber floats at the top of the water and has a geocaching logo drawn on it. The whole setup is in a small lake so you need a small boat to get to it. The city offers boat rentals, paddle and peddle types, for use in the summer. Also, the cache is under 5-6 ft. of water. What do you think? Is this a legit cache hide? Do you see any fundamental problems with this cache that I haven't foreseen? Thanks
What about Winter? what do you plan to do when the water freezes?
Interesting... I logged one DNF and when I went back to find it I simply edited it to a found log. Once I found it, it's no longer "not found" is it? Oh well. Semantics.
True that is no longer 'not found' but on the day you looked and didn't find it it was not found, meaning you DNF'd it...
Not very often, but having an accurate account of when not found and when found can make huge impact the game. It will not only effect maintenance scheduling, but also other aspects of the game too. Sometimes, infact, DNF logs can actually encourage others to go look for a cache, not deter them.
ALR is an 'Alternate Logging Requirement'. For a while, COs were putting ALRs on caches (and designating them as ? (Mystery/Unknown)) It got quite out of hand. 'Photo of you standing in your head.' 'Photo of you wearing a tin-foil hat.' 'Use the name of a Honda vehicle in your log.' Those were, for the most part archived, or noted that the requirement was no longer required.
There are challenge caches that require accomplishing a certain set of things. These are still permissible. The DeLorme Challenges, or the County Challenges. (Find a cache on every DeLorme page for the state, or in every county in the state.) These are positive challenges. Find a cache on every day of the year. Find every cache in this series. Find a cache starting with every letter of the alphabet. I just wonder about a cache requiring logging 100 DNFs.
I'd ask the reviewer about that one.
Not that it really matters.... but I thought it was "Additional Logging Requirements". Like I said, doesn't really matter.
Just one here:
1) Geocoin Club's July 2007 -- The Spy Coin (either style)
No one has 'em and I don't really trust eBay...
This months coin just came in from the club
Pretty sure that site has been mentioned here in the forums previously.
Not much of a spoiler for the caches I looked at.
For example:
Coordinates: N 50° ??.??? E 6° ??.???Published: 16.4.2012, Verified:0x, Last 16.4.2012
Or can you get the actual coordinates if you're registered with them and signed in?
I looked up two of my caches, one published, one unpublished. Both stated "We don't have any informarmation[sic] related to this cache" yet.
Also from their "How it works" page:
The first publisher of the cache has to enter basic data about the cache.The first publisher of the coordinates gets credits from other users orders after their confirmations.
The second and next publisher of the same coordinates is called the Validator.
Validator gets credits for each valadation.
Validator's IP address and identity must be unique within all cache publishers and validators.
You never know whether the first published coordinates are correct. Still you can be the first one.
You get credits only from Multi or Unknown (Mystery) geocaches.
Your credits must be validated to avoid cheating before you order coordinates.
Credit list:
+10 credits from each order made by user signed up after your invitation - Invite!
+10 credits from each order to the first publisher of coordinates
+10 credits to each validator (next publisher)
+10 credits to the Purchaser who gives feedback (found / not found)
-50 credits for each cache order
What all that means, I haven't the foggiest.
Yes, you can get the coordinates once you have signed up/gotten credits. I made an account to see how it worked and this is what I have found. You get credit by posing the final coordinates of a cache, you will get more credit for each person who "validates" that your coordinates are correct, and the "validators" also get credit for doing so. It costs you credit that have earned to actually see the final coordinates of other caches. So in order to get the spoilers, you have to create spoilers and validate others spoilers first. That way you can get credit.
This sucks. What a waste of time and effort. The only people that are getting cheated are the people participating in that website. Although I don't foresee this actually hurting the people who want to play this game the intended way, it still is a bummer to see.
You need to use the latest list!
We're away camping for a bit, and when I get back I won't have much spare time thanks to work so I too had better bow out.
#4 Plumbrokeacres
#5 TeamEccs21
#6 Toojin
#7 LadyBee4T
#8 Fianccetto
#9 Sivota
#10 mamoreb
#11 The Fossillady
#12 lularib
#13 Funkmaster-T
#14 fuzziebear3
#15 Family of Goats
#16 KBfamily
#17 LewisClan77
#18 sheltiedogshowlover
#19 enola05
#20 MooseJawSpruce
#21 the4dirtydogs
#22 yanagi
#23 kini_ont
#24 usyoopers
#25 Maine Family
#26 Ashallond
#27 southern_angel
#28 RhinoInAToga
#31 Team kizb
#32 jpbarr
#33 CCWashburn
#34 sdkonkle
#35 Guwapo
#36 greenstone carver
#37 Arndtwe
Oops, sorry! I was on the wrong page! lol
#2 Team kizb
#3 sdkonkle
#4 Plumbrokeacres
#5 TeamEccs21
#6 keewee
#7 MoonCat & KDT
#8 Toojin
#9 LadyBee4T
#10 Fianccetto
#11 Sivota
#12 mamoreb
#13 The Fossillady
#14 lularib
#15 Funkmaster-T
#16 L_Y_H
#17 fuzziebear3
#18 Family of Goats
#19 KBfamily
#20 LewisClan77
#21 sheltiedogshowlover
#22 enola05
#23 FLtravelers
#24 MooseJawSpruce
#25 the4dirtydogs
Sounds like fun..........whenever it makes it to us!!
#2 Team kizb
#3 sdkonkle
#4 Plumbrokeacres
#5 TeamEccs21
#6 keewee
#7 MoonCat & KDT
#8 Toojin
#9 LadyBee4T
#10 Fianccetto
#11 Sivota
#12 mamoreb
#13 The Fossillady
#14 lularib
#15 Funkmaster-T
#16 L_Y_H
#17 fuzziebear3
#18 Family of Goats
#19 KBfamily
#20 LewisClan77
#21 sheltiedogshowlover
#22 enola05
#23 FLtravelers
#24 MooseJawSpruce
#25 the4dirtydogs
#26 Arndtwe
Add me to the list! :-) This sounds like great fun!
Ideally you should not get the coordinates for hiding a cache from a phone. It is best to have a dedicated GPS unit for this. If you must use a phone, there are a number of 'averaging' apps for android. Use one of these and let it average for 5+ minutes on different days over a week or so. This will give you the most accuracy as possible.
Edit to add:
A lot of people like the following apps for averaging.
My question is simply: why? Why would you want to do this?
After all these weren't/aren't geocaches... they're 'stashes'. You say this was was done back when you were into "stash hunting". This would would make these containers stashes, not geocaches. It would be an inaccurate representation of your hides even if padding your numbers is not what you are after.
I would suggest you consider the fact that it would be nearly impossible to accomplish, and that it really doesn't fit in anyway and discontinue this thought. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks for your help.
We didn't find a cache as such, just a charm bracelet with N597 E970 on it.It was fastened to a fence.
None of your suggestions seem right because the multi is set in a park and add/subtract/replace - they all end up outside it... Maybe we need to go back for another look...
It is best not post any specifics about any Geocache without permission from the owner. The forum suggests that you ask the owner of the cache for any hints or help that you may need. I am surprised that the cache page, or previous stage of the multi did not tell you what to do with these numbers.
In general, your coordinate system is formatted as such: 'N/S XX XX.XXX W/E XX XX.XXX'. There is only one part of these coordinates that have a group of 3. Try replacing those 3 with the numbers you found.
I use the Android on my phont it is HTC Evo 4g. Does that help?
All info is helpful. What I am looking for i s the app that you use within android to see geocaches/maps etc... what is the name of the app? Is it the official Groundspeak app, or a third party developer?
Recently I found that you could add waypoints on your phone by clicking on the cache - then navigate - then maps - then menu - add waypoints.
The problem I am having is that I add some of my waypoints ahead of time.
Then when I want to go back to that waypoint I am not sure how.
Any help for that?
Thanks for the insight!
In order to help you, we need to know what app you are using. Once we have that information we can provide you with instruction. Thanks!
I prefer GPS Averaging. Gives you the option to email, export to file and even to show in Locus maps. It gets good reviews (4.2 as of this writing) and is very simple to understand.
Isnt kindigarden grade part of Primary school ? And playgrounds? do you mean one thjat are in parks or playgounds of schools? If you mean "other" playgrounds outside school , ie: city parks , their goes 25% of caches and 90 % of urben hides.
And this is bad why?!?! LOL! ...I agree with what you are saying... just thought it was funny, after all isn't i about quality, not quantity?
Looks like your phone has GPS so you should be fine. Also looks to Android based. There are a number of Android apps for Geocaching available. A few to list:
-Official Groundspeak app
-Locus Maps w/ Geocaching addon
Take your pic. Try them all and see what works best for you!
I got the Assassin's Respite today
I was trying to set up a new cache on a coastal path . I averaged the waypoints and according to moderator located the cache in the sea !!. I have returned and re done them twice more and are identical and still in the sea. . Someone else done them with a different gps r and they seem to be spot on .
Question i am asking is , is there any reason they could be off ??( 3 times done all similar but locating wrong )
If you are looking at the coordinates on an online map (like Google maps) it may show them as somewhere they ate not... maps like these are known to be off as much 200ft. sometimes...
Check what the 'accuracy' reading on your GPS device and confirm that it is reading a low number (10-20 ft. is good enough)
I've never heard of a geocaching toolbar for browsers. Groundspeak certainly doesn't produce one.
I thought they did, I probably have it confused with something else.
I have this on my toolbar:
But I don't recall how I got it. It doesn't show as either an Extension or a Plugin.
You add these manually by selecting 'manage search engines' at the bottom of the list. You will need the actual URL to the search form first though ...
If you use GSAK, you can sort all the caches in your data base alphabetically.
I don't use GSAK, as I'm on a MAC. And if I understand you correctly, these caches would not be in my data base. I'm looking for caches that I haven't yet downloaded or found. Thanks. Pete
I think what he means by database is that you would run a pocket query of all the caches in your area, then use that for your database. GSAK isn't the only software out there. Really just about any cache management software for Mac ought to work.
Thanks...I'll give that a try. For my purposes, I may have to set various geographical areas for my PQ, but that's certainly doable. Thanks again. Pete
Excellent. Just FYI, there looks to be some good software out there... although they all look to cost a little bit of money. Most are for $15, but some are about $25. Here are some links...
If you use GSAK, you can sort all the caches in your data base alphabetically.
I don't use GSAK, as I'm on a MAC. And if I understand you correctly, these caches would not be in my data base. I'm looking for caches that I haven't yet downloaded or found. Thanks. Pete
I think what he means by database is that you would run a pocket query of all the caches in your area, then use that for your database. GSAK isn't the only software out there. Really just about any cache management software for Mac ought to work.
If you take the time to read thoroughly you will see that I said they use to have a refresh button and now do not. My comment was why did they drop it? I did not say I should get anything I wanted! Read up before you make wild accusations.
I thoroughly read what you typed before posting. I apologize for the harsh post. It was late, and I had been reading so many negative things around here I was kinda peeved. It was inappropriate of me to do that.
Hi folks,
We just entered our 2nd week caching and are up to 19 finds! :-) I'm working on a puzzle cache and was curious if there are any good software for mapping. Specifically, I wish to mark a point with longitude and latitude, draw a line from a point in a specific direction and with a specific distance, and measure the distance between two points.
Some popular tools are Google Earth, Easy/Expert GPS, GSAK and I am sure there are others. Now, for what you want to do, if you are drawing a line a specific distance, won't you know how far apart the to points are?
More information on what you want to do would be great!
Well heck & darn!! The only one I want is the "Special" gold & silver one. But I do not want to buy three other coins I don't want in order to get in.
So I guess I'm out of luck. Darn.
I too would be interested in only the 'Special" edition. And it looks like this coin isn't for sale anywhere either. Anyone up for a deal/sell/trade for this one?
How long are reviews?
in How do I...?
Posted · Edited by Arndtwe
Make sure the 'enable listing' box has been checked, or it wont even be available for review.