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Everything posted by Arndtwe

  1. Explorist 100. Thumbs Down. You can't connect it to a computer. Yellow, Ok, it will do the job. Summit, It will do the job but you are better off with a Legend if you are thinking about the summit. The compass and altimeter are not handier than the mapping you can do on the Legend (assuming of course you buy maps to do better than the base map). This suggestion is based on what you said you were looking at. Others can give you ideas on other GPSs that you may want to consider. Or, you could always go for the GarminGPSmap60Cx.......
  2. I started this thread to give evryone a chance to show off your geocoins (and pins if you'd like), and to let those who don't have a firm grasp on what they are to learn. So, please, post pictures of your coins! Tell us the name of that coin, and where you got, just give a little background on them, we're all interested. Right now, my collection simply consists of one coin. This is my one coin I purchased this coin online at www.coinsandpins.com, on the day of my 100th find. It has my Geocaching name etched on the back in the custom etching area. I hope to reach 250 finds soon and get my next coin! There is a pin that came with it, but i didn't put a picture up because it looks identical to the coin(and there isn't a pic of just it). This is a picture of the other pin that i own. I got this pin in an FTF cache that i found near my house out in the middle of no where. It was quiet a challenge finding this cache, but it had a great reward Anyway, all that to say, please share your pictures of your coins for our enjoyment, thanks!
  3. not sure what that has to do with what the OP said, but whatever floats your boat...
  4. yes, you can. i use a program called easy GPS. you can find it and many other programs here. the reason i like easy gps is because for what i do (simply load all of the geocaches into my GPS), its very easy to navigate and not confusing. other programs like GSAK can do a number of other things, like filter out caches that you dont want and do a radius of this point ect. so, if all you want to do is load any type of geocache into your GPS, i would go with easy GPS.
  5. i saw this, but none of the links seem to be anything that i should go through for what i want
  6. ha, thanks. do you know where i can contact them?
  7. you misunderstood, this event is NOT a geocaching event. it is an event for the "new life pregnancy center" staff. sorry for that
  8. im doing this event (non-geocaching related), where there will be a scavenger hunt using GPS systems. anyway, since im in charge of doing the hunt, i was thinking that i would set up a few temporary containers. in each container there will be a "token" of sorts(not sure what it will be yet). then, when everyone has completed the all the containers, there will be a winner. i'd like to give out some cool prizes, but i dont want to spend very much money on this. by "cool", i dont mean something like a sticker, i mean something that they can use. well, my whole point of starting this topic is to see if anyone knew exactly where to call or send an email to garmin to ask them to sponsor me(so i could give away some cool prizes). and yes, i did check their official website, but it didnt have any links or anything that i thought was it, maybe i missed it, idont know. so if anyone could help, it would be much appreciated! thanks!
  9. while logged into the forums, at the top left next to your name is a logout button. click this and wait. you are now logged out of the forums. reload the forums and there should be two options at the top in the middle. one of those options is "log in" and the oither is "register". what i would do is push the log in button not the register, and then proceed to log in using your new password. see if this works, if it doesnt, then try logging in by capitalizing the first letter in your password. hope this helps.
  10. you might get a better response in the south and southeast forums, titled something like "Clearwater Florida!".
  11. ha, thats exactly what i call mine. "hey mom, do you know where i put my jips?" haha
  12. if you want to chang the size, just use this code. <font size=your size>your text here</font>. now if want to change more than size, like if you want to chang font size and color, just add them all together, like this:<font size=your size color= your color face= your font>your text here</font>. its very easy to do even though it looks intimidating
  13. like siad before, make sure that HTML is turned on for you cache. you could also use this code on you page: <font face="your font here">your text here</font>
  14. thanks for all the help!!! i will probably just upload it to the GC site, the only reason i asked is because i dont want them to know that the image is on the page. what i mean by this is that i'm going to make a picture that looks like the white background so that it will be very difficult to spot. thats part of the challenge to the puzzle. if i upload it to the page, then it will appear in the gallery, then everyone will know that there is an "invisible" picture. get my drift? thats why i asked if it go through photobucket. once again, thanks for the info!
  15. so, i could also upload the picture to photobucket, copy the URL and insert it. right? from what you just told it sounds like it doesnt have to be uploaded onto GC.com, just somewhere on the internet
  16. i want to make a puzzle cache with a picture that you have to solve in order to get the real coordinates. ive seen people do this before but never knew how. i dont just want to put a picture in the gallery, i want it to appear on the page its self. thanks in advance for any help!
  17. well, first, the picture you want to put on here must already be on the internet somewhere. once you are at the website that the picture is at, copy the URL (web address). then when you want to make your [post with that picture, click the button that has a little tree (right under the text size adjustment), then paste the URL in the box that pops up. and your done.
  18. i use a website called "itsnotabouthtenumbers.com. this place has the best stat generator ive ever seen. it will give you extremely detailed maps of anything, plus tins of different graphs. i would definatly use this place. ive tried cache stats, and its cool, but nothing compared to this.
  19. thats cool. my only question is: did you replace it with something of equal value? just curious........
  20. on the way home from a day of caching today! woohoo i got 10 finds
  21. there's an even faster way! but once again...you have to be a premium member. once you do that though, you can get instant notifications. just go the "my account" page and under "premium features" click on "set up notifications". then fill out the junk and stuff, then when a new cache is placed within the set distance (which you can set to whatever you want) it will send you an email with the a link to the cache page. and there you have it. but, since you're not a premium member you cannot do this, you should sign up!
  22. besides the granular grief that you got, did you mean to say, caches?
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