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Everything posted by Arndtwe

  1. Depends. Since I live in Illinois, we don't get much snow but if we got a lot I would go for any cache no matter how deep the snow if it was the dry kind. When you get into the wet stuff, it gets kinda nasty, I would probably only go into wet stuff up to my waist.
  2. Arndtwe


    Thanks for all the great info!!
  3. Ah ,I see the degrees part now. But as for the .001 minutes = 9.55 feet, that is what my GPS said. I entered two sets of of coords, off by .001 minutes. and it said the distance between them was 9.55 feet. I did not mean to add the "4" to the end, my finger bumped it. Sorry about that. The only way you could get 9.6 feet, is if you changed both the latitude and longitude by .001 minutes. That, of course, would be wrong, because you're basically measuring the diagonal (in plane geometry terms), instead of the length. Prime "Still owns a slide rule and knows how to use it" Suspect All I did was change one by .001. It gave me 9.6 feet. Don't ask me how or why, I'm just telling you what my GPS said. I do not claim any knowledge on the matter, you are probably correct.
  4. Arndtwe


    Sorry, I guess I wasn't very clear in what I am looking for. I would like to know if there is a website with maps of local area, and if the maps would show property boundaries. Lets say I live in Decatur Illinois, I would like to get a map that shows fairly detailed stuff, like areal shots of the area that show houses and such. Does this make sense?
  5. Ah ,I see the degrees part now. But as for the .001 minutes = 9.55 feet, that is what my GPS said. I entered two sets of of coords, off by .001 minutes. and it said the distance between them was 9.55 feet. I did not mean to add the "4" to the end, my finger bumped it. Sorry about that.
  6. Arndtwe


    Can someone give me a website that shows local areas, and who owns them? Something along the lines of a Plat book. This would be most appreciated!!! sorry about the title, it got messed up!
  7. I am guessing that you are using the WGS84 datum. If this is true, then .001= 9.554 feet. at least according to my GPS. Tath is, if you are changing the N (or S) coords. If you change the W (or E) then it's only 5.83 feet. So, like I suggested earlier... there is no need to update them in the first place.
  8. I don't know what .001 deg. translates to in feet but I do know that there is a limit as to how far you are allowed to move a cache without reviewer review. So it looks as though you moved it too many feet. I'm pretty sure it's about 5 feet... bit to the OP, why even change the coords? It's only 5 feet.... most GPS systems are only accurate to 10 feet anyway...
  9. The don't seem to have a problem with revenue. Our subscriptions alone should manage upkeep. Even premium members have to deal with adspace on the website. Plenty of websites have made huge profits from just small subscription fees and adspace alone. And then top that off with their merchandising. Hitchhikers are a core part of this sport. I don't think we should be charged for it. Or at least excessively as we are charged now. No need to have angst, he was only stating the facts, it doesn't mean he agrees with them...
  10. Depends on where you buy, and how many at one time. I bought just a set of well, one and it cost me $3.75. If you buy packs of 5 or more, I think the price drops about a dollar or two per...
  11. Well, I tried copying the audit log URL and then replacing the ID with this cache. It said I do not have proper access to view the audit log. Not surprising really.... must be a secret way to, or maybe the needed info is somewhere else! I guess I'll keep looking.
  12. Well, I tried copying the audit log URL and then replacing the ID with this cache. It said I do not have proper access to view the audit log. Not surprising really.... must be a secret way to, or maybe the needed info is somewhere else! I guess I'll keep looking.
  13. Ha! Very cool! I know that there is no link on others caches, but is there still a way to view others?
  14. That sounds really helpful, but how do you view it? I cannot find that option anywhere in the prperties of the page or in the source info. Can you tell me the process of finding this?
  15. Well, I did some digging this afternoon and after decoding the binary, it gave me a website. I won't give that out, cause the owner probably wouldn't like that... Anyway, after finding his website, I did come across a picture with all the prime numbers on it. However, that is where I am stuck. I can't get past that, nor can I decode the stuff on the cache-page. Can someone provide a link, or a term to search on google, so I can decode that other code (not the binary) on the cache-page?
  16. Check out a website called MacCaching.com (<--link).
  17. Are the software discs included in that price?
  18. You could always just buy a protector for something with a little bigger screen and use a modeling knife to trim it down....
  19. After further investigation on that train tunnel, it would appear that the coordinates are approximately N 44 45.750 W121 13.450 at least according to this map. A sear ch on geocaching.com would conclude that there is not a cache at the site, but there are a few near by. some of those would be: Steelhaed masters, Campbell's corner, River treasure, or you could just see the search results for yourself HERE. Also, after looking through the GALLERY on Steelhead masters, it would appear that this cache is very close to the tunnel.
  20. Here is a map of the area with coordinates too. Do you know where on this map that picture might be? Or do you know the name of that particular area?
  21. Let us know when that is completed................will you? I posted above, but in case you didn't see mine, I have a bookmark of all of the caches in this thread. I am also putting all of the caches I see like this in it. It's called "Really Cool Caches". If you find anymore, post them here or let me know so I can put them in there.
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