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Everything posted by Arndtwe

  1. You should have posted the others on that page as well. Here is another from that same cache.
  2. If I were in your situation, I would go to Geocaching.com and click the "submit a cache" link. From here you can type up a description, put in the coordinates, name it, choose it's size and difficulty, put in your hints and such. Then when you are done editing the page, just un-check the box that says "Yes, this listing is active (For new listings, if you want to work on this listing before it is reviewed, uncheck this box. Reviewers will only see the listing in the queue when it is checked.)" that way it will not go in for review. When the construction is done, go to your account and select the cache you made, then select it to go into review.
  3. That becomes a "Team Account" and represents the work of all members of the larger team. So long as the Team has found the caches that account's infomation is accurate for the Team. Any one member would of course have found less caches than the team they belong too. They may or may not log under their own account. As long as you know it's a team account there is no harm. Especiallly since there is no way for individual members to form a team through another method (and have the site automaticly count up the team totals). Did I miss something here? So you say that it's okay for only some of a teams members to find caches andlog them, but it is still the effort of the whole team? I'm not sure I understand this. According to the "bolded" statement, it's a "team" effort. If some of the team is not there, then the "team" should not log those finds. Yes, the individuals can, but not the team account. Furthermore, if for some weird reason one of the people in that team does not have their own account, then they should wait until each member of the team has successfully found that particular cache before that "team" logs a find.
  4. I don't know if I really want to get involved, but it's too late by this point. For the OP's sake, I would say, leave it alone! What do you care if the CD's are copies if you are not going to buy it? Let the buyer use HIS(or hers) discretion. You don't have to be the GPS garage sale police. Now, I would have to say it was not the smartest thing in the world to announce that you were selling copies. You may not have said it, but you didn't need to with the pictures you posted. If I were you, I would not have advertised that. I may have sent a personal notwe to anyone interested in purchasing so that they would know what they are getting. Just FYI, I would have no hesitation in buying the product listed here if I had the money. As long as I knew they were good. To the OP. If I were you in this exact situation (which I would not have put myself in) I would request this thread to be closed, wait a certain amount of time, whether it be a week, month, or however long then make a "sockpupet" account and re-list this with new pictures taken in a different room of your house. Also, make sure there are no direct pictures of the software and only mention that it comes with it, not that it is copied. Best of luck to you all!!!
  5. Is there something on that site that indicates that the coordinates are not WGS84? If so, I missed it. Oh, sorry, I guess I always refer to the format HDDD MM.MMM WGS84 when in reality, that is only a form of WGS84. I guess what I was looking for is the standard format, the same one that Geocaching.com uses. Correct me if I'm wrong (again). I "think" I understand how all this works. Sorry if I don't make any sense.
  6. Yes, Google is my friend. But I already did a search and came up with that website. The problem is, I would have to convert each individual states coordinates to WGS84 datum, which would take a very long time. I am still doing Google searches, but am coming up empty with the datum I want. I am going to continue until I find it, But it would be nice to see others results as well.
  7. Preferably WGS84 coordinate datum...
  8. Anyone know of a website to get all 50 states coordinates to their geographical center? I thought this would be another fun little "game" to play and try to go to as many as I can and do Geocaching along the way.
  9. Just curious if anyone knows the max number of gigs on an SD card the Nuvi200W can take. For instance. My Palm PDA can only take a gig, I did not know that until I had bought a 2 gig... I do not want to make the same mistake again when I get my Nuvi. Anyone know?
  10. Here is a picture. push Push "selected types:" then any cache type accept Wherigo...
  11. When making a query, when it asks you what types, most people say any. Select the box that says selected only, then select all of them accept Wherigo caches. Hope this helps.
  12. Ahh, the joys of spring geocaching......
  13. Wow, no one knows anything?
  14. I think this is a great idea, not only for the 60CSx, but for all of the units. This would come in handy on my GPSMAP76...
  15. No one?
  16. I just a question about the Mio H610. As with most automotive GPS systems, the view is a "birdseye" view opposed to a "satellite" view. What I mean by these definitions is: birdseye- a view that is sort of an angle from the back of your location. satellite view: A view that is perpendicular to the earths surface. My question is: Does the Mio H610 have a mode that you can switch to view (my definition of..) satellite view?
  17. For under $300 I'd go with the GarminGPSMAP60Cx. If you do your research on Garmin's website you can easily choose the GPS you want, then go buy it from a local hobby store or online from a GPS retailer... If you don't know any of the GPS "lingo" or are unsure about any of the stated features, just chime back in here and we will all do our best to help you out!
  18. Did I miss the point? Why do you care if it says that you edited this post? Are you self conscious about such things?
  19. Isn't a Glock 23 (or 20) a handheld weapon?
  20. briansnat, are you saying that one doesn't need Cachemate, only GSAK to get info to Palm? Also, I just use the Magellan software to copy my waypoints to the GPSr, is there advantage to using GSAK to do this? Last week I dropped my Zire 71 into my slurpee (my policy up to THAT day was to never get lids for the slurpee, waste of plastic) and now my zire is dead. (it made really odd noises) anyhow, I have a T3 now. I was using plucker and spinner, but found them really clumsy to update. Oh, next time I get a slurpee, I'll get a lid too.. No, he is simply saying that you do not need to use the PDB converter that comes with Cachemate in order to get the info to your Palm. GSAK can do that. CacheMate is a Palm or Window mobile based program that "sorts out" the GPX info, then displays it in a user friendly way. Without it, you would not be able to read the info. All GSAK does is send it to CacheMate. Personally, I like to team up EasyGPS and the CMconverter to load my PQ's... I do not think there is an advantage to using GSAK to load to your GPS. In fact, the software that comes with it is probably the best, since it was designed specifically for that unit (or brand).
  21. On the toolbar, there is a button that is a "+" sign and says "add". click this and it will let you add waypoints.
  22. Do you still have the coordinates in GPS? If so, go to geocaching.com and do a coordinate search, that will give you the cache you want.
  23. It's been rumored that Gary Larson, the Far Side comic writer is a geocacher. Not sure how accurate that is...
  24. CacheMate on Palm Tungsten T3. Currently running Palm OS, but soon hope to start running Linux.
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