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Everything posted by fraggle_[DE]

  1. Updating the personal notes is what I would not prefer. Usually my personal notes are filled with information regarding the cache and I have my own format. An automatically added information like coordinates would not fit and I would have to edit it. If you need the final coordinates in your personal notes I would suggest to copy them right before or after using the geochecker and paste them into the personal notes.
  2. There was an update to the message center on October 30th, see release note. There are a few known problems, e.g. regarding the lost owner name.
  3. Hi balloni55, ja, auch die bereits geloggten Funde würden künftig nur noch als D4,5 aufgelistet werden.
  4. I've just gave it short try on one of my myserties. I know it's a first basic version, but I've noted two things not mentioned up to now: Firstly: the checker is very huge and its design cannot be changed. So it looks like being out of place compared to the rest of my listing. It doesn't even center if the rest of the listing text is centered. (or is there a way to do this which I don't know yet?) And secondly: the captchas. I don't like them. They are used so often, and I always have to solve several pages of picture puzzles of roads, road signs, roads with cars, roads without cars, cars without roads, .. *grumble* .. summarized: they are annoying. It would be interesting to hear more opinions, especially about the second point.
  5. In case the attempts are connected with the account names: can the CO see who used the checker? If not, it's perfectly fine, because I do not want such a feature.
  6. Hi mapedu, don't search on the four map pieces. There should be a fifth souvenir called "The Lost Treasure of Mary Hyde". (Wenn ihr alle vier Kartenteile habt, sollte in eurer Souvenirliste ein weiteres Souvenir auftauchen namens "The Lost Treasure of Mary Hyde". Darauf bezieht sich die Codewortsuche.) greetings, fraggle
  7. That describes exactly the same procedure I use for my mystery caches. I do not change the coordinates for others, but for myself for easier mainentance.
  8. Today I also discovered that I no longer can edit the coordinates of my own caches and now searched the forums for any information regarding this topic. I also need this feature for my caches and wonder why it was removed (maybe unintended?)? Unfortunately I've already entered the final coordinates for a cache weeks ago, and now I need to change them because the final location changed. It would be helpful to get any information. Greetings, fraggle
  9. Nicht funktionierende Icons habe ich auch ab und zu. Meist beim zu schnellen Rein-/Rauszoomen. Ich klicke dann immer links in der Filterliste irgendein Icon an (aktivieren und/oder deaktivieren), dann werden auf der Karte alle Icons neu geladen und funktionieren. Was besseres habe ich bisher nicht gefunden, aber ich komme zurecht damit. p.s. Manchmal ist der klickbare Bereich einfach nur verschoben und leicht neben dem Icon. Probiere das mal aus.
  10. Manchmal gibt es die Infos nur per PM/Mail, ohne sie mit dem Forum zu teilen..
  11. Mmm, this may be a stupid question.. but what is this feature good for? The name of the companion can also be written per keyboard and may be as fast as this feature. On the other hand why should I want to know if someone is mentioning my user name in a log?
  12. Hello, I just had a quick look at the new log page (but didn't log something) and got a few comments: - It needs more time to load. Pleeease, whyy? - There is no preview function any longer? How do I know what my text looks like? Send it first, then edit? - Favorite hearts are now green on the log page, but blue on the rest of the pages? This seems inconsistent. - Why don't always show the TB list? If necessary the 'Post' button can be moved above the TB-list - NM: what if 2 or more options are needed? - for what do I need the travelled distance under the TBs? greetings, fraggle
  13. Hi Winne2, auf der Blechplakette steht die 'Tracking Number'. Gib diese ein bei: https://www.geocaching.com/track/ Dann wirst du auch auf die Seite des Trackables geleitet und kannst ihn loggen. (Die TB-Nummer steht dann auch auf der Trackablesseite, aber du benötigst sie nicht zum Loggen.) Grüße, fraggle
  14. If something is damaged and prevents me from getting to the logsheet or next statiom, I log a 'Needs Maintenance'. If I am just unable to solve the puzzle, I log nothing and try again later or, at the very most, log a note. But I would never log a DNF. DNF means 'did not find'. But I found it and just am unable to log because of one of the above two reasons.
  15. The only thing you can do is wait for an official announcement. Everything else is just speculation.
  16. Thanks for beta testing new features! (Although I will never use the "sort list" feature and I'm missing the descriptions.) Two questions from my side: - Is there a reason, why the "Ignore List" is listed as a separate link obove the "List Management List"? For me an "Ignore List" is still a list. - And second, is it really necessary to mention "Your lists are available on the Geocaching® App."? I mean, it is ok to mention this fact in the "Help" section or in a "latest changes" info. But if one is surfing via PC/Laptop this hint is nearly useless. And if one is using the Geocaching App, he propably might noticed it yet. And even even better would be a way to move *any* cache from one list to another. Either selected by cache type, found or archived status or selected manually.
  17. Meine Mail zum zweiten Souvenir kam gestern bereits an. Oder werden die nicht alle gleichzeitig verschickt?
  18. Laut des englischsprachigen Forums kannst du eine Mail an GS schicken und wirst daraufhin die Mail bekommen. GC-Forum Viele Grüße, fraggle
  19. Hello M+R-YVR, connect the Garmin to your computer. You then can find the geocaches in the path GARMIN\Garmin\GPX. The GCxxxxx.gpx files are the cache information. Just delete them and they won't show up anymore. Greetings, fraggle
  20. How does markdown prevent you from writing long logs? I rarely use any formatting in my logs and my average word count is about 50 words. (not really that huge, but also not 4 as in 'tftc')
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