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Everything posted by Divine

  1. Hehee, I think you're right. This forum section should probably be called Nordic Countries then, or something. Though I really don't care if it's Scandinavia or not. - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  2. Vaikka tätä foorumia ehkä nyt lukeekin enimmäkseen ne, joilla GPS-vastaanotin jo on, ajattelin herätellä hieman keskustelua niiden hinnoista täällä Suomessa. Kuten suurin osa varmaan tietääkin, ovat laitteet usein jopa yli 2 kertaa kalliimpia kuin USAssa. Halvin, minkä olen nähnyt, oli jossain HongKongin mainoksessa joku Magellanin perusmalli (en nyt muista tarkemmin) 199 €. Myös muut Euroopan maat tuntuvat olevan melkein yhtä kalliita kuin Suomi, tai eivät ainakaan ratkaisevasti halvempia. Sfnet.harrastus.retkeily -uutisryhmässä jonkun erä- ja kalastusliikkeen omistaja voivotteli, että ei voi mitään, maahantuojien hinnat ovat ne mitä ovat, eikä huimat hintaerot ainakaan paikallisten jälleenmyyjien katteissa ole. Joku toinen spekuloi korkeita hintoja sillä, että markkinat ovat täällä niin pienet ja maahantuojien vastuulla on suomentaa valikkotekstit ja käyttöohjeet. Nämä, kuten kaikki logistiikka-, verotus- ym. syyt epäilemättä vaikuttavat hintoihin jollain tapaa, mutta että kaksinkertaistavat ne? Tietääkö/arveleeko joku muita syitä hintaeroihin USAn ja Suomen/Euroopan välillä? Sellainen temppu kuulemma toimii, että tilaa laitteen USAsta netin kautta luottokortilla, ja laittaa toimitusosoitteeksi jonkun paikallisen kaverinsa. Kaveri sitten lähettää vehkeen postipakettina Suomeen, ja kirjoittaa paketin päälle 'gift', 'present' tms. jolloin paketista ei lahjana mene tullimaksuja tai veroja. Näinhän ei tietenkään saa tehdä. Toinen vaihtoehto on tietty pyytää jotain USAssa käyvää tuttua ostamaan matkaltaan GPS:n, tai lähteä itse lomalle Ameriikkaan. Olen varma, että halvemmilla GPS-hinnoilla Suomessa olisi enemmän kysyntää laitteille. Tuntuu järjettömältä maksaa 300 € laitteesta, joka jossain muualla maksaa alle puolet siitä - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. [This message was edited by Divine on January 30, 2003 at 02:40 AM.]
  3. En vielä ihan tähän hätään oo tilaamassa. Ajattelin kyllä liittyä premium-jäseneksi tässä jossain vaiheessa ja samalla voisi tilata niitä travelbug -lätkiäkin. Toisaalta, jos aion TB:n laittaa liikkeelle, pitäisi minun siihen keksiä ensin kunnon idea. Ja kun en oo noita kätköjäkään itse vielä kuin yhden laittanut, niin ehkä keskityn siihen nyt tässä vaiheessa... Katsellaan. - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  4. quote:Originally posted by Captain_Morgan&Family:Instead when someone starts a new thread, there could be some keyword in the beginning of the subject, for example, FIN:, SWE:, NOR:, DAN:, ICE: or something like that which indicates the language used in that thread. I second that idea. Very good, Morgan! Although, in most cases you see the language used just by reading the topic. And it's pretty easy just to open the thread and check the language there. But using the keywords is very polite to other language speaking cachers - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  5. quote:Originally posted by Mopar:Yeah, alot of people are going to say thats going to far, just delete it, but I prefer to be a bit nicer. There have been a few examples posted here when it wasnt handled so nicely, and next thing you know, they or their friends are deleting your finds from their logs out of spite. Then caches start getting plundered, and it stops being fun. That's one of the most intelligent single posts I've read in a while. I would put this message under the 'adda-boy' topic, but I feel too lazy just now. - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  6. quote:Originally posted by Nobonis & Bump:Should this cache log be delete. Since they didn't find the cache just a empty 5 gallon bucket. What would you do? Well, they didn't find the real cache, so it can't be a find, can it? I'd delete the log and mail them a polite message explaining that the cache is still there with the travel bug and they are welcome to come search for it again. If I were them, I'd understand. Hope they didn't come from very far away to find your cache. - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  7. quote:Originally posted by Gustaf: I think it's unfair to write about my site in finnish. I'm getting curious Ooh, it's your site? Cool! I didn't know that and Captain Morgan already pointed out what it was about I wrote here, so sorry about that. It's very good site, I've dropped there every now and then since I've found it. Thanks for the Finnish stats. Nästa gången jag ska använda bara Svenska när jag skriver om din sajten, ok? - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  8. quote:Originally posted by Captain_Morgan&Family:Onko teillä tiedossa muita ? Tää ei ole suomalainen, mutta täällä on tilastoja myös Suomesta. http://www.geocaching.info.se (ei toimi Netscapen 4.79:llä, mutta ainakin IE6:sta ylöspäin) Suomalaisten joukossa ei muuten näy Captain Morgania, mikä johtuu FAQ:n mukaan siitä, ettei mukaan ole otettu niitä, joilla yli 60% löydöistä on locationless-kätköjä (mikäs olisi hyvä suomennos tuolle?) tai ulkomaisia löytöjä. Ylläpitäjälle voi kuitenkin ilmoittaa asiasta, ja hän lupaa liittää tällaiset tapaukset mukaan seuraavassa päivityksessä. Olikin pitänyt meilata tuosta sulle Olli, mutten oo muistanut, mutta tulipahan perille näinkin. (Ellet sitten jo ennestään tiennyt näistä sivuista. - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  9. Oops, didn't post my Swedish language message right after I wrote it, instead went to lunch. When I came back I noticed that Captain Morgan had already enlightened the approval matter. Thanks for that. I agree with Captain Morgan that the cache descriptions should always be at least in English. If there's an optional language as well, it's ok. I know a bit German and Swedish, but I'd sure like to seek some caches in different countries in my future trips and it would be sad if I couldn't understand the description - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. [This message was edited by Divine on January 29, 2003 at 02:27 AM.]
  10. quote:Originally posted by Jyrki&SariBTW, du och andra skandinaviska cachare, har du märkt att när man lägger in en ny cache på sajten så tar det längre än vanligt att den verkligen syns och har blivit "approved". Vet du vad detta kan bero på? Vem är de som får "approva"? Charter members? Originally posted by Gustaf: Nya cacher godkänns av en liten kommitté på några få personer. De har delat upp vissa länder mellan sig, beroende på att alla inte kan/förstår alla språk. Jag antar att någon "approver" förstår nordiska språk, men jag vet inte. Är det någon annan som vet? (Tyvärr min svenska är ganska dålig, alltså ursäkta mig min felen..) Jag har också märkt at det tar längre här att godkänna nya cacher. Jag har just lagt in min första cachen i Tammerfors, Finland och när jag väntade för 'approval' såg jag att många Amerikanska cachen, som hade lagt in på samma dagen, hade redan godkänts. Det kan inte alltid vara därför att de måste ha några som kan tala nordiska språk. De flesta av åtminstone Finska cachen är på Engelska. Alltså fast alla 'approverna' förstår visst Engelska. Också min nya cache är endast på Engleska. Trots det blev det godkänt mycket senare än några andra cachen från samma dagen jag hittade - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  11. quote:Originally posted by pepperpot:It seems that the ETrex range is half the price in the US as it is over here. Same thing here in Finland. Dunno why, maybe because of the smaller market, but all GPS units cost twice or more as much as in the US. I got mine with a little help from my American friend (who's living here). I ordered an eTrex Venture from Amazon via the link in geocaching.com, paid with a credit card and addressed it to my friend's mom in Oregon. She repacked it and sent it in an insured package labelled as 'gift' to my friend, who gave it to me. Costs: $149 for eTrex, free shipping in the US, about $20 postal costs to friend's mom. No customs fees nor taxes.. Compared to Finnish prices it was a very good deal. I bet they'd sell much more GPSrs here if the prices were lower - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  12. quote:Originally posted by Jamie Z:After using the http://img.Groundspeak.com/user/7917_1400.jpg avater for far too long, I actually received a couple of complaints and requests to change it. I was even tiring of it myself. I kept seeing that guy and thinking it was really me. Scary. Hehe, I too thought it was really you. But I hope you didn't take it as a complaint when I pointed out it looked like a character from Dark Angel. Your new pic is cool anyway. Reminds me of my visit to New Orleans. Though I didn't have kisses from other people than my wife. But what is that reading in the girls glass? Huge @$$? My avatar...just a result of playing with Photoshop. Pasted a printout of that picture outside my office room (I work as a researcher in the university), but in a week someone had removed it. Maybe someone at my work doesn't like horny guys. ; - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  13. quote:Originally posted by Jamie Z:After using the http://img.Groundspeak.com/user/7917_1400.jpg avater for far too long, I actually received a couple of complaints and requests to change it. I was even tiring of it myself. I kept seeing that guy and thinking it was really me. Scary. Hehe, I too thought it was really you. But I hope you didn't take it as a complaint when I pointed out it looked like a character from Dark Angel. Your new pic is cool anyway. Reminds me of my visit to New Orleans. Though I didn't have kisses from other people than my wife. But what is that reading in the girls glass? Huge @$$? My avatar...just a result of playing with Photoshop. Pasted a printout of that picture outside my office room (I work as a researcher in the university), but in a week someone had removed it. Maybe someone at my work doesn't like horny guys. ; - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  14. +15°C / 59°F This is as warm as it gets in Finland, so we'll start here. People in Spain wear winter-coats and gloves. The Finns are out in the sun, getting a tan. +10°C / 50°F The French are trying in vain to start their central heating. The Finns plant flowers in their gardens. +5°C / 41°F Italian cars won't start, The Finns are cruising in cabriolets. 0°C / 32°F Distilled water freezes. The water in Vantaa river (in Finland) gets a little thicker. -5°C / 23°F People in California almost freeze to death. The Finns have their final barbecue before winter. -10°C / 14°F The Brits start the heat in their houses. The Finns start using long sleeves. -20°C / -4°F The Aussies flee from Mallorca. The Finns end their Midsummer celebrations. Autumn is here. -30°C / -22°F People in Greece die from the cold and disappear from the face of the earth. The Finns start drying their laundry indoors. -40°C / -40°F Paris start cracking in the cold. The Finns stand in line at the hotdog stands. -50°C / -58°F Polar bears start evacuating the North Pole. The Finnish army postpones their winter survival training awaiting real winter weather. -60°C / -76°F Korvatunturi (the home for Santa Claus) freezes. The Finns rent a movie and stay indoors. -70°C / -94°F The false Santa moves south. The Finns get frustrated since they can't store their Kossu (Koskenkorva vodka) outdoors. The Finnish army goes out on winter survival training. -183°C / -297.4°F Microbes in food don't survive. The Finnish cows complain that the farmers' hands are cold. -273°C / -459.4°F ALL atom-based movent halts. The Finns start saying "Perkele, it's cold outside today." -300°C / -508°F Hell freezes over, Finland wins the Eurovision Song Contest ...And we just keep on caching - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  15. When difficulty rating on certain caches drop from ***** to ** because you don't need special equipment like boats to get to the spot. Just walk there. - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  16. Hrm... I think the coldest day I was out hunting was about -25. - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  17. In Finnish the ski boots/shoes are generally called 'monos', Mono being originally a ski boot manufacturer. Dish- or kitchen cloths are often called Wettexes. - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  18. quote:Originally posted by Jamie Z:Well, just to set the story straight, my avatar is _not_ me Yeah, I kinda figured that after seeing your profile pic. Funny, the avatar and Dark Angel's Normal do look the same guy. However, if the real you shows up here in Finland some day, let me know, so we could meet anyway. - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  19. Hmmm...lots of interesting people on forums here to meet, and most people writing here seem to be US citizens. It would be nice to meet at least Mike from Texas and Dinoprophet from Michigan, since I've talked to both of them via e-mail. And of course Lazyboy & Mitey Mite, since I'd really want to visit a place called Butte Falls But who I really would like to meet face to face is Jamie, 'cause I'd like to see if he resembles in real life the character called Normal in the show Dark Angel as much as it looks like in his avatar picture (Well, to be honest, the guy in the picture on the profile page doesn't look like Normal at all ) Anyway, happy holidays for everyone I've been lucky to run across during this short time of geocaching I've gone in for. And for everyone else too, of course Leaving for Thailand tomorrow and hoping to find at least one geocache there - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body.
  20. This cache obviously uses already vandalized handrail as a clue to the next stop of a multicache in imho pretty cool way. Must go for that cache before they fix the handrail! Little did Sepi know that his scribbles in the park were to become an important clue for some people's hobby. - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  21. quote:Originally posted by Tonsil:I think once a word becomes a generally accepted part of language, the tendency is to not capitalize it. As not being native English speaker I'm not sure about the English rules on that, but at least in Finnish language the rule is like you said. When the word is not used as a proper noun any more, it shouldn't be capitalized. That probably goes for most languages. Of course, in German language all nouns are capitalized, but I believe even there 'markwellen' as a verb would be written in lower case. - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  22. quote:Originally posted by Lazyboy & Mitey Mite:You have found a total of FOUR caches and want to report me to the proper authorities?? Aww, how's that for welcoming us newbies to the sport? How many found/hidden caches you consider enough for being 'allowed' to discuss in forums? As it has already been pointed, there are LOTS of caches out there hidden and left by tourists, and worrying about their condition is at least a good question. In my opinion, tourist resort caches are a good thing, a little spice to your vacation trips, perhaps. If there's no local maintaining, we're all responsible to check the condition of the cache (hide exposed containers better, pour the water out, replace non-working pens etc). Just like things you wish people would treat your local caches when they visit them. quote:Why don't you just enjoy yourself instead of becoming chief of the anal police? Is there an anal police department in Butte Falls? (Yeah, I know how it's pronounced, but when there's a pun to tamper...) - All you need is a sick mind and a healthy body. -
  23. quote:Originally posted by leatherman:Why would any responsible cache hider post coordinates that were not exact!? I just found an interesting combined cache at Valkeakoski, Finland which consisted of multi, micro, webcam and offset cache. One point was to go to coordinates that were inaccurate, and once there you had to figure where the webcam is. This was pretty nice way to include otherwise imho quite boring and unchallenging webcam caches to the hunt
  24. Was going to buy the yellow one, but asked older geocachers for advice 1st and someone convinced me to buy Venture. Small increase in the price for more features. I've been very happy with my new toy
  25. quote:Originally posted by KD9KC:If you have the chance, thank a vet. Any vet. Any country. It applies everywhere. And we thank you for your support. Thank you, Vietnamese vets. Thanks Somalian vets. Thank you German vets. You too Russian vets. And you, Afghan vets. Yeah, and you too, Alamo vets. And our Finnish vets. US vets too. And Japanese vets. Iraqi vets. Not forgetting you, Roman, Spartan and Persian vets. And the vets from Athens. Thank you vets. Thank you for defeding your country from the evil enemy. Without you I wouldn't be able to write this message here right now. Thanks! quote:Citizens of this land may own guns. Not to threaten their neighbors, but to ensure themselves of liberty and freedom. They are not assault weapons anymore... they are HOMELAND DEFENSE WEAPONS! Hmm...I want a gun too! I'd like to have even more liberty and freedom. Name suggestion for the travel bug: Why not call it just simply "9/11". It's all about the sad day, but doesn't focus on the location of the attacks.
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