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Everything posted by happycycler

  1. GOOD JOB GEO*Trailblazer 1!! However I do not get to the second mark that you refer to when I look at JC0856 I am very impressed with your persistance on Tavern Rock Reset though!! Way To Go Guy!! And thank you very much for setting up these Event Caches. I only got to two of them but, I certainly did enjoy them! I hope that others will participate along the trail West and back again.
  2. I bought an old golf iron at Goodwill ($2 or $3), cut off the club head and epoxied a piece of a bolt in the shaft. Then I sharpened the bolt end somewhat and added a handlebar grip. That keeps me from bending this old back. It only works in soft ground though -- preferable in nice farmland after a rain.
  3. A great find BDT!! Interesting history comes with that triangulation station. Keep on finding these interesting ones for us to enjoy. I don't know of anything older that 1871 around my location. Also the ones that old that I have logged have all been intersection stations.
  4. Well if the NGS history should indicate that the disk is missing, then I would log it as a find. Otherwise I use a note on Geocaching and a *FOUND IN POOR CONDITION* if I submit to NGS. I think that it is helpful to explain what you found and less important whether you log it as a find, a DNF or a note.
  5. right behind you with 20
  6. Nice refinement sbolish -- thank you.
  7. I would log it with a note explaining what was found. However others may well use different methods.... That appears to be a very rich area for survey points! Many marks within a mile.
  8. YAY for Rogbarn! Thanks guy!
  9. Although not as old as the ones that you found, I am excited about visiting JD0295 (VERSAILLES N BASE) 1880 by CGS (MONUMENTED) this past weekend. This is the oldest marker (in contrast to landmark / intersection stations) that I was the first GeoCacher to log!
  10. Been Found Dead??
  11. The AA series near St. Louis, MO fits Zhanna's theory in that they are 1989 & later. There also a few AI, AJ and AC around here that are post 1990. The 2000 MO center of population disk (NGS listing only) is DE6442 though.... I suspect that the folks who post here could nearly fill out the U.S. map with the pre-1990 designations. Starting with Zhana's map & extending it. The letter series from elcamino appear that they would fit in nicely....
  12. JB @ N38, W089; JC @ N38,W090 & N38, 091; JD @ N38, W092; KC @ N39,W090 & N39,W091; would seem to connect one of Colorado Papa's (JG) with Zhanna's array. VERY CLEVER Zhanna and the rest of you!!
  13. TresOkies -- Welcome to bunchmark hunting! The URL for benchmarks on the geocaching site is: http://www.geocaching.com/mark/ I input your coordinates into the benchmark search on the www.geocaching.com website but did not see your BLM mark. Not all survey marks are in the NGS database for a variety of reasons. (The geocaching database is a sub-set of the NGS database.) Closest mark in GeoCaching: ========================== FK0549 5.8mi W GREBE OK triangulation station disk N 35° 14.857 W 098° 39.972 (NAD 83) Altitude: 1639 Designation: GREBE I also input your coordinates into the NGS site with similar results. Closest marks in NGS: =================== |Dist|PID...|H V|Vert_Source|Approx.|Approx..|Stab|Designation |----|------|- -|-----------|-------|--------|----|----------- | 8.9|FK0547|1 .|29/VERT ANG|N351529|W0982437|....|ALBERT | 9.2|FK0640|B .|88/GPS OBS.|N351726|W0984244|B...|COWDEN | 5.8|FK0549|1 3|29/LEVELING|N351451|W0983958|....|GREBE | 9.0|FK0140|. 2|88/ADJUSTED|N350624|W0983617|D...|H 31 | 9.2|FK0141|. 2|88/ADJUSTED|N350617|W0983610|C...|J 31 | 8.5|FK0142|. 2|88/ADJUSTED|N350644|W0983511|D...|K 31 | 9.1|FK0143|. 2|88/ADJUSTED|N350606|W0983302|C...|L 31 | 9.4|FK0144|. 2|88/ADJUSTED|N350618|W0983042|C...|M 31 | 5.0|FK0548|1 .|29/VERT ANG|N351526|W0982850|....|STURM Many of us have found survey marks that are not in teh geocaching database. For those we can enjoy the find but there is currently no place to log our finds. You might look at the page for PID FK0549 (GREBE) to see where many of us start our searches. The URL is: http://www.geocaching.com/mark/details.aspx?PID=FK0549
  14. YES!!!!! Congrats Trailblazer on this find. BTW I am glad that you have a new camera also, since I enjoy your photos of the great things that you locate! Keep up the GREAT WORK!
  15. Nice tortoise pix. Thank you John & Shirley, I do have a couple of caches that I archived after they fell prey to the muggles.
  16. Thank you Shirley & John for a great idea. I may use that sometime. My website is on Yahoo.GeoCities and they won't let me use it as a server for pix for these forums.
  17. Very different! I would tend to agree that would apply to that one. Thank you for sharing that one.
  18. CONGRATS!!!!!!!! Great finds and great pix!
  19. Sounds completely normal to me blindleader! And I am not a surveyer -- just a benchmark hunter.
  20. Well they do generally come as a pair. The bolt is susposedly accessed via the pipe cap. However the caps are attached tightly and I never attempt to remove them. An interesting variation is KC0118 where only the bolt made it into the GeoCaching database. (The cap is listed in NGS but with no description.) I submitted a note to NGS telling them that the description for the bolt will lead you to the cap -- something that I am sure every surveyer already knows.
  21. Yeah! I like to search for pipe caps. There are many listed in the St. Louis, MO area -- but I have only found a few. Many around here are river survey markers. I guess that my favorite is JC0574 as it is still in good shape and has a date (1903). Also it is on the Memphis Datum. Two more: KC0151 KC0146 A USGS pipe cap that did make it into the NGS database -- after adjustment I assume form comparison of disk stamping and the published elevation: JC0420
  22. Congrats. on a nice find, nice pix and documentation. You might consider submitting your find to NGS with your updated description. GOOD JOB!
  23. GOOD ONE rogbarn!!! You find the most interesting "stuff"! And the great thing is that you let NGS know so that they can make corrections. Way To Go!!
  24. Several P 98s in the GC database but I did not see any RESET 1948. The photos do not show much use or abuse. Maybe never set?
  25. Some similar markings are found on: JB1220 that I found a while back. I don't see any reason for repeating the elevation tho.... Someone with too much time on their hands?
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