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Dark Elf

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Everything posted by Dark Elf

  1. Looook what was in my mailbox today The goodies for George (he loves them) The coins A "Geocachers day" in antic gold and an "All in one 2009" with my name engraved There were even little cakes for George And here is all together. Thanks for this great package sterni P.S. I'm waiting for a special coin to send with my mission, so it will go out in the mid of august
  2. Dark Elf

    MWGB Egg

    Would love to get an egg and do the dance , but i have never seen any of these coin, but one Hope Matilda will appear soon Great cointest idea
  3. Danke Dark Elf. Sag, kam irgendwas? Wie, wo, was kam? Ach... nichts Ich versteh nur Bahnhof Muss an der fortgeschrittenen Uhrzeit liegen
  4. Danke Dark Elf. Sag, kam irgendwas? Wie, wo, was kam?
  5. Congrats to the winners Herzlichen Glückwunsch sterni Der Fisch is wirklich toll Danke für den Cointest Thanks for the cointest P.S: If you don't want your blue Anthus Laptop anymore i would take it
  6. Can't wait to get to know who is the lucky winner
  7. Don't drink and drive! 2.) Maybe $1,99
  8. Don't drink and drive! 7.) 8 geocoins?
  9. Great idea, but i posted it already...because....it...IS a beautiful coin :laughing:
  10. Another guess... Myabe the Girona Fire Salamander Geocoin.......i see this coin the first time...never saw it before, but...
  11. I am grateful for another person. It's my diabetes-doctor since i was 6 years old. He was doctor in the hospital as diabetes was diagnosed in my fall. At this time he cares about me and told me everything about diabetes. One year later he opened is own doctor's office as good as 50 Km from my hometown. Because he was a very good doctor my parents (i was 7 years old at this time) decided to go with him and choosed him as my doctor. Then the time came, where the puberty began and i had these special "nothing is important" mood and so i had big problems with my diabetes. After my datas were getting bad and more bad everytime my doctor controlled them (the value they measure is called Hba1c and it shows how good or bad i handled my diabetes in the last months), he told me about discipline and that i would not do it for him or for any other person than me. He made me clear, that it would be my damage in the future and that, if i would not care about my diabetes right, i would not get very old. Next time my Hba1c was not better then before and he gave me a last chance, otherwise he could not longer take care about me as my doctor because his doctors office was not specialised for diabetes. And what he did next was totally surprising for me: He did not get angry because of my bad values...he offered me, that i could e-mail him my diabetes-values every weekend and he would look at them and tell me every week what i can do better. Now we do this for as good as 1 year and my Hba1c is not perfect, but i can stay at his doctors office Even now (he is on Mallorca for three weeks in holiday), he answers my e-mail every weekend and helps me to deal with my diabetes. I can`t say how grateful i am for such a great doctor...althoug he is much much older than me he is more a friend than a doctor and he does much more than a normal doctor would do for one of his patients. Even if my english is not that good, i hope you all can understand what i'm trying to say
  12. Congrats River Cacher I must say that I'm a liiiittle bit jealous :D
  13. Hey...isn`t this cheating? I think mind-control is not allowed! :D I still believe it will be the Nocturnal Dark_Elf will stop guessinggggggggggggggg Dark_Elf will stop guessinggggggggggggggg Dark_Elf will stop guessinggggggggggggggg Dark_Elf will stop guessinggggggggggggggg Dark_Elf will stop guessinggggggggggggggg There that takes care of that . LOL I'm immune for mind control, so that doesn`t work Or maybe it will be the cache critter, because it's a very nice coin and the winner would love it
  14. Lights on! 2. What was the amount of postage on the Envelope? $1.95
  15. Lights on! 2. What was the amount of postage on the Envelope? $1.95
  16. Or maybe it's the Spinning Top Geocoin and maybe it's black nickel or silver I had one, but i traded it away, but i want want want one of them again, because i love the way it's spinning around and around and around And it's a good way to choose the next cache :D
  17. Hey...isn`t this cheating? I think mind-control is not allowed! :D I still believe it will be the Nocturnal
  18. Another thing i am grateful for is this awesome community...i'm not that long here, but what i saw here is simply awesome. People help others and make great gifts and they want nothing in return. They simply do it because others need a little thing that makes them smile after a bad day. The generousity and the sympathy in this forum are simply great. You all rock anf thatfor i am grateful
  19. I want want want want want this coin ;) I`m grateful for a lot of thing, too. One of the things is my great family, which always cares about me and helps me in difficult situations and gives me a lot of strength Thanks for the cointest Jay, hope things go better for you soon.
  20. I think it will be the Nocturnal, beacause it`s such a beautiful coin, that the lucky winner would sing and dance and would do crazy things because he`s so lucky
  21. Lights on! i`ve a question: Can i take one of my coins, whick had an other mission before and now name it "Todies Wild Ride....." and release it again as one of the Todies Wild Ride coins? Hope you understand what i mean
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