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Dark Elf

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Everything posted by Dark Elf

  1. LOL Great minds think alike!!! Happy Birthday Dark Elf!! HEY...IT'S NOT MY BIRTHDAY ....IT's MY FATHERS! Seems like my english is soooo bad, that it was opaque:(
  2. I'M on a brithday now, so my pick is: #5 Mark Martin Hope it's ok to post it now
  3. I think a cointest is a great way to give back I would participate in a cointest for an activated, no matter if it has been discovered or traveled. Coin is coin, no matter if it's activated or not and if it has been discovered or was traveling before it's a honor to receive it Just my opinion...
  4. E-mail and pm sent for the JR20 Flaming Poolball Personal Geocoin black nickel. Because the mail comes from germany it could b marked as spam:( I love this coin and i'm searching fo it since 2,5 years and mybe now the time has come to get it
  5. Dark Elf

    MWGB Egg

    Congratulation!! Is there a video of that dance? yeah...a video would be great :D Congrats dhenninger
  6. I'm not sure if i understand it right: The winner will get one coin from any other player?
  7. Dark Elf

    MWGB Egg

    Opinion Poll: Hmmm...i red all you opinions and i agree with some of you. I also think it's a little bit too hard. I'm caching since three years, but i just statred collecting coins a few months ago. I think for newer ones it's very difficult to find out all of them and not even the "older" collectors do know all coins. I searched a lot, but to find them is very haaaaaaard So i think i's too hard Fingers crossed
  8. I did my one again with anne.and.eli's new template, so it's not a new one...it's exactly the same, just with the template: Maybe the eyes can be glowing
  9. Uiii...great design....like the backside
  10. Dark Elf

    MWGB Egg

    You own a cowboy chicken nickel egg coin?
  11. You only have to cantact Penny and Kona because they organice the mission for September and October. Rules are on Penny and Konas post on this site (11 posts over mine)
  12. Dark Elf

    MWGB Egg

    2/3??? I have only 1/19
  13. Don`t drink and drive Postage: $1.82
  14. Here is my try : The metal would be antique gold or antique copper I will post the name of the colors later...if needed... Hope you like it
  15. Sounds great and i would do it, but... -You must be 18 years old to participate -US residents only
  16. Dark Elf

    MWGB Egg

    TMA The coop also tried to drop one for you! You were just working to hard so that all of us could have as much fun as we did. Be on the look out as we are sending out party to search for Matilda, we miss that old bird. MWGB Egg Hmmm....you are not randomly planing to search her in Germany near Münster, right? Maybe Matilda is on the way to me to bring me an egg and see me dance the cowboy chicken dance That would be great
  17. Don`t drink and drive! 2.) $4,95 @WRITE SHOP ROBERT: 7 has been answerd
  18. I woul even do it for 3 coins I'm not good in designing, but maybe i will try it...
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