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Zac Young

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Everything posted by Zac Young

  1. http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php...2BGarmin+Oregan Browse around these threads and you'll find a bit of info Enjoy.
  2. I own a IIIxe and from my version, there is a very impressive night light on it. All you have to do is hold down the green power button for a few seconds when the Plam is on and the light will illuminate. Hope this helps!
  3. I will be starting paperless caching next week when my paypal transfers. Confirming this is of great helpfullness. Thank you for this contributuon.
  4. The world has come to an end. I am using a Garmin eTrex Legend. I went to enter a set of co-ords for an evening cache jaunt and I dicovered that my 'right click' no long functions. It will select by pushing straight down, left, up, down, but not right. This has happened by fixed itself within a few minutes. I cannot get the to work for the life of my and no offence, but it's driving me crazy. Any suggestions?
  5. Cash is a huge fTF prize. If you are willing to contribute that much, great. There is nothing that says you can't. Personally, when I plant a cache, I give them a certificate. You can make your own or you can find some under 'Resources' @ geocacher-u.com. I've also seen some people who put in gift cards to starbucks or Tim Hortons and such, usually for about 5-10 dollars. It's completely up to you. If you are doing a bigger cache, say Regular, large and the exception of a couple smalls, a certificate if just right. IF it's a micro, a 5, 10, maybe sometimes the odd 20 rolled in with the log is spectacular. Again, it's comepletey up to you.
  6. The last two posts are completely correct. You must comply will all geocaching guidelines. If you'd like, you can post you text listing and I'll double check it to make sure all terms are met
  7. Suggesting such a feature would be a wonderful idea. I think we could all benifit from such a thing.
  8. Hmmmm...the only possible way I can think of is to watch the cache and check back when a notification is sent because of a log. Double check to see if a bug was inserted. You may get a bit more attention if you ask a Moderator to move this thread to the Travel bug Board. I will do a bit of research on this matter to see if there is a more effective way. Resources: Travel bug Board - http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showforum=9
  9. In my opinion, passing by the group is the best thing to do. Giving attention to them will only encourage them to carry on the group. If you give it enough contemplation, that's why they started the group in the first place, is to annoy us. If they find they are not getting the attention they want, they will not continue their 'strike'. That's why they gave up in January, no geocachers were complaining and thus mad their group redundant. Don't worry about the game. We have more than 60 000 users who are dedicated to keeping this game trucking. Any people who are going to begin going against the game or betraying it will have to stand against all of our 60 000 people. If they find they are not making progress, they have no reason to continue and therfore will extinguish their flame.
  10. Thank you all for your valuble information. I can garentee you I will for sure try out this combination. Thank you for your time and effort. Z
  11. I have been caching for about a year and have decided that I will upgrade my membership. I have heard it is well worth the money and I really would like to support the Geocaching site. One of the reasons I am doing this to to be able to participate in paperless caching. I was looking for the best method for me. I've heard of some people using GPX sonar and such and then some GPXspinner and Plucker and I just want to know which is going to work best for me. I am using a Palm IIIxe palm pilot. I am looking for a fast and easy way to downloa dthe GPX file anbd put it on my GPS and Palm that will include all of the co-ords, logs, hints, description etc. What do you all say?
  12. Thanks, I did exactly what you said, hopefully I can do it without stress :0 Thanks Again dude.
  13. I accidentally logged the Travel Bug in the wrong cache. I said I placed it in one, but it was really another, what do I do now?
  14. Congratulations. Glad to hear you like the game !
  15. ^Like us, lol. We were once muggles, until we were born again, lol.
  16. Two he says. TWO! I've DNFed two in the same rest stop! I've DNFed more caches in a day than he has found,EVER! just a little friendly ribbing. A DNF is no big deal. Just move on to the next. When you log your finds log your DNFs to. Come back on another day and try again. If you just can't figure it out ask the owner for a hint. Most will be happy to help. They do in fact want you to find it. Well, I've just started caching so psh! Or maybe I am that good I doubt it.
  17. I've tried to make this a priority, but havn't gotten to it. You'll fin something at geocacher-u.com under Geocaching 101, if you're looking for creativity.
  18. It takes a while to get used to. I think I've failed on about two, but don't get too frustrated. You might just be having a bad day. If you've been searching for a while, don't quite just yet until it gets really annoying. I took a half an hour each on a couple caches one day and found them in the end. Going back is also goo too, I had to go back three ties before I found one cache. So don't give up, you can do it!
  19. Zac Young


    Yah, I'm really considering trying the Premium Memebrship for a Month, see what it's like.
  20. I just hi my first yesterday I didn't wanna gob roke on a FTF prize, so I just got a certificate for them. You can get some printable ones on geocaher-u.com. Gigt cards are always good though, like Tim Hortonns or Starbucks or if you wanna spend a bit more, a movie pass.
  21. Some good reviews. That makes me feel comfortable. What is autorooting? I might consider a newer one when I find a lot, but for now it's doing the job.
  22. Well, I just got a GPS for my birthday acually and am wondering if it's good in your opinions. It's a Garmin eTrex Legend, hooks up to the computer with a USB, I believe it was about 150$ ish. What do you think?
  23. Zac Young


    How exactly do you know when new caches are out? I really want to be a FTF, but how do I know os I can go right out. I get e-mails weekly, but I just hid a cache and someone found it the next morning, hours after it was published, so the e-mail might not be quite enough. What do you advise?
  24. Yes, I could probably afford the 3 bucks, but I donno if I would do enough caching. It's whether my parents can take me to where I need to go (before I get my license ) It would definably be worth it in the summer.
  25. Is there a program that processes LOC files on PDAs? You can download the LOCs for free.
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