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Zac Young

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Everything posted by Zac Young

  1. Can the oreagan or GPS60 do paperless?
  2. I watched the whole episode and I have to say that I am really impressed. The show presents a very professional deminer, plus, it's well promotes what we're all about. The extras to the adventure too like the snakes (yikes!) and the gold were awesome. It's amazing what can bring to you a cache. Now, a few of my suggestions for future episodes are...Keep up the awesome work, do different cache types like puzzle, multi, and maybe different sizes as well as a veriety of locations like maybe in the city as well. Thank you for the awesome show and I can really see this coming successful in the future.
  3. As stated in the cache terms, your cache must be within 600 metres of another cache. This is to make sure not too many caches are placed in one specific area. You can easily check this by making a route on a route make such as google or Yahoo and checking the distance between a cache. If you don't want to do that and are in hesitation that it might be too close, don't place it there. This can easily be prevented from happening. Also, your complaints are not very much appreciated. What you did was your fault, and as you are not being punished for it, a polite site suggestion should be made in the websites forum. Thank you for your contribution.
  4. CYBret is usually really reliable Just use the letters at the bottom to navigate http://geocacher-u.com/component/option,co...sary/Itemid,47/
  5. Congratulations on your purchase! You will enjoy it
  6. You may get a bit more attention with this in the GPS and Technology board http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showforum=11
  7. My eTrex legend's toggle is not working well and sometimes not at all. I'm looking a new GPS. I have a few things in mind like accurate maps, see in the sunlight, possib;le compass, possible paperless caching, and ver accurate. I'm looking for a fairly good price too. I've seen a few GPSs like the Vista, Colarado and the GPSMap 60CSx mentioned around the forums. What in your opinions fits my decription (dosn't have to be one of the three)
  8. Thank you for contributing this reosurce. I have been looking for a way to do the same thing for a different reason and I can deffinately see myself reccomending this resource in the future. Again, thank you.
  9. Ooops! Flood error! Moving info up to first post. Sorry for the double.
  10. I see, but I still have seen such things done with Virtual caches. But you're right, some cachers do do what you are saying. Thanks for contributing!
  11. Thank you for your didication in order to research into this. It is really appreciated. Topic resolved
  12. Zac Young

    TB Race

    I think this is an excellant idea. This is acually a really creative idea and a game that I can see progressing greatly in geocaching. If you do not choose to do this, I might construct the website my self. That's how great I think this is.
  13. Most likely, the cachers are placing the bug there that they brought there and retrieving it. This way, it recieves mileage. This works becuase the object of travel bugs are to travel around a goal. If it's to travel to a certain place and back home for example and this virtual cache is in the place, the would bring it there with them, log it, then retireive it. IT still hold relavance because it acually visited this location.
  14. I have decided I would like to make a complied table or database full of information of GPS units that our Geocachers use. If you would like to participate in this, please fill out the following form briefly. I appreciate your input.
  15. I own a cache and I thought I'd place a travel bug in it on my maintenance dash. I palced it in, and now my cache has been muggled (stolen). What do I do?
  16. Oh, lol, really? No mean to duplicate, sorry Thanks for the input R Knight xD
  17. Okay, I was considering that. I most likely won't find it again because they're a few hours fromw here I live. Thanks for the info!
  18. I began geocaching about a year ago. I got led to it by a friend and going on a few hunts with them successfully finding some caches. Even though I didn't sign the logbook, is it still possible to log on geocaching.com?
  19. Check this out http://cacheopedia.com/wiki/Geocaching.com_Rating_System
  20. Aye Aye! But it makes sense if you think about it And thank you.
  21. As long as you are still using the same registered software, you should be okay with one username.
  22. I don't know if it's possible, but I have some scratches on my blue legend's screen and it's blue plastic. is there an easy way of repairing them?
  23. Thank you, I will try, it's going to be very, very difficult and risky, but I guess I have nothing to lose. I'd have to probably buy a new GPS if I can't get this fixed
  24. I just recently noticed the rubber beginning to come lose around the cord plugin location. Contacting garmin might work, but could not. Still, contacting them might affect this issue in furture versions of this unit. Hope this is of good help!
  25. For safety and effeciency, use your username and e-mail for the sticker. You will be for sure rating this cache as a 5. A 5 rating requires specialized equipment and on the rating glossary, boat is considered speical equipment. Failing to rate properly could delay is listing speed. Hope this helps and congrats on your first cache!
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