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Everything posted by dedef

  1. When will Groundspeak stop using the .png ending for images it transforms to .jpg !!! Sorry for my poor english
  2. When will Groundspeak stop using the .png ending for images it transforms to .jpg !!!
  3. Bonjour, Je me permets de formuler le voeu que les développeurs du site geocaching.com apprennent enfin la différence qu'il y a entre 1 fichier jpg et 1 fichier png et qu'ils arrêtent de transformer les fichier png en jpg en l'aissant l'extension.png!!! Merci d'avance.
  4. https://coord.info/GC5NA5C broken link (background image) https://coord.info/GC883ME broken link (background image) ...
  5. https://coord.info/GC88YN2 broken link https://coord.info/GC8AF9M broken link https://coord.info/GC86MMG broken link https://coord.info/GC856NG broken link ... ... ... ...
  6. Links modified on my puzzles by Groundspeak without warning and without precautions. Result: "not found" !!!!! If I continue to geocach, I will stop being premium !!!
  7. This modification is incomprehensible !!! I can put lots of puzzle ideas in the trash !!!
  8. I finally found the solution : http://project-gc.com/Home/Dashboard Thanks
  9. Why don't you try it and see what happens? I tried, but it didn't wotk with the characters I used Dedef
  10. Hello there, I have not found the answer to my question. On the various search pages on geocaching.com or geocachingadmin.com, is it possible to use a wildcard character such as%, or? ... ? thank you
  11. Thank you niraD for taking the time to understand my question. :D I had not thought of a unpublished cache : it works, but after with my app on Iphone?? I also think that it's impossible ,except by connecting to geocaching.com : but it is not very convenient. :bad: A future improvement of geocaching.com?? :unsure:
  12. which database? geocaching.com? But how??? Thank's
  13. Hello, Sometimes there is a picture (spoiler) when geocheck is green. How to import it in geocaching.com? Thank's.
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