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Posts posted by jonners

  1. Robanzac, I think Pekkka's problem is quite different from yours. Pekkka is describing problems whilst autorouting, whereas the frustration you describe I think relates to navigating a route? The GPSr is in quite different modes when performing these two functions.


    Pekkka, I did try out Garmin Nuvi 350 for a short while that seemed to exhibit the same lack of consistency you describe in giving advance warning of turns. I rejected the unit for this (and other reasons). I have a 60CSx now, and use TOPO GB for autorouting. So far it has been excellent at giving sufficient warning of turns. It even gives the warning earlier when driving faster. It may be worth you trying to re-load the firmware for the GPSr, to see if this clears the problem.

  2. As far as I'm aware, EGNOS is the european equivalent of WAAS. You set it up as if you were enabling WAAS on your GPSr. Mine is a 60CSx but I think the menus are probably the same:


    Go to Main Menu

    Select Setup

    Select System

    Highlight WAAS/EGNOS and enable it.


    In my experience I rarely get the EGNOS satellites in normal use where I am in SE England. However I have occasionally got a lock on sat 37, which then gives me 'D's on all the other satellite bars. However it doesn't seem to improve the accuracy over when there aren't 'D's.


    With the bigger skies in Cornwall you might get the EGNOS satellites more easily and more of the time?

  3. I think Grasscatcher's point is a fair one.


    I would rather see the GPSr locating me where its best estimate is rather than showing me on a road that I might not be on. In the case of road layout alterations, lock on roads in this situation could in itself be quite dangerous. I'd rather proceed with caution under a poor positional accuracy than be led to believe I was somewhere that I wasn't!

  4. Let me rephrase the question...how about an update that allows the power to draw from either your USB cable or a DC cord when plugged into your GPSr, and using the battery’s power only when it’s unplugged?


    This is exactly what does happen with the current firmware.


    When you plug in either the mini USB or the serial connector, power to the unit is supplied via the connection. The batteries are then not being drawn from until you disconnect the cable. You can tell when the batteries are not being used, because a plug icon appears at the top left of the screen.

  5. Yes, proccessor overload often causes the unit to shut down to avoid overheating and damaging itself. Also, on a magellan unit I have, every time I went to jackson, montana, the units software went haywire. I have heard that some garmin units will also do this. However, a fix for this problem could be just to download the latest firmware. If you already have that, continue bombarding garmin with emails.


    Thanks, ossumguywill, for the suggestion. I checked Garmin's website and yes, there was a software update for Topo GB, specifically to fix the problem. Since updating, the unit has stayed on.


    The subsequent posts describing unit shut-down in specific locations suggests that there is a general Topo software problem affecting US and Canadian versions that has not had a fix sorted out for it yet.

  6. "The problem with the compass on the 60CSx is that it must be held flat. The reception of the GPS drops appreciably when it is held flat. This causes the GPS location to wander and anything you are gaining by taking a bearing is lost due to the GPS accuracy degradation."


    So would using an extra antenna get round this problem, by allowing you to have the unit horizontal to use the compass, and simultaneously getting a strong signal from the plug-in antenna?

  7. Unfortunately Garmin UK have (in my recent experience) an impenetrable interface between me and customer services. Impossible to get past a closed loop of messages on the telephone, and they have never replied to email queries I have sent.

  8. I remain very skeptical about the battery contact explanation for the 60CSx shutting down. If it was vibration causing momentary power loss, then why would the unit shut down when held still in my hand? Likewise, when autorouting (attached to the windscreen) the unit shuts down when the road is quite smooth, but doesn't shut down when the road surface is rough.


    I have started wondering if the shut down problem is more to do with processor overload. Here's an interesting observation: I use the unit to autoroute the same journey, about 30 miles. It shuts down in the SAME PLACE on the journey each time. I switch back on whilst driving, and it takes 6 attempts, shutting down immediately, before the unit will stay on.


    When I get home, I look at my Mapsource on the computer and find that the location where the unit keeps shutting down is RIGHT ONTOP of a join in the map tiles! Could it be that the processor is throwing a wobbly in some locations when it tries to deal with moving from one map tile to another?


    Please let me know your thoughts!



  9. I bought a Vista Cx, having compared the spec to the MAP60CSx. On paper, the differences didn't seem to warrant the extra cost. However in practice, because of very poor reception with the Vista Cx in fairly open situations, I returned it and got the MAP60CSx. I am very pleased with the reception I get using the new unit. If safety is a concern (ie not getting lost on a mountain when the weather closes in) then even losing lock for just 5% of the time simply isn't good enough, when your life may depend on it.


    My observations on differences:


    The Vista Cx chassis is lighter, smaller and neater.

    The Vista Cx battery compartment cover is more robust than that on the MAP60CSx, and doesn't distort, probably because it clamps in the centre. The MAP60CSx cover clamps at the top and bottom, so it is slightly distorted outward in the centre. Don't know if this will ever be an issue as the unit gets older.

    The memory card mounting is much better in the Vista Cx, less fiddly than the MAP60CSx.

    The side cut-outs in the MAP60CSx socket mouldings make me doubt whether the rubber bungs would actually prevent water getting to the electric terminals if the unit was ever submerged.


    The Vista Cx buttons required a MUCH firmer press to register.

    The Vista Cx joystick button seemed flimsy and inconsistent in whether or not it registered a push

    Beware - the neoprene cover sold for the Vista Cx is designed (Garmin won't admit this) for the older taller/slimmer monochrome units, and obscures both edges of the screen on the newer colour units, and hinders use of joystick and lower side buttons.

    I often use the unit indoors to plan journeys etc and it is frustrating when the unit keeps bleeping every time it loses satellite lock. The Vista couldn't hold indoor lock at all, whereas the MAP60CSx holds on well.

    The MAP60CSx buttons are not printed - the markings are cast into the button itself. You can tell this if you use it in the dark - the letters illuminate!

    You always have the option of a second antenna with the MAP60CSx, but not with the Vista Cx.

    Be aware of the reception/accuracy issues that people in this forum have discussed at length (found them after buying the Vista Cx). Topics have tended to refer to the Legend Cx but I believe the receiver is the same as used in the Vista Cx.


    A bit of a mixed bag of information, I know, but I hope my experience of these units is of some help in coming to a decision.

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