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Posts posted by jonners
I 'test drove' a Nuvi 350, a Snooper Indago, and a Tom Tom One, and my partner runs Tom Tom on a PDA. Whilst the Nuvi and the Indago might look 'sexier' (obviously a very subjective thing) the Tom Tom is far better at providing the in-car sat nav facility that I'm after.
What the Tom Tom allows is very easy armchair route planning (to me the most useful feature). The others are either very poor at this or can't do it. Tom Tom is also very much more customiseable, which I really like. The speaker quality was also much better on the Tom Tom. Re-calculates after changing route were quicker with Tom Tom.
People will talk about the increased accuracy of Navteq maps (Nuvi/Indago) over Tele Atlas maps (Tom Tom) but each mapset contains errors and each is more accurate than the other in different places. I think this is a minor issue.
In the end I bought a 60CSx because it does both outdoor GPS (excellently) and autorouting (adequately), and I wanted both functions. If I were getting a unit for car use only, it would be the Tom Tom (and I get to borrow that if I really need it!).
How much error would you estimate that you are seeing? I'm fairly sure it isn't the paths moving over the years (though I know what you mean), as I have cross-referred the junctions to contour features.
To give the best example, there is a multi-path intersection at Esk Hause near to Scafell Pike. It is positioned on a saddle formation in the land that is quite a specific topo feature. On the Memory Map software I have placed my waypoint at the path intersection. But when I upload it to my GPSr it shows the waypoint 120' to the south of the intersection as it is shown on Topo GB.
[following added]
Having just looked closer at the two programs (Topo GB and Memory Map) I now realise that the paths are shown in different places by each of them. My waypoint appears in the same place on each when related to the contour features, but not when related to the paths.
I bought my 60CSx with Topo GB last August when I think the firmware was version 2.9 or 3.0. The problem I had was the unit greying out to off when I was autorouting. Always in the same place. And on a join in the map tiles! The next firmware update (3.0 or 3.1) specifically mentioned this problem as one of the things that was 'cured'. I haven't had a problem since.
Maybe the problem has crept back in with newer versions of the firmware? Is the location it is happening on a join in the tiles? It's probably worth a hard reset of the unit and then a re-load of the firmware. Let us know how it goes!
I am just in the process of trying out 1:50,000 Memory Map software to create routes on the PC and send to my unit. I run a 60CSx with Topo GB installed.
Having created a Memory Map route on mountain paths in the Lake District, and sent it to the GPSr, I find the waypoints that I placed on path intersections with the Memory Map software don't line up with the same intersections on my Topo GB. They are off by about 120'. I have tried setting the map datum to Ordnance Survey Grid and to WGS84, but neither cures the problem.
The reason I am concerned is that I would eventually like to get the 1:25,000 version of Memory Map. Before I shell out the extra dosh I want to know if I might have similar accuracy problems.
Has anyone out there with Memory Map (1:50,000 or 1:25,000) and Topo GB found discrepancies between the two? I'd be grateful to hear of your experience.
Have any of you used yours in a real congested area that you aren't familiar? How did it perform and how comfortable were you following it in that environment?
When I'm in a city environment and the turns are coming up quickly, I can find the turn preview screen a bit confusing (because when it pops up for the second time, you aren't actually on the screen yet). I either press "quit" to take me back to the map screen, and I can immediately locate myself in relation to the upcoming turn, or I disable the turn preview screen so I just stay with the map screen even when the warning beeps come.
I can really identify with the problems you are describing! However I still love the capabilities of the unit (mine is a 60CSx) when autorouting.
I don't think you can have a "next turn" option in your data fields. The nearest is "turn" which gives the turn in degrees left or right. Not very good to quickly glance at and know what it is telling you. You can also have "waypoint at next" but this describes the name of the next street (I think) and the text is way too small to help.
Have you tried autorouting with the Turn Preview screen displayed? This will show you the next turn as a white arrow superimposed on the purple route, the distance and estimated time to the turn. You can choose the level of zoom. I can't remember if it will stay on this screen or if it will automatically jump back to the map screen.
The other option is to leave the the unit in map view, disable Turn Preview and zoom in more (say 120ft or 200ft) so that when you glance across at the time of the second approach beep you can see the junction more clearly.
It is a case of trial and error, and to be honest I use a mixture of the above approaches, depending on if I'm in the city making frequent turns, or out in the wilds.
You will find fans of each unit that will help here with their views.
Feature-wise, the two units are very closely comparable. However if the critical issue for you is that of reception under heavy foliage, the Vista simply cannot compete with any SirfIII (or equivalent) equipped GPSr.
Although the accuracy each device will achieve is about the same when satellite visibility is good, the ability to hold onto a signal in challenging conditions is VERY much better with the 60CSx. This was enough of an issue for me to send my Vista back and pay the extra for the 60CSx.
Vehicle speedometers can only have limited accuracy because of the way the speed is determined.
As far as I'm aware (and this may now be out of date) the speedo is driven off a gearwheel on the final drive shaft of the gearbox. This is transmitted mechanically to a mini gearbox in the speedo which then shows the speed.
There are manufacturing tolerances and wear factors in each of these components that can give rise to variations in the speed displayed, and these variations will increase as components age. Furthermore the tyre/wheel size, tread depth and tyre pressure will all affect the rolling wheel diameter which can in turn give rise to indicated speed differences.
Hence the speedo reading is only ever going to be a manufacturer's best effort to get near the true reading (plus the 2-3mph that they build in for reasons already stated by others here). The only way to get an absolutely true reading is to compare time elapsed with the vehicle's actual position change on the surface on which it is travelling. And that is exactly what our GPSr does for us (give or take the inaccuracies caused by the curvature of the earth). So, at constant speed the GPSr (when getting strong signal reception) should be more accurate than a vehicle speedo.
HOWEVER before you rush out and start driving at those speed cameras using your GPSr speedo reading, don't forget that this only holds for LEVEL roads. If you are on an incline, your actual ground-covering speed will be proportionately higher than it appears from a satellite's perspective.
I found your review to be clear, informative, comprehensive, thoughtful and imaginative. With excellent photographs to cap it off!
This forum is enriched by contributions such as yours.
On a cautionary note, before rushing to save a few quid by getting a US-basemap unit, think carefully about the warranty being offered by the seller. 'Gold standard' would be to find a dealer that offers a full satisfaction money back guarantee. I'm not sure if you'll be able to get that kind of warranty with a US-basemap unit sold in the UK. Also check carefully that you're getting what you think you're getting, ie make sure the unit isn't a 'graded return'.
On a very positive note, you'll find that if you get TOPO GB, the roads are auto-routable (US TOPO maps are not, as I recall). Hence you only need to buy one software package to have TOPO and sat nav!. I have to admit I haven't tried the bespoke autorouting software (City Select, I think), so I don't know if it offers different features that are worth having.
The lowrance h20c has it but no autorouting.
Are you sure?? The advertisements all says 16 channel for the H20C, but the SIRFIII chip devices are 20 channels (I think).
Am I wrong?
You'll do well to consider the Lowrance units. Although they seem to have a lower spec compared to the 20-channel Sirf enabled units, the difference between 16 and 20 satellites is going to be small. Opinions of the performance have been very favourable. And signal hold should be miles better than the Vista Cx.
The Lowrance 16-channel receiver units also have two processors (as I recall) which they claim gives faster screen refreshes and smoother scrolling when panning the screen. You'll also find very complimentary opinions about the Lowrance colour and black and white screens. If you don't need autorouting, which you obviously don't, then you should consider looking at a Lowrance before making your choice.
Anyone know of a magical way to 'fill-in' a scratched screen to make it appear fixed? I think I saw something on discovery channel once, which explained it.
It is said that the invisible shield can make existing scratches appear less noticeable. So that may be your solution right there.
Shieldzone list a screen cover for the Legend Cx, which is the same form factor as the Vista Cx.
When looking at neoprene cases, make sure to do a search on this forum for previous discussions. People have had problems with clear screens getting stuck fast to invisible shield protectors. I also found the Garmin Vista Cx case does not fit well - the top edge of the case is half covering some of the side buttons, and interfering with the joystick. The window aperture also obscures both sides of the screen by about 5mm each side.
Basically, the case is the right size for the old b/w etrex form factor but Garmin have not redesigned it for the etrex Cx model form factor, which is shorter and wider than the old unit. Some people have no problem with this, but I found it to be a frustration.
Regarding the Invisible Shield screen protector, I would like to add a word or two of observation.
I had one applied to the screen of my 60CSx. Although it protected the screen of the unit 100%, the shield itself did deteriorate. It picked up a mark or two from being carried (carefully) in a small soft bag with the power cord and screen mount. On a separate occasion I tried wiping the shield with a soft cloth, and a cloudy bloom was left on it that really mucked up the clarity of the GPSr display. So in my experience the shield is certainly vulnerable to damage to itself, whilst fully protecting the unit.
I replaced the shield with a new one when the reduced price offer was available. Since then I only keep the GPSr inside the soft-lined Garmin case, and I take care not to let the zip touch the face of the shield when I take it out of the case. The shield has remained unmarked and totally clear, but I'm having to handle it with kid gloves.
When you download the mapset from the computer to the GPSr, there is a check box on the screen that asks "include route calculation data?" or words to that effect. If this was not ticked before you sent the maps across, it would not be auto-routable when on the GPSr. Could this be the cause?
Garmin Mapsource products are supplied with two unlock codes, so can be used with two different GPSrs. The software can also be loaded onto more than one computer. I think Garmin's intention is to allow two users within the same 'family'. I don't know if Garmin will allow the software to be used with two GPSrs that are registered with two different users at totally different addresses.
The unit is designed to be waterproof, and the damage you describe has compromised the unit's integrity. Although you may find the unit is working ok, if you get it wet you run the risk of damage to the electronics that would not have happened otherwise. Even humidity getting in will damage internal components and may affect the screen display. You need to get it fixed immediately.
You need to get a proper repair done by Garmin, or else you will void their warranty. Garmin might not repair the unit free of charge if they realise the unit was already damaged, but they might not charge you at all (they are known to be very generous in this regard). But even if they do charge (which they have a right to do as it is accidental damage) it won't cost anywhere near as much as you having to buy a complete new unit because you have allowed further damage to an accidentally damaged unit.
You'll find this topic very well covered in recent threads, both the Garmin mount options and the RAM mounts.
The unit will accept most MicroSD cards without any pre-programming. Experience in this forum seems to suggest you AVOID cards labelled as "ultra".
If this were a handheld GPS, the sudden relocation across the world would mean it is searching for the wrong set of satellites in the sky. In this instance, the unit would need a reset (not sure if this would be a soft or hard reset) so that it could load a new almanac of satellites for where it is now.
As it is a TomTom, it will have far less user-resettable properties. But somehow, the unit needs to load a new almanac of the Auzzie satellites. Try leaving it for 30-45min with a clear unobstructed view of the sky to see if it can do this for itself.
Just found this on the TomTom website:
"How can I reset TomTom GO? (GO users only)
You should never have to reset TomTom GO under normal circumstances. However, in the event of a problem you can reset the unit by removing it from the cradle and using a straightened paper clip in the reset hole on the unit's bottom (just behind the release button)."
So after you reset the unit, put it outside (switched on) to let it learn the new satellites above it. Let us know if this works please!
After switch on, one brief press of the on/off to get your intermediate setting (whatever you set it to last time it was used), and one further brief press to get 100%.
I guess if you set your intermediate level to 95%, you would only need one press of the on/off after switch on.
As far as I'm aware (I may be wrong) the battery type setting does not change how the GPSr handles the power from the batteries. It merely changes the algorithm used to display remaining battery power. Hence I would predict that even with the lithium option chosen in the settings, it will still shut down if brand new lithiums are installed. Please let us know when you try it.
The MAP60 CSx is more sensitive to high battery output, and is well known to shut itself down when new lithiums are installed. You need to use your lithiums for a few minutes in something like a torch (flashlight), then your GPSr should be happy to receive them without panicking.
Pekkka is right to refer to the junction previews as a pop-ups. They are static screen shots of the next junction/road feature. Strictly speaking, the map is not zooming in, it is just showing a static image at a preset zoom level which may be different from the zoom level that you have chosen when auto-routing.
In my experience they can on the odd occasion be confusing, as the screen image changes from track up (my preference) to a fixed orientation at the junction/feature.
If the software is functioning properly, and there is sufficient distance between road features, there should always be an early warning beep + pop-up, then a turn now beep + pop-up.
vista cx versus 60csx
in GPS technology and devices
This has been very well covered in recent and older threads. You'll be well rewarded if you do a search.