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Posts posted by haggaeus
Sounds fun, but what would be the photo requirement?
The source of the smell, as a factory chimney, a shrub in blossom, or a sulfated natural spring?
Also, most of the smelly locations would be weather or season dependant. The visitor wouldn't experience anything unusual if visiting the location on a windy day or out of the blossom season.
Olik’s Butcher Shop – Prague, Czech Republic
That one would be also valid for Waymark Sticker Seekers
Also thought that there was a category for Pet Hotels... looks like you can create a new one.
I would definitely recommend not limiting it to dogs and include all pet boarding facilities (although I can't imagine a cat hotel, our cats would get upset and wouldn't talk to us for several weeks if we would put them into one).
On the other hand I've long wanted somewhere to submit Dog Jim, the stuffed dog on Slough station.
Have you tried Permanent Charity Donation Locations?
I would say if the waymarker does the research on the person and puts together some non-trivial description about that first settler or 19th century teacher and culture activist, then the waymark would be well justified.
Yes some streets can be long and duplicates may not pop up during the review, that would be another challenge for the officers.
My main problem with this would be over prevalence. In many places in the US nearly every street if it is not numbered is named after someone. Many times the names are obvious for example presidents, early explorers, or other well known people.
That was my first thought but if the "The person the street is named after should have played a role for the town/city" rule would be strictly observed, it should eliminate the Lincoln etc. streets in every town. I like the proposal.
The instructions are ok but in practice the "Note that this category is intended to include only signs that point to distant places." statement is being ignored, see most of the Czech hiking signposts there.
ok, what about retracting souvenirs then? if i go and log a cache that gets me a souvenir and then delete the log (or it gets deleted by CO etc), will i still keep the souvenir? if so, why?
You keep it now but we plan to retract them in future releases. But really, why would you do this?
Happened to me this Sunday: I was logging my Saturday finds, forgot to edit the date, and got a large colorful reminder
I edited the date but the souvenir remains in my profile - ok, so I won't care about it and will wait for a cleanup in the future.
Just received my Novice licence, looking forward to SOTA hunting - another reason why revisit my favorite hills when I already found a geocache there
Marek OK9HAG
Yep it is bizarre. I wonder what determines the order
log ID number.
Not even that: if you take look at caches found by me, the 6/14 log #74103942 is above the 6/17 log #74409114.
In general, browsing back works: 10 pages back I see my finds from Oct-Nov '08, but the order on that 10th page is also random.
Sorry to hear that your TB has gone missing here in CZ.
I can help you communicating with Czech cachers, or post a Missing TB thread in the forum at Czech geocaching site - please contact me so I don't bother the same cachers who replied to your inquires already.
According to the cache logs:
Oct 1, Delfini and smith777 say: "there is only a plush toy left from the TB"
Oct 10, petr1868: "there are no tags in the cache but the plush toy was there"
Oct 25, odobenus reports in English that Husky is not there.
I think I might have found a bug - can you please check if the notifications are working properly when a user logs a cache or drops a TB through wap.geocaching.com?
In the past there were few cases when I didn't get an owner notification for my caches being found, particularly with one local cacher who just bought a new WAP-enabled PDA and was using it for logging directly from the cache site, but I was not sure if it was an e-mail glitch on my side or a bug.
Now we have started a TB competition, with two groups of cachers trying to capture the TB and placing it to a cache on their own territory. On the TB page we encouraged players to log the TB as soon as they can and suggested using WAP - when the first cacher did that, neither me (the TB owner), nor anybody else who has the TB on their watchlist, got the notification.
If it helps, the log that failed to be sent is this one.
Thanks for investigating!
GCN9WC 2nd Czech CITO Event - Kralupsko
Woods and trails cleanup close to the city of Kralupy, 20km north of Prague.
The City Hall provided a tractor with a driver, we filled two trailers:
A sample of trash we have found: leftovers after cable thieves, who steal the copper cables, clean off the isolation and sell the insides.
A "memorial sign" at the hiking trail post
"This area has been cleaned by geocachers, please don't dump any more garbage here"
Short picnic after the cleanup:
I have to agree with TPTB, what exactly does the tragedy have to do with geocaching? Hence it is off topic, and belongs in the off topic forum, which happens to be a members only feature. There are plenty of general discussion boards out there, I suggest you look around there...
The locked thread was about fundraising at geocaching events. I know this is prohibited in the US, because people would start collecting money for the KKK, as pointed out in another thread, but this practice seems to be tolerated in other parts of the world (the initial poster was from Sweden).
Hey Danny you told me yesterday on irc you found one cache in CP, but you didn't mention it was your #100! Congrats!
I don't know where does CheaperThanDirt get their ammo cans, but when I was ordering from them in May before I left the US, most of the cans had some writing in Dutch on them (like "Patron voor wapen met inert projectil"). Quite a joke to get them transported twice over the Atlantic :-)
Also, I still have some extra event buttons if people are interested in them.
That would be cool for my Amerika cache (the theme is US geocaching memorabilia and generic americana) - can you put one aside and bring it next time you come here?
... However, the countries bordering Germany (excepting Switzerland and Austria) are no longer part of the interactive map. Is there a good route search site site for the Czech Republic?
Click on the Brithish flag in the top right corner to get an English interface.
No route search though, just a zoomable map with all CZ caches, links to local topo maps and search by city.
I had a similar experience when I bought an eTrex Legend at Circuit City: walked to the parking lot, put in the batteries and noticed there is a track log, something under 100 miles on the odometer, some maximum speed like from a car and a few waypoints in the local area. I was quite surprised and took it back to the store, asking if it was a used unit. The guy assured me that they don't sell used stuff and gave me another Legend - when I switched that one on in the store, it showed Taiwan as the current location, so I believed him it's a new one from the factory and took it.
The first one was probably a returned unit - it was in the original packaging, even with the slide over the display - as I didn't know what was the reason of the original owner to returned it, I was happier with the real new one ... well, meanwhile I got a replacement for my broken Geko and gave the Legend to my sister, but that's another story :-)
ok it looks the db is being brought up. Just got an interesting error:
Cannot open database requested in login 'ASPState'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'sa'.
Now, I have never worked with MS SQL server, but I remember it is based on Sybase and 'sa' is the Sybase superuser account... does it mean the website is accessing the db with db administrator privileges? Just curious.
Congrats Dave and girls! I remember we have hit our #200 at the same event in June, another 200 since then is quite an achievement.
A related funny story (sort of):
Vast majority of the caches in my country is listed on gc.com only. This week I have placed a cache in a remote area, and as it is quite close to Germany, where the Navicache site is also popular, I decided to crosspost it on both sites.
The day after it was approved, there was a post in Buxley thread in our local forums: "Hey, looks like they have finally reached some kind of agreement - after six weeks of no updates, there is a new Czech cache at Buxley's!".
I felt bad I had to calm the excitement down.
Pilgrimages —new category idea (another)
in Recruiting and Category Proposals
I would prefer the destination. There was St. James Way (Santiago de Compostella) in peer review recently and one of the objections was that there was no clear definition what should be waymarked.
Would former pilgrimage destinations be allowed? In CZ we have quite a few "pilgrimage churches" - usually the pilgrimage cult started in 17th century, the church is larger than a usual village church, it stands in the middle of nowhere and often is in a desolate state, as the pilgrimage tradition was discontinued and there are no funds for repairs.
Examples: WMAQ2X, WMA5PG, GCKQR4, WMD1Y6 - or just search for 'pilgrimage church', 'pilgrimage chapel' keywords.
There would be a lot of crossposting with the existing categories (architectonic and religious ones). This new category should probably focus more on the history - when the tradition of pilgrimages to this place started (and ended), what special artifacts can be seen there, if there are any miraculous healing legends, if the pilgrimages are(were) being made year-round or for some special holidays, etc..
I would leave these for Official Tourist Attractions.
If there is a group formed, let me know and I will renew my premium membership.