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Everything posted by wolfbait

  1. The only problem is that people go there anyway and I don't want an easy one muggled... there is tons of trash there so cito would be a must
  2. The spot is beautiful... I don't want to place a cache in the waterfall but the rocky outcroppings. This is the remains of our city's booming sand stone quarry established in the 1830's. The only problem is that this is part of the Cleveland Metroparks system and they are very picky about caches, require you to fill out alot of paperwork, and allow you to only keep a cache for a year. Any comments, suggestions? ------------------------ Edit ------------------------------------------ source for quarry info. http://home.earthlink.net/~bereahistorical/Sandstone.html cleveland metro parks page http://www.clemetparks.com/recreation/geocaching/index.asp
  3. Unfortunately the cache page is now gone. Heres our first cache story. We had one in a clear plastic pipe tube with a non clear cap. It was hidden in our town centers cannon. When they removed the cannon to do maintenance they found it in the cannon and saw the cord we had attached to the cache to pull it out. Unfortunately the worker thought it was a live round until one of the other shop members realized it was a geocache.
  4. We had one in a clear plastic pipe tube with a non clear cap. It was hidden in our town centers cannon. When they removed the cannon to do maintenance they found it in the cannon and saw the cord we had attached to the cache to pull it out. Unfortunately the worker thought it was a live round until one of the other shop members realized it was a geocache.
  5. Personally I like to listen to Techno music. Das Boot - Tunnel Allstars The Rush & Anything is Possible - Accuface The heart pounding sound of techno defiantly drives me.
  6. Don't have a significant other... I tis a youngin
  7. bumping this forum
  8. If you really feel strongly about this we should start our own website. I'm sure you could get enough people to support the 15$+ monthly domain fees. I am also sure that you could find virtual enthusiasts with enough computer know how to build the website. lemme give you guys a good start. <html> <head> <title> </title> </head> <body> </body> </html> There
  9. Personally I would love to see virtual caches because I joined after the age of virtuals. How about www.virtualcaches.com ? I would volunteer to review part time for my area.
  10. My grandparents have Microsoft streets and trips and have been frustrated with how terrible it has been. They already have a USB GPS receiver but want a new piece of software. Being truckers they want something that they can plug in the address of where they are going and a route will be generated for them. Any suggestions?
  11. My dad and I were considering making this http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/pdf/0210036.pdf A very useful tool for places like woods or other places where you need a better signal
  12. thats why its a good idea to leave the unscented wipes
  13. Just want to see who on the forums is in my area.
  14. My sister is wanting to buy a GPS unit for her BF for Christmas. She is on a limited budget, any suggestions?
  15. Try the book "Boat building for beginners", make yourself a nice small sail boat while you're at it.
  16. As some of you may remember My family had a cache stuck down the barrel of a cannon on our town square. I am pleased to announce that on memorial day the cannon was marched in the parade and then brought to the ceremony. There the Mayor commented "It's too nice now to put on the triangle, maybe we should display it inside city hall". Looks like we're going to have caching inside city hall now. Guess people are going to have to use all the they have.
  17. Having a liquid may cause problems in a cache... try this http://www.bestbrandsclub.com/pusahato100c.html
  18. Thank you... and good luck finding answers trooperdjb
  19. Not so because the rock I used is shale and crumbles easily
  20. Hmm... define burried.... this topic... case closed
  21. This topic should be moved to the GPS section... ... If a mod would be so kind
  22. This is my first time I am camo-ing a cache with out using factory made camo (camo duct tape ) I have been planning this cache for about a month. I have planned out where to hide it, gotten an ammo can, filled it with geo-approved goodies and now just need to camo and take co-ords. I was wondering if the method I'm planning on using is good or not. Here are the supplies. Supplies: 1 army surplus ammo box 1 hand sized rock from surrounding area 1 can of black spray paint Method: 1.Take rock and grind it down into small chunks and powder. 2.Spray Paint ammo can black 3.Cover ammo can with rock using the paint almost like glue. 4. Shake off excess rock Is this going to work... Tell me experienced cachers.
  23. Thats unfair, Mean, and over the top. And this is why teenage boys should be free, not feel like they are married in highschool
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