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Posts posted by WVAK47
Hey WV gang, My schedule just got lightened of one job, Bout Time
. I will do all I can to get there, especially if it is in KSF. Thanks for following up on this MikeDX. This two job thing and inventory here has been rough on me to talk to any of you guys lately
, by the way I do miss you guys and geocaching. That is about to change along with my numbers. I am gonna catch you MITW & Eli.
I can't speak for everyone here in WV but mogolloyd I would love to have a VA transplant. Youz is family any wayz, jist cross the hill there. Not like it is one of those D*mn Yankees from NJ like Briansnat. LOL. Just in case you read this Brian Love Man. LOL.
We had a really good turn out at the last one, and I hope to see more at this one. Bet you don't have snow at your's Mike. At least I hope not. LOL.
Anyway hope to see the WV Geocaching Family again soon.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
Hey guys and gals, I will be having more time here in the VERY near future. Please keep me up to date on how this is gonna work and where. I am interested in helping on this one and figure if I drive I can get Roadpirate to come out too.
Still Alive and MUCH BETTER NOW says my doctor. LOL
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
HMMMMMM I will have you know Mr. BrianSnat, I for one do not consume such. That is for those in the lower south with lower taste. I much prefer my biscuits and gravy that you have so slandered in the past.
Bet you thought I was gone didn't ya. Well, inventory is over and I am back. Let it be known that West Virginia will be strong on this board once again.
I think that your (NJ) own website is a wonderful idea and you guys should go there as instructed prior. Again I thank you fine Yankees for holding our board open in our absence, and request your quiet withdrawl from further attack on WV.
Hey I have missed you guys, but the weather is breaking and time is getting more in my favor so LOVE ME OR HATE ME (don't care which) I AM BACK.
Happy Caching, and hope to see some of yal yankees on the hunt.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
I too hope we have an increase in GeoCacher junkies. I just hope that all the newbies will be as cool as all the EXPERIENCED folks I have met.
The more cachers the more caches. The more people the more chance of a !@#%!@$ causing probs. We have been lucky so far and I hope we keep getting more and more newbies with a love for the game.
I know since the article I have had a ton of folks saying was that you in the Paper? Man that looks like fun. What do you need to play? All I have been aproached by seem like they would make a great addition to our little Caching Family.
Great Idea IWILLFIND. Maybe we will get WV cache map to look like NJ. LOL
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
I would have tried to make it to the meeting to be atleast one there. LOL
March 1 is the second day of annual inventory here at me little job so I will be unable to make it.
Best wishes and I hope you are as surprised as I was with my meeting. Best of luck and how about letting the Good Ol Boys (& Girls) on this side know how it goes.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
Hey WVDan, 106 near Woodrums you say. How near and what area. My family is all from out that way. Would love to meet you and go out to Woodrums. I am thinking of going this weekend (SUnday) and look for some cache sites on the dam side of the lake.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
Hi WVDan. Man this is too cool
. I am only picky at you about the copycat thing by the way. I think it is just flippin great that more WV folks are coming out of the Geocaching woods and hitting the forums.
I have to agree with Mikedx seems most of us are over here, but you hang tuff man. I wish you the best of luck with you meeting and would love to come up to it myself. We discussed a late spring or early summer caching cookout event. We talked about the Sutton thing which Mikey boy seems to like alot and I have to agree it has merrit. When we get more bugs worked out and our minds made up more as to when where and how I will let you in on it for sure.
Maybe if you get a good showing we can do two events this summer and not worry as much about central. Let us know how it goes. Take care and good luck.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
I guess it is not too hard for anyone to figure out mine. LOL. This one came to be to fit my screen name. My screen name came to be because of a lack of creativity when I joined GeoCaching. WVAK47 was my screen name in my old AOL days, it is what I went by on AIM. I took it then because I had just picked up my newest toy at the time (Polytech Legend).
After being asked a few times what my screen name meant I figured this one would take the guess work out of it. I took a pic of an AK from the web and colored it Blue and Gold (State Colors).
Again just a lack of creative energy when I joined.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
NOW I HAVE TO FIND A WAY TO DROP MY MAGELLAN. Have to have a new one now hun. LOL.
Hey thanks for the info, that make the Rhino sound even more appealing to me.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
Guess that answers that. Thanks guys.
Brian you let me down buddy I figured you would work something in there about WV. LOL
Thanks for the time.
Happy Caching
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
Hey thanks,
I am a Magellan man at this point. But I am also a gadget whore. I hold no company in higest regards if a competitor puts out a better gadget. LOL. Thanks for the heads up on the Rhino I will have to check one out. It will be a while before I can prove to the wifey why I need another GPS, but I will keep the Rhino in there as a thought seed.
Thanks again
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
Hey I am way out of your area but we were dicussing the Rhinos today at our meeting. No one knows much about them and we were wondering how many units can it link at once?
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
I am really new to this and just kinda wondering something.
Just what in the heck does a 35mm film canister have to offer in a cache container? I thought that caches had to contain a log book. Now what in the world is going to fit in a 35mm that could be used as a log book?
And no dumb southern cracks from you Brian. LOL.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
Hey guys and gals,
It came it went and I had a great time. Thanks to all of you who came out to play on those slick roads.
I am still excited by the turn out and the smiling faces I saw today. I didn't get to talk to everyone as much as I would have liked, but I guess Mickey Dees has to close sometime so I still would not have had enough time. LOL.
And to answer a ? on the posts of this cache. I do see more meetings in the future. I hope the near future. I am very happy with the way it all worked out and I hope to see you all again real soon.
Hey IWILLFIND, Congrats. I just checked the score and unless Oakland pull a MAJOR rabbit out of a helmet they took it on the nose.
I am interested in keeping this going here and hooking up with you wonderful people again. So feel free to email me anytime.
And for those that could not make it, I am truly sorry and hope to meet you at the next one.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
Copywrites or whatever, you get this patch OD and all approved, I will be in line for one. I really like the idea.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
You know I think this is so much fun. It is funny how they split up the regions but the lines has to be drawn somewhere. That is what is so cool about all this. It don't matter if you are in your region or not you can still post to it. So that makes us all one big happy Geocaching Region all across this GREAT Country.
But still Brian you and NJ need to back off our board now. I have already told you we are here so you can GET. LOL
Hey all you yankees take care.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
Hey everyone. Catman just hit it again. The event cache is on Sunday teh 26th of Jan.
Again I screwed up when I posted the inquiry of Sat 26th of jan. MY FAULT TOTALLY.
THE MEETING IS SUNDAY JAN 26th AT 15:00 (3:00pm)
Again my fault totally for the mixups and I am sorry. But I want everyone clear as to when it is going to be.
7 days to go.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
I am so glad this is coming together. I am sorry that some can't make it to this one. I really wanted a good time for all involved but what can you do? I sure hope you guys and gals that can't be there can make the next one. I AM SURE THERE WILL BE MORE THIS SPRING AND SUMMER
Those of you that are going to make it I am
that I will get to put faces to the names. I am really interested in hearing all the ideas that are in this group too.
The only
is those poor people working at McDs. LOL. Hey at least they won't be bored.
It is only one week to go and I am counting down. I can't wait. Thanks to all of you for showing this much interest in a Rookie's idea. I am happy that I brought up the idea now. You guys are great.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
Hey Jspiker, Man I was over at the Dollar Store getting goodies when they got there.
That blows. We were that close and never knew.
I would say the fries were done. LOL. I didn't look like anyone was hurt. Not bad at least. Not EMTs running around. They were mopping up the front. Sprinklers being my guess. No one even look upset. I stood in the door to get my cords and no one even paid attention. So I guess nothing serious wrong.
By the way you have to bring THE DUCK. I am bringing my soldiers. LOL
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
It has been submitted as an Event Cache. The cords are N38 19.247 W081 42.979 when the THE PWRs THAT B approve it I will put the waypoint on here. I have done part of my part now lets all do the rest and get there. It is not hard to find that is why I classed it 1 and 1. LOL
WVAK47 CYaSoon
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
Thank you just gave me the name for my event cache. McCacher it is. I went up there like promised this evening and got the cords. One little thing scared me. The lights were all off and about 5 firetrucks were there. Guess the fries got a little hot. LOL. Before I left the lights were back on and there were people inside cleaning it appeared. Just in case this does lead to them not being open for whatever reason on the 26th there will be someone (ME) at the cords to point everyone in the right direction. Or maybe another set of cords on the spot. OOOHHH a multi-leg event cache. LOL. Oh don't be afraid it won't be far, like under .5 miles to the new one.
By the way I am so sorry to hear that some of you won't be able to make it. I guess this is going to happen no matter when we try. But there WILL BE more to come.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
First sorry about Supper Bowl sunday or whatever you guys called it. Why on earth anyone would be in front of a TV watching sports when there are caches to find and hide I don't have a clue. LOL. I will be the non sports following one there. Never did and don't see a need too now. I really had no clue it was Super Bowl Sunday. But that doesn't seem to discourage most of you. Glad to hear it. Priorities are straight. Caching and eating over all else. LOL.
I will run out tomorrow and get the cords for the front door of McDonalds on South ridge.
I guess you go about setting up an event cache the same as anyother. I will do my best at getting it in there ASAP. I am off work Thurs. night so it should be no big deal getting it in there. If I run into trouble MITW I am going to holler at ya about how to do this. God knows you have put in several caches you cach hiding person you.
Can't wait to meet everyone. I will bring my ideas and notebook. Figure I will do more note taking from you wiser cachers than idea giving.
Take care and stay happy.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
That is what I had in mind when I started this. So how is this.
Sunday Jan 25, 2003 at 15:00 (for those that attend church or sleep late, the latter being me) at Micky Ds on South Ridge.
My idea. Lets hear from all involved with in out or other suggestions.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
LOL. I never dreamed of causing all this. I love the interest in the idea. You guys make me feel like I did something good for a change.
Now, when this all started it was to get a few locals together to shoot the breeze. I agree with MeeMaw that Feb may be too cold for a hunting party. For what I had in mind to start with it would be fine because we could always go inside somewhere (I know boring) Oh and is there any other way to hunt for caches? I thought it was an unwritten law that it had to be really cold, raining, snowing, muddy or all of the above. I have not came home warm and dry from one yet, and I LOVE IT. Back to the subject now. I do love all the interest in this, but I am scared that many will be disappointed. What do you guys say to maybe two events, or waiting a little later in the year and having one bigger one when the weather breaks some.
I want to meet all of you, I truly do. But this is getting too large for me to handle at this point. I know many have offered to help and I THANK YOU SO MUCH. But I don't want to put my idea off on others to take care of. I will be happy to help all I can if you guys want to go this big. I think it is AWESOME to get this much response but a little overwhelming for me too. LOL.
So let me know what you want me to do and I will do my best. Feb is a bad time of year for me with my current job (inventory
). March would be better for me but worse for others. This is just really hard to do. Now if you locals would like to meet me for dinner/cup of coffee somewhere that would be WAY COOL, and maybe we could discuss in further detail what to do and when.
To let you know I am not backing out or even trying to. I would love to help put on a KICK ARS meeting here in Almost Heaven, but I feel it is more than I can handle now.
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.
Cache Potato Bday
in Northeast
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CACHEPOTATO. Hope you have a wonderful day, and hope to see you tomorrow.
Take care
Your Friend
Steve Ray WVAK47
The Important Things Are Always Simple and The Simple Things Are Always Hard.