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Everything posted by rmayben9

  1. So if they did find it and I hope they did, what's the next oldest unfound cache?
  2. It works fine since I switched over to my gmail. It must be something with the iOS mail app and yahoo. I'll try it again after my next sync.
  3. Yesterday all of my notifications from GC started coming in as a bunch of random text on my iPhone and iPad. Has this happened to anyone else? I use a yahoo account, and the notifications were fine when I checked them in a browser. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! Here's a sample: WW91IGFyZSByZWNlaXZpbmcgdGhpcyBlbWFpbCBiZWNhdXNlIHRoaXMgbGlzdGlu ZyBpcyBvbiB5b3VyIHdhdGNoIGxpc3QuIFZpc2l0IHRoZSB3ZWIgc2l0ZSB0byBj aGFuZ2UgeW91ciB3YXRjaGxpc3Qgc2V0dGluZ3MuCgpMb2NhdGlvbjogQWxhYmFt YSwgVW5pdGVkIFN0YXRlcwpBSiB3aXRoIHRoZSBCU0EgcG9zdGVkIGEgbm90ZSBm b3IgSG9yYWNlIChVbmtub3duIENhY2hlKSBhdCA2LzI3LzIwMTEKCkxvZyBEYXRl OiA2LzI3LzIwMTEKSSBhbSBubyBkb2N0b3IuLi4uIGJ1dCBJIHRoaW5rIEhvcmFj ZSBoYXMgYmVlbiBhbG9uZSBmb3IgYSBiaXQgdG9vIGxvbmcuLi4uIGhlIGlzIGEg Yml0IGNyYXp5Li4uLiBoYXMgYW55b25lIGNvbnNpZGVyZWQgVGhvcmF6aW5lPz8/ ICAoSWYgd2Uga2VlcCBhc2tpbmcgcXVlc3Rpb25zIHRvIHRoZSBib3gsIHdlIG1h eSBuZWVkIHNvbWUgVGhvcmF6aW5lLi4uLi4pCgpWaXNpdCB0aGlzIGxvZyBlbnRy eSBhdCB0aGUgYmVsb3cgYWRkcmVzczoKaHR0cDovL2Nvb3JkLmluZm8vR0w1WFhO QzcgCgpWaXNpdCBVbmtub3duIENhY2hlCkhvcmFjZQpodHRwOi8vY29vcmQuaW5m by9HQzJIRDFOIAoKUHJvZmlsZSBmb3IgQUogd2l0aCB0aGUgQlNBOgpodHRwOi8v Y29vcmQuaW5mby9QUjNISDE3IAoKUmVtb3ZlIGZyb20gd2F0Y2hsaXN0OiAKaHR0 cDovL3d3dy5nZW9jYWNoaW5nLmNvbS9teS93YXRjaGxpc3QuYXNweD9pZD0xOTU0 OTE0JkRTPTEmQUNUSU9OPVJFTSA=
  4. My PQs were deleted after clicking on them as well. The one that was small enough to be emailed worked fine.
  5. I created an offset multi back in the spring which requires the waypoint to be projected. However, the task was quite tedious with conversions of coordinates, distance, and bearing. Does anyone have a simpler way to get the distance and bearing between two points than what I am about to describe? I am looking at hiding a couple more of these, but there has to be an easier way. Thanks in advance for your help! Here's the tedious method that I used: 1) Get coordinates of first stage. 2) Get coordinates of second stage. 3) Use a website (can't seem to find the right one at the moment) to determine the bearing and distance between the two stages. This is where all of the conversions were required.
  6. Are there any Magellan models that offer paperless caching similar to a Garmin Oregon? Just wondering. Thanks!
  7. Thanks for answering my question. I've been contemplating two or three earthcaches in my area so I wanted to make sure because it one is about 100 feet from one of my current traditional caches.
  8. I just noticed the new way to submit EarthCaches. Does the distance requirement for regular caches apply to EarthCaches now? I know it didn't with the old system. I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I dug through a couple other threads with no definite answer. Thanks in advance for you input!
  9. Where can you get free maps for the Oregon 200? I love mine, but I had to purchase City Navigator to make it fully functional for routing. Some free maps would be awesome!
  10. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I thought I would ask it anyway. Has anyone else had problems with notifications lately? I noticed a new cache published in my area when I loaded my pocket query, but I didn't get a publish notification e-mail. I realized that the disclaimer states that notifications aren't perfect, but it was the first time it has happened to me. Some other local cachers have noticed it missing them more frequently as well. I hope that's not going to be one of the bugs of the new site!
  11. Thanks. I'm sure this is the problem. The previous post didn't apply because the query stated that it had not run since 9/20/09. I changed the days of the week on which it runs so I'll see tomorrow.
  12. Not that I can't just recreate this pocket query, but the query that I run every other day based around my home coordinates just stopped running on September 20. I've been out of town for part of the time so I really didn't notice it until I was updating my GPS from GSAK today. Any reason why one would stop running? I have all the days of the week checked, and I have the correct option selected on query edit page. Just wondering. Thanks!
  13. Does anyone know when/if they are working to fix the problem at cacherstats.com?
  14. The site locked up on when I posted this one. I apologize for two posts, but since this one is empty, please disregard it.
  15. I just purchased the City Navigator North America NT DVD so that I could install it on an SD card for my Oregon 200. I'm not sure if I put the unlock code on the GPS or on the SD card when it asks for the device. I'll have to store the maps on the card because of the small amount of memory on the 200. I'm a little confused. I've been doing some searching on the Garmin site as well as other locations on the web, but I've had no luck. Can anyone help?
  16. That's what I was afraid of. I wonder how much a new license will cost and where to get it. Thanks!
  17. I have City Navigator from a Garmin GPS 18. I was wondering if there is a way to install the maps onto my Garmin Oregon 200 so that it will do turn-by-turn. Thanks for your help!
  18. What's the best cell phone for geocaching? iPhone? Nokia N series? Blackberry so and so? Something else? Thanks for your advice in advance.
  19. rmayben9

    Site slownes?

    Same here. It's been slow off and on this week.
  20. I am going to the UK (London, England & Various Places in Scotland) for the next couple of weeks, and I plan to grab a few caches on my trip. I use a Magellan Explorist 210 North America version. This may be a dumb question, but will my GPS be useful while I am over there or do I need to purchase updated maps? If I can get coordinates while I am there, I really won't need detailed maps, but I'm not sure of any other issues I might face. Thanks in advance for any help that can be offered.
  21. Had a similar problem recently, do not know what caused it. The explorist210 would blink like it was trying to start then a message would read that it was trying to locate maps and the screen would go blank. I had to remove batteries to get it to shut off since it was stuck. Apparently the software 'glitched' and would not allow the unit to open normally. I asked for a copy of the maps folder here on the forum. Within a few minutes a wonderful person sent the file (rather large) and I installed it. Unit started right up and has been functioning fine since (about 3 weeks). I know that yours is not the same problem but you may want to try reinstalling software before you are assured that something is broken internally. 4flatwater Thanks! Is this the regular software that came with the unit? I have a conversion manager and a geocache manager. Any chance you could send me this software?
  22. I have a set of Magellan Explorist 210's that I use to train teachers on how to incorporate geocaching into their classrooms. I frequently allow my more experienced teachers borrow these units to use in their lessons. Apparently during the last time they were loaned out, one of my units was dropped. When I put the batteries in, the LCD panel turns dark like it wants to start up, but then nothing happens. Is this GPS finished? Does anyone have any suggestions or advice? Thanks in advance for your help!
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