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Posts posted by Y2KOTA

  1. Share something you've learned about hunting out caches. It could be some thing as simple or some old time secret that you learned a long time ago!


    I know I could use some pointers in finding caches. Some other newbies could most likely use them too B)



  2. I sent a e-mail to Garmin about the how accurate are the readings on my Garmin GPS III, Here's the meat of the reply I got back......


    "I would suggest you walk or drive a familier path to check the accuracy.

    There is no technical procedure to follow. "


    I'm still new at this, what else can I add, if that's what I got from Garmin!!!


    Oh, I know, it was suggested to me to check the "Datum" setting. Some else should be able to help with that part.

  3. The first question I get asked always seems to be "How much do you have to pay to get GPS signals?"


    Hmmmm.....I can make a MINT selling subscriptions to GPS signals!!!!


    $200 lifetime subscription or $19.99/month! [:blink:]


    $200 for a lifetime subscription!



    WHERE DO I SIGN UP :rolleyes: I've been asked the same thing. :blink:

  4. Dear Mr. 2oldfarts (the rockhounders)and others,


    I'm writing this post to inform you that in fact you were right about the "Datum" setting in my GPSr. After consulting with the owners manual, Indeed the "Datum" was set to a another setting then the default setting of WGS 84. After a few minutes of quality time with my GPSr, hopefully were good to go. Time will tell.


    Stopped at one cache I haven't been able to find on the way home from work this morning. Checked the coordinates to as listed by the hider, they are right on the money ;) Still can't find the micro cache :rolleyes: I'll go back when I'm rested and in good day light :huh:



  5. It sounds like the first thing you need to do is check which 'Datum' your GPSr is set for. It should be WGS84.


    If you decide to use a benchmark to check your GPSr, be sure that the benchmark has "Adjusted Coordinates" and NOT "Scaled Coordinates". The benchmarks that have a Name usually have the adjusted coordinates, while those that have a number usually are scaled coordinates.




    I checked the coordinates, I'm 99.99% sure I'm comparing apples to apples.


    OK, I'll check my 'Datum'. Hmmmmm :D How, what & where is a 'Datum' on my GPS? I looked in the manual and don't see anything about that. I may know as something else.

  6. I went back to a cache that I could find by using other means that I have founds with. Such as the maps on the "View Cache Details" pages, other clues and common sense :wub: The GPSr sent me about 300ft to the west. I ended up in the middle of the street of the neighborhood next to the park that the cache is in :D I also went to anther cache I did find. The cell phone I just bought with the Geocache Navigator™ installed was reading right on the money. While the GPSr coordinates are constantly off by latitude minutes of 00.020 and longitude minutes of 00.080.


    I would love to be able to find a way to check so I can have full confidence in the unit. Any help here would be very appreciated :wub:


    If it maters its a Garmin GPS III :wub:

  7. That's a good resource. Here is the updated link: The Lexicon of Geocaching


    Look up "1/1" in the Lexicon. That is the D/T (Distance/Terrain) rating for a cache.


    Look up "Muggle" instead of muggler.


    A Multi-Cache consists of stages. Look for stage 1 at the listed coordinates. Stage 1 will contain coordinates for another stage (stage 2) or the final (depending on how many stages the owner decided to hide).


    Edit: Had to fix Link.


    Thanks from another newbie :laughing:

  8. New guy to geocaching and GPS here. How well would a GPS embedded cell phone work out with Geocaching? Figure I could kill 2 birds with one stone. I saw on line GPS software for the phone. Any input would be helpful.


    Phone I'm looking at is the......

    Sprint Power VisionSM Phone M1 by Sanyo®.....

    E911 Emergency Location Enabled


    Features an embedded Global Positioning System (GPS) chip necessary for utilizing the E911 emergency location services, where available.

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