3 Hawks
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Everything posted by 3 Hawks
I'm still running 2.5/2.3.
Best Current on Line Deals on Colorado
3 Hawks replied to sli23sli's topic in GPS technology and devices
Last I checked, PCNation.com had the best price, but they were still on "pre/back-order." -
I have a Vista HCx with both City Navigator and Topo maps installed. It is all I could wish for, small, convenient size, logical buttons, easy-to-use "click stick" navigation, auto-navigation, and good accuracy. I second that!! There are units with more bells and whistles, but dollar-for-dollar, the Vista HCx has a lot to offer.
Glad to hear the update has resolved the washout issue. Luckily, my Vista HCx has not experienced the problem and I have yet to install the last two updates. I received my HCx as a Father's Day gift and it has seen a lot of cold weather. I live in Wisconsin and I only take my GPSr out of the car if the temperature is predicted to fall below 5 degrees F. I wonder if Garmin has multiple chip-sets being used in the HCx and maybe the units with the problem have the same chip. Does it make sense for me to be hesitant to update since my unit has not manifested any problems other than a few low battery shut downs without giving me a low battery warning? I've only experienced this twice and it was while in the field during extreme cold. Luckily, I was only 20 feet from my car the first time and less than 250 feet the second.
If you are still having problems, you could manually enter the coords for a few caches onto your unit for your trial run tomorrow. Just search for caches close to your home, pull up the cache description, and follow the instructions in your manual to input a waypoint. Have fun with your new toy!!
Welcome to the addiction!! $200.00 sounds like a good deal considering I paid over $350.00 for my box package that included topo maps. The Vista HCx is a great unit. You may run into a few bugs and bumps along the way, so try not to get too frustrated. I'm truly happy with my Vista HCx. There is a lot of information in these forums about the Vista HCx, so read up. Take your time learning the basic functions and feel free to ask for assistance when you need it. Most of the people around here will be happy to bend over backwards to help you. My Vista HCx worked great straight out of the box. I purchased a 2 GB micro SDHC card and loaded up about 1/2 the topo maps for the US. If you intend on using Auto-Routing features, you will need to purchase detailed street map software. However, I have not purchased the street map software since the base and topo maps included in my Vista box provide enough street detail for me to navigate. I'm sure there are experienced cachers in your local area that would be happy to show you the ropes and could offer much insight, experience, and guidance on the use of your new GPSr. Have fun with your new toy!!
Colorado......I'm done...getting $ back
3 Hawks replied to snomchfun's topic in GPS technology and devices
Thank you Mr. Irish!! -
Colorado......I'm done...getting $ back
3 Hawks replied to snomchfun's topic in GPS technology and devices
Nice profile 3. That mama hawk's a looker. A man would need to be wealthy, smart and persistent to land such a fine lass. You're not so bad yourself! That is one ugly fella!! Hey now!! I knew I shouldn't have posted that camping photo in my profile. That cute lass is Little Hawk and she is priceless. I don't mind posting a photo of my ugly mug on the forums, but I would prefer to limit the exposure of my little one just to be on the safe side. However, I'm sure the majority of people who read this forum could do without seeing my stellar physique plastered about the board. For those who don't already know, I did not call anyone stupid or lazy. Those five words were taken out of context and a read of the original source post, and the follow up posts, have already gone over that fact. But just in case you still can’t figure it out, I paraphrased a post by another poster in another thread who has issue with anyone who expresses displeasure with the Colorado. Here is the exact quote I paraphrased: “Its embarassing to those who are having problems and not fair to those who are really having issues, but the general sense that I get of this is that people are spending money they can't afford for a unit that they aren't taking the time to learn. If they would spend half the effort they expend on complaining about how it doesn't work and learn how it does work, they would be happy. Victims won't do this though. Happiness isn't their goal.” Once again, these are not my words. If you want to see who typed those words, just back track through my logs over the last few days. You will also see my response to that post. A full review of the facts clearly demonstrate my intent was to show support through the application of targeted sarcasm. In conclusion, I would be most appreciative if you would remove the picture from your post. I don't find the publication of a photo with my child appropriate in this or any other open forum. The photo is intended only for view through my geocaching profile and it is not intended for public use. Thank you in advance. Edit: Removed the word "said" since the words were typed. -
Colorado......I'm done...getting $ back
3 Hawks replied to snomchfun's topic in GPS technology and devices
I think 3 Hawks was using a somewhat sarcastic mode to express support and sympathy for you and your situation. I don't believe any insult was intended to you, but rather to those who would do the insulting of you. Yep. Support to you and sarcasm to those who would attack you or minimize your concerns. -
Colorado......I'm done...getting $ back
3 Hawks replied to snomchfun's topic in GPS technology and devices
Some of what you have dubbed "Garmin fan boys" would say you have unrealistic expectations, you enjoy complaining and seek out misery, you couldn't afford the Colorado in the first place, and you are stupid and lazy because you were not able to figure out how to use your Colorado. I, however, am sorry to hear your experience with the Colorado was not enjoyable and I thank you for having the courage to tell it like you see it. For those who love your Colorado, I couldn’t be happier for you. Then again, you are smart, rich, motivated, agreeable, perpetually happy, and truly accepting so you already knew I was happy for you. Well calling me stupid and lazy sure makes you sound like a "positive" person. I don't believe that problems like random shutdowns have anything to do with user error, the product is instable. Can you please restrict your opinions to the product and leave out the personal insults. Ummmm....I am not a member of the "Garmin fan boys." I did not call you any of those things. I was only reporting what someone from the "Garmin fan boys" stated in another thread. I guess I should have clearly stated that I'm not one who feels that way. Sorry for the confusion and as I stated, I'm sorry you had problems with your Colorado. Edit: Changed you to your -
Colorado......I'm done...getting $ back
3 Hawks replied to snomchfun's topic in GPS technology and devices
Some of what you have dubbed "Garmin fan boys" would say you have unrealistic expectations, you enjoy complaining and seek out misery, you couldn't afford the Colorado in the first place, and you are stupid and lazy because you were not able to figure out how to use your Colorado. I, however, am sorry to hear your experience with the Colorado was not enjoyable and I thank you for having the courage to tell it like you see it. For those who love your Colorado, I couldn’t be happier for you. Then again, you are smart, rich, motivated, agreeable, perpetually happy, and truly accepting so you already knew I was happy for you. -
Colorado 400t doesn't work with GSAK.
3 Hawks replied to RonFisk's topic in GPS technology and devices
E X A C T L Y !!! Its embarassing to those who are having problems and not fair to those who are really having issues, but the general sense that I get of this is that people are spending money they can't afford for a unit that they aren't taking the time to learn. If they would spend half the effort they expend on complaining about how it doesn't work and learn how it does work, they would be happy. Victims won't do this though. Happiness isn't their goal. So you are saying the people having problems are poor, lazy, like to complain, and enjoy misery? An actual manual that explains the functions, feature layout, and instructions would be nice and would eliminate many of the questions and issues that seem to annoy you. Not everyone is a techie, not everyone knows of the work-arounds, and not everyone would be able to devine how to use their Colorado since it behaves like no other model. Give people a break, offer friendly and helpful advise and information if you can, and keep your insulting opinions to yourself. Have a great weekend!! -
Garmin Colorado firmware upates, when?
3 Hawks replied to CelticDave's topic in GPS technology and devices
All of the real world lithium usage experiences I've seen mentioned are around the 24+ range. This seems to be pretty consistent. It does seem that there are some units that don't get good battery life (possibly Type G chips?), but I get more than 12 hours with my 2000mAh Eneloops. That seems decent to me. Exactly what poor battery life are you referring to? I'd say, if it isn't performing up to those that seem to be getting decent battery life, I'd return your unit and get a new one. --Marky The reported specs on battery life are only 15 hours. There are a few threads that go into battery life and battery related performance issues in painful detail. Many are geting under 10 hours of battery life regardless of type, setting, or enabled features. Some get as few as 2 to 5 hours under static conditions. Then again, there are some who have the same problem with the Vista HCx. However, mine does not have that problem. Some say Colorado's first firmware updates increased their battery life, some say it had no effect. It appears to be a bit of a crap shoot when it comes to battery life. I give up. There is no point arguing with you guys about this since the Colorado is nearly perfect in every possible way. I wonder what you guys will say about the initial release in 6 months???? Hmmmm.......... -
Garmin Colorado firmware upates, when?
3 Hawks replied to CelticDave's topic in GPS technology and devices
None of this really matters anyway. The next chip generation is ready for use and Garmin's cross-over will be released later in the year. Save up for Christmas. Garmin was forced to release the Colorado before the market window closed. -
Garmin Colorado firmware upates, when?
3 Hawks replied to CelticDave's topic in GPS technology and devices
I'm glad to hear you obtained 27 hours of run life off of one pair of lithiums. However, this is outside the specs of the unit and I've not heard of any other users who have been able to obtain anything close to that even under static conditions in their home. However, I've obtained that kind of performance with my Vista HXc in the field. I was pointing out the fact that the Colorado advertises to geocachers. My quotes came directly from a Garmin advertisement. If the Colorado does not yet measure up to the expected standards, then we are obligated to point out the problems. If Garmin felt we were happy, there would be no incentive to fix the problems. Additionally, serious adventure and geocaching can and do coexist. There are many caches that could easily take the life of the unprepared. -
Garmin Colorado firmware upates, when?
3 Hawks replied to CelticDave's topic in GPS technology and devices
To do what? To geocache? Yes, I'd take the Colorado over my 60CSx so I don't have to take me PDA with me. To "find my way around"? Either model would do. Whatever unit I take or activity I'd be involved with, I'd bring lots of batteries.. I doubt there are many geocaches in the heart of the Amazon. Lets say you are there on a humanitarian mission or on a search for the cure for cancer. So the IPX7 issue in the rain forest would not be of any concern? Then again, it was a loaded question since an experienced explorer would only employ tested and proven equipment. They would never put their life, or the life of their party, on the back of a new piece of equipment. -
Garmin Colorado firmware upates, when?
3 Hawks replied to CelticDave's topic in GPS technology and devices
Have you used your Colorado on Mt. Rainier, or on a 100 mile backpack through the Rockies? I am thinking of the guy 17,000ft up Denali would need a dedicated Sherpa just to carry all of the batteries unless he plans on sprinting up and down the thing in a few short hours. I guess the short battery life issue, the IPX7 issue, and the screen wash-out/lock-up issues in the cold would not be potential problems to someone whose life depends on the reliable performance of their Colorado. Regarding “the game;” these forums are centered around geocaching. The Colorado has a “Geocaching” mode. Enhanced Geocaching functionality is mentioned in their advertisements. Excuse me for pointing out the geocaching related issues in the context of these forums. BTW, I despise pandering. I just call things as I see them. -
Garmin Colorado firmware upates, when?
3 Hawks replied to CelticDave's topic in GPS technology and devices
Gee thanks RRLover for the definition of substantial. Why not just make it "nearly mostly substantially exactly?" Why don't you go talk to any middle school English teacher about the many reasons why "substantially" and "exactly" should not be used together? Substantially and exactly are both adverbs and when you have two adverbs together, the first adverb refers to the extent or degree of the second. In this context, substantially is used as a comparative adverb and modifies the extent or degree of “exactly.” There is only one degree of "exactly" and it is absolute. Therefore, it is not in need of modification. Many of the degree and extent synonyms of substantially are listed as antonyms of exactly. Therefore, “substantially” and “exactly” are not in absolute agreement and should not be used together. The point of my initial rant was to illustrate how some would rather walk around making excuses for Garmin instead of accepting there are issues with the Colorado. The Colorado is intended for "serious" users. Therefore, it needs to deliver serious performance without "work-arounds" or performance compromises. There are only two degrees on this issue. Either the Colorado has no problems or the Colorado has problems. If the Colorado was released with all intended functions working, then Garmin needs to find some new designers and engineers. I'll give Garmin the benefit of the doubt on this one by accepting there are issues they will be fixing in short order. IMHO, the Colorado is a concept devise that was prematurely released before it was fully fleshed-out. If you were heading into the Amazon jungle for one week, would you want the Colorado (in initial release form) as your only handheld GPSr or would you rather go with another model? You can only bring one unit. Hey Garmin......How about full disclosure of the specs and intended functions and when will you be publishing a real manual? -
Garmin Colorado firmware upates, when?
3 Hawks replied to CelticDave's topic in GPS technology and devices
Come on SB. Stop making excuses for Garmin. Garmin is a big boy and does not need you blowing wind up their back side while singing their praises. (Blowing and singing at the same time is quite the talent at which you seem quite adept.) There are plenty of "problems" with the initial release. I think you'd find it hard to get any Garmin designers, testers, or executives to say the Colorado was released "bug free" and/or that the model is currently functioning as designed. The reports from the Garmin/Groundspeak events indicate Garmin freely admits to "problems" that will be addressed in future updates. Either those who attended the events and reported back to us in these forums are lying and the Colorado is perfect in it's current form or they are truthfully reporting the facts and there are indeed problems. I find it hard to believe that the reports found in these forums are anything less than full and honest disclosure intended to keep us informed. Are you saying those who reported back to us were lying? There is a whole laundry list of core functionality issues and an ever growing list of un-met expectations. Some are minor and some are quite significant. The first firmware updates and the chip-set change are early attempts to get a handle on some of the issues. Garmin never released a full manual for the Colorado and has not even come out with a list of features. Therefore, nobody but the designers can truly say if the unit is functioning as designed or expected. In Garmin’s own words, the Colorado “…is designed for the people who are serious about getting out there (and) finding adventure…” The Colorado is “rugged and waterproof to IPX7 standards,…..and (has) the ability to wirelessly exchange user routes, tracks, waypoints and geocaches with other select Garmin devices.” The advertised screen shots show features and detail not currently reported by anyone using the Colorado. The limited manual has a few examples of their own screen shots. Good luck trying to reproduce those looks.. IMHO, the Colorado is currently a glorified, repackaged, retooled, and overpriced Nuvi. For those “serious about getting out there,” it falls short as released. The work-arounds documented in these forums allow you a peek at the Colorado’s full potential, but that potential will not be fully appreciated until the problems and issues have been addressed. Time and effort on the part of Garmin will afford us the opportunity to look back at the initial release with true perspective. When that day arrives, and I hope it arrives soon, the Colorado will be a powerful, serious, fully functioning, and innovative piece of equipment. BTW, saying something is "substantially exactly" as advertised makes no sense. It is either exactly as advertised or it is something less than advertised. Substantially is somewhat less than exactly. Therefore, the terms are in opposition to each other and should not be used together. End rant. Continue with the love fest. FLOWER POWER and please pass the brownies!! -
Garmin Colorado FAQ and Issues List
3 Hawks replied to g-o-cashers's topic in GPS technology and devices
In "compass mode" compass on your unit shows direction in which you are heading your unit ( top of your unit - like in sight'n go). It doesn't show direction , in which you are heading (going). But - as I see - in Colorado 300 compass starts to work, when speed is about 7-8km/h. And it hasn't possibility to manage it manually , like in 60CS. Why it doesn't exist in software ? Christopher What?!?!?!??? Well obviously, TeamGPSaxophone must be heading in one direction and the GPSr must be heading in another. One more reason to keep your Colorado on a short leash. -
Just bringing this one back to the surface.
Garmin Colorado FAQ and Issues List
3 Hawks replied to g-o-cashers's topic in GPS technology and devices
Do you mean M or M2 ? - M2 would mean they have changed to Mediatek If it has no Barometer in off-modus - Is there still a Alarm-clock ? The Vista HCX has a GPS Chipset Type M2 Why did you have to return Coloroado nr.1 and nr.2 ? Now we know why the Colorado manual is so vague, does not state specs, and does not fully list or explain features. Just wait until the units hit general release. Up to know, mostly tech junkies have shelled out the high asking price to REI to obtain their Colorado. Hopes and expectations have been high, people have been overlooking and understating issues under the assumption they will be corrected in firmware updates. Now it looks like we have a "new" chipset with differing specs and the potential for a whole new bag of issues. Things will get very interesting in the next month as the average user gets their hands on the Colorado. -
Garmin Colorado FAQ and Issues List
3 Hawks replied to g-o-cashers's topic in GPS technology and devices
Yes, a properly functioning electronic compass is quite useful and it is not any trouble when the platform properly supports the feature. Having to recalibrate every time you get out of the car is insane. Once again, functionality seems to have been sacrificed for form. -
I had this happen on start-up once. I had over 800 geocaches loaded on my Vista HCx and when I went to find>geocaches, there was nothing there. I quickly shut down my GPSr, counted to 15, said a prayer, and restarted. All was once again well and I've not had the problem since.