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Posts posted by BigBirdNL

  1. Any other good apps available for working with loc files?


    I don't know what you are looking for but CacheMaps can do a lot with loc and/or gpx files.


    It keeps track of the caches you are looking for.

    It shows online maps of the area.

    It passed the coords through to other applications.

    It converts coords to the needed format.

    It does much more...


    BigBird icon_smile.gif


    -- there is no spoon --

  2. There are several out there.

    With CacheMaps I made a lot available. Some url's are easy to type, some are a pain in ...


    With CacheMaps, you download the coords from geocaching.com, load them into CacheMaps and press a button for the map you want. No re-typing coords anymore for any map.


    See CacheMaps for the links to the mapservers.


    BigBird icon_smile.gif


    -- there is no spoon --

  3. CacheMaps is specially made to get rid of al the coord conversions you need geocaching and getting maps from the internet.

    Based on the coords you downlaod from geocaching.com, you can retreive up to 25 different maps from the internet. Without converting or retyping coords.


    And a lot more!


    BigBird icon_smile.gif


    -- there is no spoon --

  4. quote:
    Originally posted by Gaddiel & OrangeDanish:

    There's probably a better way to do all of this.


    When you use CacheMaps you will be able to load loc-files and/or gpx-files. These files may contain one or many waypoints.

    Within CacheMaps you select the caches you want to use, send them to (e.g.) GeoBuddy and save them from there.

    Big advantage: you always have an overview of you caches, projected on an AreaMap, and can select the caches you want to use today.

    Additional, a lot of online maps are available at a click.


    BigBird icon_smile.gif


    -- there is no spoon --

  5. quote:
    Originally posted by gatley1:

    Does anyone know where i could find either a map, or even an aerial photo of an area between brisbane and the gold coast?


    I want to use it to overlay tracks on, but also to record where my geocaches are.


    Sorry for replying this late. Australia is far away for me icon_smile.gif


    With CacheMaps you can load AreaMaps from the internet for any region in the world. It uses MapBlast maps for this.

    On these AreaMaps you can see all caches in that area from the list of caches you loaded.

    I tried Brisbane and it worked fine.


    The way to do it:

    - install CacheMaps

    - load a cache located in Brisbane (using the geocaching.loc file from gc.com)

    - select a new AreaMap for a wide area around the cache

    - double click a point on the map that you want as the center of you final AreaMap

    - select a new AreaMap with the proper width

    - all caches in your list will be shown on the map after you loaded them.


    You can load loc files and/or gpx files into CacheMaps

    You can retreive online maps (I don't know what mapservers support Australia)

    You can load cache waypoints into other applications like OziExplorer, EasyGPS etc.

    You can ... (see my site for a complete description.


    I hope this is helpfull to you.


    BigBird icon_smile.gif


    -- there is no spoon --

  6. quote:
    Originally posted by Carharty:

    How do I calibrate my map?

    With CacheMaps you should be able to do the trick:

    - download a couple of Chinese caches from gc.com and load these into CacheMaps

    - Retreive an AreaMap for one of the Caches

    - Select (double click) a recognizable point on the AreaMap (e.g. a road crossing)

    - Open online maps to verify the location

    Now you have WGS84 coords for a point you can find on the Chinese map.

    Repeat this for a couple of points and yo have WGS84 calibration information for your map.

    Load and calibrate the map in (for example) OziExplorer.

    Now you will be able to use the map for planning your routes.


    Good Luck!




    -- there is no spoon --

  7. When you use CacheMaps you will probably not get into the mentioned problems.

    CacheMaps stores all cache information from .loc or .gpx files. From that list you can select the caches you want to process and shoot them into the application you want to process them with. Including EasyGPS and GeoBuddy. In this way you always work with clean loc files.

    Besides this functionality, you will also see your caches on an AreaMap of you preferrence and be able to call an online map that fits your purpose.


    No need to shift files from one application to another. CacheMaps will handle it for you.


    Good Luck!




    -- there is no spoon --

  8. When I started half a year ago, I had the same problems mentioned above:

    - get the waypoints into my gps

    - find a good map

    - do needed coord conversions


    I created a solution called CacheMaps.

    Download your waypoints, read into CacheMaps, open a choise of online maps/photos, send selected waypoints to your GPS.

    Also, open the waypoints in a selection of applications (e.g. EasyGPS but lots supported).


    And now I do not need to type in any coord anymore, anywhere.


    You can find more information and downloads on my homepage.


    BigBird icon_smile.gif


    -- there is no spoon --

  9. I made my own software called CacheMaps to pass through my cache waypoints to other applications and show maps.


    I personally use (besides CacheMaps):

    EasyGPS and OziExplorer


    The following applications are currently connected to CacheMaps:

    EasyGPS, ExpertGPS, G7toWin, GarTrax, GeoBuddy, GPSBabel, GPSUtility, OziExplorer, Watcher.


    You can directly open online maps from:

    Aeroplanner, Calle, Diane (NL), GeoSnapper, Jeeep, Locatienet (NL), Locatienet Classic (NL), LostOutdoors, MapBlast, MapQuest, MapTech, Ordnance Survey (UK), Streetmap (UK), Sustrans (UK), Terraserver, Tiger Census, TopoZone, Yahoo.


    See my homepage for more details. You can also download CacheMaps here.


    BigBird icon_smile.gif


    -- there is no spoon --

  10. How do you find that one online map you need to find the cache?

    How do you load the cache waypoint into your favorit application?

    How do you convert the coordinates from one datum to another?


    CacheMaps can do that all for you!


    Cachemaps is an Excel application that makes handling cache waypoints easier for everyone.

    If you are quite new to geocaching, you will like the possibilities to find online maps and to send the waypoint of a cache to your GPS.

    If you are an addicted cache freak, you will like the automated possibilities to send waypoints to your favorit applications.


    CacheMaps has roughly the following functionality:

    - import cache waypoints (loc-file/gpx-file)

    - sort/filter caches in the list

    - show cache details (online/offline)

    - show waypoints on a customized area map

    - show multiple online maps

    - send waypoints to multiple applications

    - send waypoints to your GPS

    - hyperlinks to all of your favorit sites


    CacheMaps uses standardized ways for interactions:

    - loc-files and gpx-files to import and export

    - cmx-files for defining online maps

    - cax-files for connecting applications

    - ui-view files for area maps


    You can check out CacheMaps on my homepage.


    BigBird icon_smile.gif


    -- there is no spoon --

  11. You can also load your loc-files into CacheMaps where the information is kept for you. This gives you a lot of additional functionality in finding online maps and passing the waypoints througt to other applications.


    BigBird icon_smile.gif


    -- there is no spoon --

  12. quote:
    Originally posted by ClayJar:

    For now you can use http://gpsbabel.sourceforge.net/ to convert your GPX files (from PQs or Watcher) into a format that you can load into other software (and GPSBabel will even upload directly, with the right settings). You can also use EasyGPS to open the GPX files and upload the coordinates to your GPS receiver. (There is work in progress to make a user friendly interface from Watcher directly through GPSBabel to whatever output, but it won't be done too soon.)

    I made CacheMaps to give easy access to any application and map you need for geocaching.


    It is still in beta, but already very helpfull in connecting waypoints to apps and online maps.

    It uses GPSBabel for conversions. It connects to Watcher for it's great additional functionality. It connects to a bunch of possible other applications. It can show about 15 online maps for your waypoints.


    BigBird icon_smile.gif


    -- there is no spoon --

  13. At this moment there is one international tester lined up.

    More testers are welcome!


    More details on CacheMaps:

    - import .loc-files and .gpx-files

    - show the caches on a user definable (downloadable) map

    - instant access to multi online maps without manual coord conversion

    - instant upload of waypoints to any application

    - at the use of gpx-files, all cache information offline available


    See this picture for an overview of the functionality.


    Let me know if you want to test CacheMaps v3.





    -- there is no spoon --

  14. Hi,

    I am developing CacheMaps, an Excel application that loads Geocaching.com loc- and gpx-files, plots the caches on an areamap, gives instant access to a wide range of online maps and can load the waypoints to a bunch of other applications like EasyGPS.


    Because I believe the application is very handy to geocachers all over the world, I am looking for betatesters from all over the world for the new version 3 release.


    Please mail me if you are interested. I will reply to you with details on how to get the files and registration.


    I will keep this threat updated on the progress of the testing.





    You can check out version 2 of CacheMaps on my homepage. Please be aware that the current version 2 only supports dutch waypoints and maps!


    -- there is no spoon --

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