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Everything posted by niximor

  1. I generally do like the simplification of the menu system, as far as I can find what I'm looking for, which I can. But what I cannot understand is why the header is so tall. The big green line at the top of the page that has only user box at the right can definitely be merged with the white menu line, whis on the contrary has white space on the right, where the user box could go.
  2. Well thank you Groundspeak to completly destroy my email system... I had filters for various email types, scripts that extract relevant information from the email... and all is lost and I must write all of this again... Could you, please, next time release announcement BEFORE you release the update, to give people time to prepare for the change, when you must constantly change things (to the worse, by my opinion)? These sort of unannounced changes drives people crazy... Thank you.
  3. niximor


    Well, in my system, user can easily enter question such as "What is the size of the rock?", which has exact answer, or exact answer within given range, which can be controlled automatically. Also, questions without "correct answers" can be entered, which allows to formulate answer in any possible form, and owner then must check it and eventually contact the founder that it is incorrect. Or there can be questions which always results in one specific answer, for example in which era the rock formed, which can be answered in determinable manner, which can also be controlled automatically. So I do not limit users what questions they can ask, and that's why I think, that I'm not against any guideline and whoever wants can use the website Reviewer must direct the owner to ask questions that are correct, which must be done even if users should reply through email, so again, no harm done here
  4. niximor


    There was massive power outage through half of the city, which the server didn't survived It's back online now.
  5. niximor


    Well, the site does not need to violate this guideline, and even if it does, it is just said that it is only discouraged, not denided You, as an owner, has full access to user's answers. You don't need to use the auto validation of answers, you may just use this as an collect form the same way as for example google docs form, which I've seen used in various earthcaches. This project started as an reaction to another thing with similar approach (website form with storing answers and validating them), which was not meant to be user friendly and required some basic programming skills to set it up. And that one was recommended by our local geoaware reviewer to be published on our local forum. So it would probably not be as bad as you think
  6. niximor


    Hi there, recently, I developed a simple web page, that allows users (owners of earthcaches) to create their own reply form, which then cachers finding the Earthcache could use to post answers to questions instead of sending them through the email. It automatically evaluates the answers and tells the cacher if he is correct or not. You does not need to do the manual checking of answers and replying users when they are wrong. Of course, the service cannot offer adequate solution for every earthcache, mainly when the answer to the question can have many different forms. But there are lot of caches that contains only to measure something, or find out a name of something... and for that earthcaches, the service is great. Please, have in mind, that the project is only few days old. It can contain bugs and probably some missing features. I'll be glad to hear some feedback from you, as I don't own any earthcache The service is located at the website http://earth.gcm.cz and is of course free for all cachers. You only have to register if you want to create your own form. If you want to just answer some existing form for the cache, you can do it without registering, so no personal information (other than that your IP address and information you are required to enter in the answer form - which is only your gc.com nickname) is recorded.
  7. Forgot about all the mountain stuff Let's imagine typical neighbourhood, some forest, some lake, and so on. Now, imagine, you are given initial coordinates (as for multicache), and go there. There you find a hidden box containing a cipher of some kind. You solve this cipher and you are given another place, where you should climb up a tree. On the tree, you will find next coordinates, that will lead you to large open space, where organiser of such event is sitting and he wants to know a secret password, which you were given on the startup. Then, when he knows the password, he will send you to the finish (over that field there where you see that large tree on the opposite side), where you are given some tool by another organiser, and you are expected to demonstrate some kind of skill (for example cutting a log with an axe). After you demonstrate such skill, you have finished. Your time is then compared to other individuals competing the same course and when everyone finishes (or decides to drop off), the three top times receives some reward. I'd very eased things up, but the basic idea is clear, I hope. These are very common events in Czech Republic. So who should log such an event? - Everyone, who was in finish, watching others compete? - Or only such people, that actually took the course? - Or only people who finished successfully? As I get it, the first option apply. Em I wrong?
  8. I thank you all for your feedback! I had in mind exactly that part about camping events, because it covers much more that actual camping - I cannot state "this is NOT camping event, so camping event guidelines does not apply" I accept and agree, that smiley for completing an adventure is not enough, for that reason, we had a 5/5 event in the past, which was allowed to log only users completing the adventure, and 3/3 event, which everyone can log, if they completed lighter version of the adventure or not. So successfull users got two smileys and some prices from sponsors too. As I understand it now, that was generally out of guidelines as the start/finish location of the double-event was known to everyone and was not hard to get to. The D5/T5 part of the event was caused by the obstacles on the way of the adventure. So I now understands, that events are intended only for one purpose - to get geocachers together to discuss, anything more is just added bonus, which is out of guidelines and as such cannot be forced. It is very limiting, however, as I said in my initial post, I accept that this is the way Groundspeak wants the geocaching to go. Thank you all for your replys and happy hunting!
  9. Hi, in our large czech community, we recently discovered, that there has been a change (or better said clarification) of event logging requirements. Now it basically means, that I can go to the event site and that means I can log attended. I'm generally OK with this, for very narrow range of events - basically meeting in pub, or celebration of new year's eve (for example). But, there are lot of events, where attending means completing some sort of challenge - in Czech Republic, there are very common (I guess that they are more frequent than pub-style events) events, which contains some sort of adventure game, with ciphers, travelling, or T5 climbing and so on. These events are the best of the geocaching in our country. Acording to current guidelines, such event can be logged by virtually anyone, who visits the final (or starting) event location, and don't want to compete. But in that case, such event completly loses it's uniqueness and motivation to compete, when the only reward for completing, the point to statistics, can be gained by just going to the place. Is this really the way Groundspeak wants events to go? Yes, there is significant amount of czech people that are very lazy and they enjoy looking for ways how to make things easy, so when there is no strict rule forbidding something, they automatically thinks, they have the right to do otherwise. In other countries, logging an adventure event as attended when I did not compete would be something unthinkable, just because it is not forbidden by the guidelines. But in our country, it means, that a lot of people will start to exploit this Do you think that we must deal with it, because it is something other that Groundspeak intends events to be, or can we do something about it? (Something other than trying to be fear with each other, because I repeat, there are individuals, who wants the point for all costs, and it is for example very easy way how to gain T5 point without the actual ability to climb up even stairs in the house...). I would generally accept any answer Groundspeak might have, I just felt like I should give some background info from our community and to give a basic understanding of what events in our country are, that they are not only meeting, but often some really great and adventurous activity... So thanks for reply from anyone competent enough to give it
  10. Still, the issue about showing HTML and encoded characters in plain text watchlist/owner emails remains. Will this be fixed? EDIT: Sorry, my fault, was reading old mails. It is fixed now The only thing is, that it inserts two linebreaks, where there should be only one.
  11. I hope, there will be a way how to post formatted logs (speaking about newlines) from mobile browsers, that does not support WYSIWYG editor. I really hope! (No, writing HTML tags on mobile phone keyboard is not a solution)
  12. All newlines in old logs are gone. I hope that it's a bug and will be fixed...
  13. Oh, you cannot be serious with the new design... It appears more broken, than modern and cool... Tons of whitespace sucks, removal of many background colors (logs, right panel in gc.com/my/, ...) makes the information hard to be found... To summarize it, new design is awful, buggy, and unusable...
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