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Everything posted by dark_onyx1982

  1. I have read some people like to make cards to leav behind in caches they find, but I cannot find any examples of them. Anyone wanna post pix of theirs? I am trying to get some ideas for mine, but I am not sure what kinda info is on them.
  2. Congratz!!
  3. This is the back, I am still working on the wording. I am not quite happy with it.
  4. Here is a mock-up of the same desin in "art-work" vs. photo inlay. What do you think og this design? Also, is 2mm and 1.5" a good size? I am looking to produce them for my personal use to drop into caches amd see where they go.
  5. I was going to do the flower as a photo. the black and purple is gonna be enamal with raised silver lettering. I made the same deisgn with the flower is "art-work" but I did not like it as much. I also made the 3-d releif versoion with no color, just a silver coing, I konda like that one too. Thank you for the tips............any others?
  6. Thank you for the help. Here is the mock-up of the front, I am still tweaking the text on the back. I am going for 1.5" & 2mm thickness.
  7. I am still pretty new to this. I am working on a design for a personal coin that I want to be trackable. I was going to purchse through coinsandpins.com (not decided though). I am a little confused as to who you buy your tracking numbers from. I assu,e you buy your tracking numbers through geocache.com? or is it a 3rd party? Do you supply these numbers to your coin minter?
  8. I think for caches that are disguised in a questionable manor, a small geocache sticker on the item would clear a lot of confusion. Not on the front, but on the side or something. The person would still have to locate the cache, and the sticker would let a person know it is OK to handle, that is is a cach and not a real outlet or something.
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