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Everything posted by dark_onyx1982
Wow I got the coin in! It is really beautiful! thank you for the great contest and the very nice coin.
Just ordered the silver and also picked up the sun catcher I have had my eye on
The V2 will be an open order. I will have a webpage set up where anyone can order as many and any of the V2 versions (Black Nickel, Antique Copper, Antique Silver) as they want. There will not be a set limit, I'll announce totals after the preorder is closed. I will not be making another tsun version or a secret version, the original Black Nickels are all I will have for my use (25 coins total). After the V2 preorders are closed, there will be no more minted and the coin will be considered retired. I'll probably leave the preorder time frame open for about 3 to 5 days. Coins will have to be paid for at the time of preorder. I will then purchase tracking numbers and place the order with the mint. I expect the V2 coins to be delivered anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks after I submit the final order to the mint. Right now all I'm waiting on are sample pictures so you all decide what coins you would like to order for yourselves. I hope that answers your's and anyone else's questions I'll make sure everyone has plenty of time to get orders in or make arrangements. I'll keep this thread and my website (New Designs page) updated and I'll get newsletters sent out too with a link for preorders. No one should miss out this go 'round I would like to be put on the list for either or both versions :)It has been a while since I a coin has made my jaw drop. Yours did the trick! BEAUTIFUL and very creative!
Me three, I cannot find their presale page.
I also did not vote because the origional post said you would pick the winner. Sorry for taking so long to respond, I have been out of town. I think everyone here did a great job on their cotumes and hope you all had a great Halloween. Thank you for the compliments on my costume and I am excited to have won! It was a b*t*h of a costume to make, but it finally turned out awesome! Your guys rock!!! Thank you for the fun cotume Joe!
Ed Ed Ed...are you in need of an assistant?? Yes, I don't recall Leia wearing THAT outfit...the Empire wouldn't have started trouble if she had!! Remember when she was Jabba the huts slave? Don't worry, surprisingly, a lot of guys did not recognize the costume an some people thought It was from 300. Oh, I recognized it. It was one of my favorite scenes. LOl thought you were kidding, but wasn't sure. I was surprised at the party how many people did not recognize it.
Ed Ed Ed...are you in need of an assistant?? Yes, I don't recall Leia wearing THAT outfit...the Empire wouldn't have started trouble if she had!! Remember when she was Jabba the huts slave? Don't worry, surprisingly, a lot of guys did not recognize the costume an some people thought It was from 300.
I love this one! Totally awesome!
I wood like a golden screw please.
Order placed!
Where do we go for the NEFGA Calendar pre orders? Now there is an idea LOL I will pass that onto NEFGA's queen H.O.O.C.H.I.E.
I AGREE WITH THE REST WINNER!!!!! I KNEW THOSE FLA GIRLS HAD TASTE! And now know why I joined NEFGA! I gotta represent for NEFGA!
I am princess Leia on the right. This is from yesterdays Halloween party. It took me a while but I made this costume by hand, I searched for 2 months and could not find anywhere that sold it. Hubby is Vader
I would also like a set of these coins including the purple one if possible. Purple is my fav color and really wanted her
Better hope your latest TB doesn't get stolen sorry I could not resist
Tip: if you use an ink stamp you should put a clear "sealant" layer over it. Clear nail polish works well. Not all caches are waterproof and you don't want moisture to cause your ink to smear
I use a lanyard or a carbiner.
That is just cruel and unusual torture! I love it!
I don't think that qualifies as a "trade up" LOL
I would not rule out hanna park. There are some easy ones there that are right near parking or a very short walk into the woods. Most with no bush wacking. The biggest thing you have to watch for here is those crazy banana spiders. There are a few caches deeper into the trails, but none of them require bushwacking. There are also 5-6 caches in the nature tails at the university of florida. As I learned this weekend Cary State Forest has about 25 most of them you can drive to on the dirt roads and are with 15 feet of the road.
Are you talking about pix in the logs? A lot of people do cache with their dog, I know I do. I dont see why it would bother you. People post all kinds of pix in logs, the cache container, local scenery, kids, and themselves just to name a few. I have a cache listing with a pic of my dogs on it, but it relates to the cache. It is placed at a dog park. I guess what really stumps me is why it bothers you?
Go to the user's profile page and click on "Bookmark Lists". I guess what i was looking for was a bookmark search option, to pick up certain keywords or something. OR be able to pull up all the bookmark lists available in your area.
Just post a "note" of your visit.
speaking of bookmarks, how can you search for a bookmark list? I wanted to see if any locals had bookmark lists of good caches.
Swag bag, PDA, GPS, camera, swag, weapon, extra batteries, water, bug spray, suntan lotion. extra logbooks/baggies/pens to repair caches that need it, hiking pole, furry neon orange "pimp hat", cell phone, first aid kit, car keys. I think that covers it. It sounds like a lot but it is all small and all fits into my small 9" lumbar pack.