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Everything posted by thespongefactor

  1. Alot of times, That " F " sures looks like a "P" and visa versa.
  2. Speaking of avatars, It also looks as though people use them for their coin or visa versa.
  3. Where does one get a " avatar"? It seems alot of people use one.
  4. I know, That wasn't drwn but My statement was genuine!
  5. This is cool. I wish I could draw.
  6. Forgot to say that I didn't activate, I guess I could??
  7. I got that message a couple of times. I've also got one once that said that the coin wasn't activated yet.
  8. Just what does the "IMO" stand for?
  9. I've seen your coin in person. It's very nice.
  10. That's a nice coin you have there!
  11. Fluttershy sent me 4 coins out of her collectionsince my "secret Santa" neglected too.
  12. The cachebug site has an interesting article that might prove useful.
  13. This sounds like a very nice idea! Thanks.
  14. "Thats what I was laughing at too! You can't use someone elses coin/TB as a FTF, unless you have their permission!" What is meant by this? Can't I buy a coin, Leave it unactivated, and leave it as a gift?
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