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Everything posted by BVnLJ

  1. very confused here. is this am or pm ? and I tried your link E&Cplus3 but it reverts back to 1/24 and 1/25
  3. ackkkk signed up on twitter, don't have a clue what it is . Will you be updating here also?
  4. bumpity bump anymore pictures or info on when these will be ready for sale ?
  5. that's cute...looks like he's doing the macarena : )
  6. a horse drawn sleigh ride sounds fun : )
  7. Tsun, and you and her spent the day relaxing at your house
  8. We have the winner ! Congratulations sterni2009, send me your mailing address and I'll get him mailed out to you Monday morning. Thanks everyone for playing !! Oh and great guess there Droo on your last post
  9. Can you find this coin hiding within my christmas collection of nutcrackers? I'm off to work now, but will check in here tonight when I get home an let you know if someone has found him. Oh, and the winner gets the coin. Have fun
  10. Speaking on behalf of those who gift coins I don't believe they should be sold no matter the reason, to me it's an insult and hurtful. They were given it in the spirit of sharing and wanting to see recipients desire of a special coin fulfilled. If a time comes where they need to part with it for whatever reason, it really should be offered to the original giver first and have them decide what they would want done with it. I was lucky enough myself recently when BrokenW returned her gift of the Raiders coin back to Tsun and I begged nicely with my measley trade offers and she just out and out gave it to me. : ) I also recently received a totally awesome coin package in the mail, from someone who I won't name, but was totally blown away and would never think of selling those either. To me, gifts and trades shouldn't be sold. They should be kept, released, or regiven, to keep the original spirit of them going. just my opinion : )
  11. my guess would be tulips : )
  12. Yes, there is Soooocool's Four Spirit Geocoin pottery set of coins
  13. what coin is that being made? pottery?
  14. Hey there GATOULIS...you were absolutely correct on where Carrah is. She's such a nosy bugger, has to be and see everything going on. Just surprised she didn't point with her paw where the coin was lol. Got your email and will mail out to you on Friday Congrats and enjoy
  15. gobble gobble gobble you're the winner : ) pm me your mailing address and I'll get it sent out to you Friday morning Happy Thanksgiving everyone
  16. Just taking a few minutes break from getting ready for Thanksgiving and thought you guys might like to play where's the turkey. First one to post where the coin is hidden in either picture wins it....simple as that. Have fun : ) All you have to do is find it in either of these two pictures below. First right answer wins : ) Oh and if find my kitty cat Carrah you win her too !!! NOT lol (she's my buddy)
  17. picked my song choice because of her cute hair doo..... "Curly Sue" Single by Takida from the album Bury The Lies Released 10 October 2007 Rock
  18. What is the name of this very cute coin? I would also like one, I'm a moose lover I don't know it's name...they are sold out but were available at geocoinshop.de under the new coins category.
  19. would anyone want to trade one of these... for one of these which I bought today (not yet received)...... pm or email if interested please : )
  20. Jim?? jAY miLLS is Jim?? CF30 Yes
  21. anyone have an extra midnight stargazer for trade or sale? pm or email if ya do : )
  22. well he's online right now here : http://www.geoclub.de/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=7130 but I don't know any german whatsoever other than sauerkraut & weinersnitchel
  23. I love this thread, great pictures. Nice try Queenie-Boo-Bay, a girls gotta dream though lol
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