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Everything posted by BVnLJ

  1. No, THANK YOU, Lenore, Pghlooking, TMOCM, your significant other and children for all the time and effort that it took to put the event together. It was absolutely perfect and we had a great time. Got the opportunity to meet lots of the names I'v seen in here, met some fun cachers like NOSNOW and Shadow's Friend, (who I must tell you will follow you everywhere once you meet them lol lol), DKAY38, Blue Motmot, (whose seeking list I'll be checking out to see what other coins I have to send for the AWESOME Moose on the Loose coins and hershey bar coin she gave to me), Tsun...once again thank you, thank you, for your generosity and beautiful GCF Dragonfly Talisman coin and helping me with others. I even got to hug Mustang Joni, what a cool person in person . My list could go on and on but I won't do that to you all Just thanks again for the fun and great memories of our first mega event. Now go get some rest that you all deserve LJ
  2. Hi, I bought an extra geocoinfest version of the Yemon-Yime if anyone is interested. I'd love any special version of any Chris Crake's coin if anyone has one they would be willing to part with or a Crystal Fairy or Kolner Dom LE 2-tone pm or email me if interested thank you LJ
  3. Hey YINZ guys, guess what we found at the Gecoinfest Room 266 Cache..... just can't stop 'ing our first mega event and first mystery on top of that. Life is good !! Thank Yinz, thank Yinz, thank Yinz to "The Devil Made Me Do It" Mystery Coin Cacher... Yinz made my day !!! LJ
  4. If you go to your paypal account you'll be able to find it in your payment history and print it out. Hope that helps sent you a PM with the name to look for on your paypal account to track down your receipt
  5. thank you
  6. Could someone tell me where to activate a tombstone justice coin. thank you
  7. Looks really cute : ) but what happened to the glow ghosts from the first page ?
  8. "October 3 by CreepyCrawlyCachers Bwahahaha!" He/She/They (?) left this log entry for the GCF....do yinz think they may be coming to haunt us at the burgh?
  9. Thought I'd just throw in a little of the extended 10-day weather report for you guys....kinda cold here now bbrrrr Thursday Oct 09 Rain Hi: 68° Lo: 55° Cloudy skies. High 68F and low 55F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA 60% Friday Oct 10 Cloudy Hi: 67° Lo: 49° Cloudy skies. High 67F and low 49F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA 5% Saturday Oct 11 Fair Hi: 69° Lo: 46° Sunny skies. High 69F and low 46F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA 5%
  10. Here, I'll help..... uummmm it's made of metal Ready and waitin' for your next clue : ) So, is this an official clue and the price just went up ? It was a small bump.... Anyone ready for another clue .
  11. We going to get any hints soon
  12. 1. Participating yes, email sent 8/29/08 2. Received Name yes, 9/15/08 3. Mission Complete yep...on it's way 9/29/08 Happy Halloween !! 4. Package Received!
  13. "I was contacted with the request to send another package but it came when I was really having a hard go and I can no longer find it...did anyone else get one? Is it too late to help again?" I was emailed about a month ago from someone saying they just got back from Iraq and he asked me to send him some more coins. Thought it was some kind of trick so I ignored it......
  14. Okay...gave this one a try. Hope it's a good spooky one BOOO
  15. email sent
  16. A cacher found and took one of our geojelly coins today and is trying to log it, but when he goes to retrieve the coin the system is telling him it doesn't exist. Anyone have any ideas on how I should fix this, should I grab it and then tell him to try and grab it from me? The coin is in California and if I do this will it mess up the record on the coin? I'm clueless here and suggestions would be appreciated Thanks LJ
  17. wow you guys are quick...still waiting on a trade to come in and a coin and pin I ordered on 8/31. But I'll get it there by fright night boooooo
  18. All for me None for thee Beat you to the cache For the round sparklees THE END (another mad face for no reason)
  19. and a "trolling for caches" coin... "Anyone know if they are for sale anywhere (besides ebay!)?" they are for sale at the geocoin store
  20. BVnLJ

    Mimbres Geocoin

    Just thought I'd share a picture of all the finishes together
  21. Hi, looking for a Nurses Have Heart geocoin and a Cache Aid Box goecoin. Will buy or trade if I have something on your seeking list Thanks LJ one trade made, thank you
  22. 1. Participating yes, email sent 8/29/08 2. Received Name yes, now off to do some research 3. Mission Complete 4. Package Received! I am quite lazy and don't have a trading list, so whoever got my name I'm not picky...any thing is fine. Main thing is to have some ghostly fun. BOOOOO
  23. I think what is being referred to are friends jacking up each others auctions in order to get these crazy amounts. What I don't understand is how they cannot help but feel guilty in doing so, and now that some of those buyers from ebay have found there way here, it won't take long for them to put 2 and 2 together. I both sell and buy on ebay and have paid a crazy price for a coin here and there, but once I caught on to who is doing this I stay away from bidding on their auctions. I have also given the name of this forum and the site where you can go to get the coins directly from the vendors to at least five people from ebay who were buying many coins from me and others because it was just crazy the money they were throwing out the window. I mean, you got to have some integrity somewhere right?
  24. Had to post .... today I got two more mimbres and two talismans dragonfly's, all beautiful coins !!! But the biggest surprise I got was a lobster coin/pathtag that I sent to myself I never received a "mystery coin" and it's kinda cool. Just want to say thank you to whomever thought enough to send it to me.
  25. Very nice design and sentiment behind this coin....will be ordering some for sure. Good job!!
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