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I had the same problem, a Mountain Marmot decided to make lunch of my rubber ring. So I just called Garmin, he went back to the work area, found a spare rubber ring and mailed it to me, no charge. Maybe I got lucky but it wouldn't hurt to try.
No GPS here either, yet. Has anyone received their GPS?
CRS, Thanks, I didn't fall the whole 14,000 feet, I was descending a rock and sand strewn, 60 degree slope and lost my footing. My backpack cushioned my fall, so not too much damage, just a bruised tail bone and a sliced open right hand palm. I think the fall cracked my GPS clip as it was on my belt when I stood up, but after sliding down a couple more hundred yards down this rock/sand slope, it was gone. I went back a bit to look, but the snow storm and wind was getting too much and I had to get off the mountain. Oh well, maybe I will go back and look for it in a couple of weeks, only about a a dozen acres of 60 percent slope to search!!
Well, took a fall on a 14,000 foot peak Saturday and lost my Magellan eXplorist 600. So decided to buy this one from Amazon, the price is so good. We will see how the transaction goes.
So my wife and I, and another couple, decide to do an ATV trip over Black Bear Trail in Southern Colorado. We get up to 12,000 feet, more or less, and decide to have a picnic. I leave my GPS on the ATV, as we did a little geocaching as well. I have the Garmin ETrex, the little yellow one, inexpensive but adequate. After a lunch in a mountain meadow, we get back to the ATV and find the entire rubber on around the GPS chewed into dozens of pieces. We had seen dozens of Mountain Marmots, but did not see any tracks around the GPS, which a Marmot would make due to its size. So I am wondering if little chipmunks decided the feel of the soft rubber in their teeth was too much to resist?! Has anyone ever had wild animals damage their GPS? Luckily, I called Garmin and they sent me a new rubber part and the GPS was not harmed. There are still teeth marks on the battery cover, but it doesn't affect the operation of the GPS. Next time, the GPS gets put away, and not left hanging on the ATV handlebar!
Here are a few very easy rules: 1. No more Fast Food JUNK! 2. No more golf balls. 3. No more playing cards. 4. No more used items (batteries, chap stick, etc...) 5. No food items. 6. No natural items (rocks, sticks, dead bugs, etc...) 7. No pennies, nickels or dimes. 8. No personal hygiene products. 9. No paper airplanes or other cheap, paper products. 10. No "cracker jack" type toys. Here are things I have left, and I think they make sense. Coupons for free Subway sandwiches, or other restaurant FREE coupons. Pewter Wine Bottle corks, and other pewter items made locally. Dollar bills Small Tube of Sun Screen, UNUSED. Disposable Camera Along with the Jeep travel bug, I have left Hummer match box type toys. Something you would be proud to display on your desk or mantel.
Congratulations To Mom And Dad!
Inmountains replied to Inmountains's topic in General geocaching topics
Here is Mom and Dad's Profile: http://www.geocaching.com/profile/Default....10-d2faa584c511 Thank you for all the congratulations! -
I would like to congratulate my mom and dad for Cache find number 600 today, in the pouring rain in Southern California. At the start of last year, 2004, they were under 100, now they are over 600. What a great hobby and a reason to get out and be active. Dad is 70 and mom is 67, no easy task but you guys are ROCKIN'! I am so proud of you! Mike aka Inmountains
My Brain Saved My Life On A Cache Hunt
Inmountains replied to Mxyzptlk's topic in General geocaching topics
This is hilarious, I can't believe that it is even being discussed. I have NEVER taken a firearm on a cache hunt, but I have no problem with those that do. Just the other day, I was out with my 14 year old and 8 year old, caching. We were about 20 feet apart in knee high grass. They said they heard a rattle in the grass. I told them to freeze, and look around. When they didn't see anything, I told them to back straight up, slowly. I did NOT run over there, as that would frighten the rattle snake even more. We got out of that area safely, but it shows that you can use your brain, but sometimes you need more. We have had several Mountain Lion attacks in our area recently, would like to see you "walk around" a hungry mountain lion!!! -
Something is wrong. I added several finds yesterday with no problem. Today, every time I try to enter a "find", the EXACT same way I did yesterday, I get an error. Anyone else having this problem??
CoyoteRed, I said BASIC, not COMPREHENSIVE. I gave a list of things that are hard facts, of course there are many, MANY other factors. The quality of the cache, the contents, the hiding, etc.... As far as I am concerned, a container with a dry log book makes a quality cache. I am not out to find treasure, if I were, I would play as a day trader in the stock market. I read today where someone found 37 caches in one day. I will give $100 to anyone who can find 37 caches in my county in one day. You can't because there aren't 37 caches here. One day, my children and I set up a plan to hit as many caches as we could in one day here, and we found 5. Then again, I drive 70 miles just to go to the nearest Sam's Club. So what is harder, finding 5 caches over 20 square miles and a 3,000 foot elevation change or 37 caches over a couple of flat, square city miles? One cache we found last year, near my home was 25 miles of paved road, 18 miles of dirt road, 3 miles of ATV trail and then 1 mile of walking at 12,000 feet. We found it. How would YOU rate that? I didn't care what was in it, other than the log book!
With all the different things people enjoy about caching, a "rating" system would be near impossible. But there are a few things that could be added to a cache that are factual and could be used in rating cachers. Things like: 1. How far from the nearest paved road. If two people found 100 caches each, but one had a total of 500 miles from paved roads and the other had a total of 20 miles from paved roads, the first cacher would have worked harder to get to the caches. Also, could use nearest distance from any "drivable" road. If there is a hiking trail, how far of a hike from the trail. 2. Elevation change from the nearest paved road. I found one last night, 500 feet from the highway, but also 200 feet higher than the highway. I was sweaty and dirty when I got there, but it was satisfying. 3. In an incorporated city or out of the city. 4. Elevation. Hike a mile at sea level and then hike a mile at 13,000 feet. Tell me which one is harder. So here is a basic ranking system. Elevation: 0-1000 feet = 1 point 1000-2000 feet = 2 points 2000-3000 feet = 3 points etc.... Nearest Road: Paved Road = 1 point Dirt Road = 2 points Distance from road: 1 point per mile Elevation change from nearest parking spot: 1 point per 100 feet elevation up or down. There are some flaws, but at least these are concrete facts. Inmountains Bayfield, Colorado
As my name indicates, I pretty know what hiking is here. I can tell you this, hiking a mile above 13,000 feet elevation will test even the best hikers. My last two cache finds stated .33 miles from the parking spot, and each one took over an hour to get to! And I am positive it was over a mile walk and several hundred feet elevation climb. But simply put, a hike is a walk you enjoy!!! It doesn't matter if it is the desert, the mountains or Disneyland.
Does anyone know what the highest elevation Geocache is? I went to Cave Basin in Colorado at 11,600 feet. Yesterday, the kids and I went up to 13,128 feet and I thought about placing a geocache up there (accessible by 4 wheel drive). Are there any really high geocaches? I could do a 14,000 but I know 13,000 was an exercise just to walk around, and I live at 7,100 feet.
something odd on geocaching.com
Inmountains replied to Enos Shenk's topic in General geocaching topics
With that in mind, remember, "Half the people you meet are ABOVE average!" Also, statistics show that 1/3 of the worlds population is fighting some type of illness, so if the person on the left of you and the right of you is healthy, . . . . . . . . Just showing the fallacy of Statistics!!!!! -
Yes, I used the word "picnic" last weekend when we went up to 10,450 to get a cache in the Rockies, and my Girlfriend was excited. But what really gets her excited is when I use the words "mountain meadow" and "alone" in the same sentence. All she asks is that I bring an extra blanket!!! Another thing that is fun is to combine two activites. Hunting season is upon us here high in the Rockies, so I will combine geocaching with deer/elk hunting. And since I haven't gotten a deer or elk in over 10 years, at least this way, I will have something to show for my efforts. Hehe.
I am fairly new to Geocaching and would like to know if there are some safety guidelines? We have several Mountain Peaks around here over 14,000 feet elevation, and was wondering if there would be any interest. There are some 13,000 foot plus caches around me, some not even touched yet, as it takes either backpacking or rock climbing or 5 star hiking to reach. There are few caches in my area as it is sparsley populated and very rugged country. I live at 7,100 feet and am considered NOT living in the mountains. So should there be more caches close to the city of Durango, Colorado, or is it better to make difficult ones up in the mountains? Are there safety considerations to take into account? Any thoughts??