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Everything posted by mgbmusic
I've got 2: "Ok...these four Magellans got us to the right city...Now get out the Garmin and we'll go find the cache..." or "Only took 4 Magellans to find that cache? Ok here's your 5 bucks. I thought 6 was the absolute minimum..." --MGb
According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KFC, it's in Rachel, Nevada. I looked in Google Maps (don't have google earth at work) and it keeps giving me Alamo, NV, and the sat photos there aren't high res enough to zoom in to look for it... --MGb
What happens in the snow zones?
mgbmusic replied to Winter in Idaho's topic in General geocaching topics
Caching through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh; O'er the fields we go laughing all the way. I was thinking more like: Caching through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh; First to finds we go laughing all the way. Ha Ha Ha! Seriously, with the harsh Chicago weather and the snow, and a new baby, I'll probably be hanging up my GPSr until Spring. MAybe the occasional foray, but nothing serious... --MGb -
What's the cache? Just curious... --MGb
Are these the same environmentalists that drive home in their gas-guzzling SUV's to their suburban development built on what used to be a budding forest or wetland that was bought out by greedy corporate industrialists for "development"? Just curious. Any environmentalist that doesn't live in a cave in the woods is a hypocrite...plain and simple. P.S. Never trust a vegetarian with a leather bag.... --MGb
Muggle comments.. "So.. you coming from the Mars or what?"
mgbmusic replied to Zartimus's topic in General geocaching topics
As opposed to him who knows where the thing is... BTW: Why ELSE would we do this. Can I make it MY job? I'd spend 8 hours a day looking for micros in the woods or under lamp skirts.... --MGb -
Unite for Diabetes - Geocaching Promotion
mgbmusic replied to Bryan's topic in General geocaching topics
Thats a leap of logic that I fail to follow - because CITO is an event that provides tangible support to the community where it takes place, and shows Geocachers as enviromentally active and responsible individuals (in contrast to the stereotype). These travel bug tags accomplish niether. I did not say they implied - I said that this bug is inconsistent with the philosophy expounded by Groundspeak to date. I agree in that this deos seem to promote an agenda which would fall against Groundspeak's guidelines, but the same could be said of CITO - promoting an enviromentally freidnly agenda. and while it is just picking up trash, where do they stand on whales, oil, and the baby seal? How about global warming? Polar ice caps? Whatever. It's a good cause that I think universally most people are going to get behind. Some more than others, but I don't think even "bad" people or countries for that matter want to promote the spread of diabetes - except maybe to "infadels" or whoever, but that doesn't count... --MGb -
LOL!!! You beat me to it!!!! --MGb
I was at work, which means there's a pretty good chance I wa sone of the 305.... Having said that tho, there's a cache right across the street from my church...does that count??? --MGb
Be a contact for your local LEOs.
mgbmusic replied to Cornerstone4's topic in General geocaching topics
The bomb squad supervisor asked us to not put "this is not a bomb" or anything like it on caches because it could be positioned so that the word bomb was the only thing showing or it could be worn off and the word bomb could be the only thing left. But how many bombs, actually have the word "Bomb" on them...You'd have to give the potential Bomber some serious stupid points for that...The closest example I can think of is claymores which appropriately read something to the effect of "This side toward enemy" --MGb -
Is it OK to solve a puzzle by the "back door"?
mgbmusic replied to Confucius' Cat's topic in General geocaching topics
The story you relate is the most famous, but certainly not the only, Carl-Gauss-child-prodigy anectdote, and it's a good illustration of your point. However, I feel duty-bound to point out that it's even less likely that young Carl had a pop tart when he got home--that story likely happened around 1790. However, there is evidence that he used his MacBook to get the answer. Well, what's a couple hundered years between friends??? At least I cited my source...My English teacher wife would be so proud... And really, It doesn't matter whether he ate pop tarts or not....What really matters is how many FTF's he got b/c he got to leave so much earlied than the others. --MGb -
My house, my car, my money for car insurance, gas, maintenance. My kids are going to be monitored. My daughter hates that her cell phone usage is limited. Right up to the point where I suggest she buy her own phone and find a way to pay for it every month. Then, somehow, it's not such a big deal. Agreed. It's just using existing technology. Hey if this were the 50's and kids were hanging out at the Soda shop past when the streetlights came on....that's one thing....But when your kids are heading out drinking, shooting, gambling (what not MY kids.....yes your kids) that's another.... Better to live in certainty than denial...There's trust, and then there's ignorance... When my son grows up, he'll be lucky if he doesn't have a transmitter surgically implanted in his head...preferably with a camera sticking out the side of his head like a Borg Implant....disobediance is futile... you can make the argument, "I raise my kids right..." and that may be true, but how about your kid's friend's parents??? --MGb.
I've been doing this wrong the whole time?
mgbmusic replied to ElectricBird's topic in General geocaching topics
In did my first few caches like that and it didn't work out so good. I even brought a compass along so I could have this conversation with myself... "Ok, I'm at XX.XXX which is right on, but I need to go XXX minutes West, so here's west....ok off we go...oh crap....river....uhhh...." Then I discovered the Find'n'go feature and now I can say..."oh hey 190 feet at 167 degrees....Boy this is a lot easier...." --MGb -
Be a contact for your local LEOs.
mgbmusic replied to Cornerstone4's topic in General geocaching topics
6. Liability. I see Liability being an issue, but not as much as baloo lays out. It would seem like you're setting yourself up as a "Good Samaritan" in the sport, not the definitive expert on what is and is not a cache or bomb. I think LEO's, especially in a small to med size town having a point of contact in the sport is a good idea. I know I wouldn't want to have the responsibility in Chicago....but...I think dialogue is a key issue here. If they don't call you and say "Can you come see if this is a cache or not" I don't see a problem. If they do make that call, you'd be doing their work for them, so go ahead and decline. --MGb -
Is it OK to solve a puzzle by the "back door"?
mgbmusic replied to Confucius' Cat's topic in General geocaching topics
Here's my take - Puzzels are meant to be solved but many puzzels can have several paths that lead to the same point. IF you place a puzzle cache in a park and there is only one logical place to put the cache, then it's not much of a puzzle. Here's an example taken from history - Many years ago, as punishment for misbehavior, a math teacher made a class add up the numbers between 1 and 100, before they could leave for the day. The students all began furiously scribbling on paper, 1+2 = 3 + 3 = 6 + 4 = 10, etc. One student, Gauss was his name, wrote a single number on a piece of paper, and left. The number - 5050 and left. The formula young Gauss discovered when trying to add the numbers 1-100, goes n(n+1)/2, which is (100*101)/2, or 5050. He found it by discovering that 100+1=101, 99+2=101, 3+98=101...50+51=101. He found out that by wrapping the numbers around, that is adding (100-1) and (1-100) together, he would get the number 100 at every term. He then multiplied 100 times the number of terms, and got his answer, when dividing it by 2, because he had added twice the sum he wanted. Hence the sum of all integers between 1 and 100 is 101*50=5050. referenced by: http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=51...p;lastnode_id=0 I remembered the story, they explained it, I corrected the bad math....anyway... Obviously Gauss did not follow the expected path. He found a shortcut and was eating pop tarts at home before his classmates had gotten to 435 + 30...Not literally pop tarts since this happened I believe in the 1920's or so, but you get my point...He found a shorter path. I would say it's up to the cache hider and puzzle creator to make sure there are no shortcuts, and if (s)he gets outsmarted, then good for the finder. Saying in the requirements "You have to do it the way I do it" is just arrogance - a "my way of the highway" kind of attitude. It's like a job making you fill out redundant forms because that's just the way it's done. --MGb -
Unite for Diabetes - Geocaching Promotion
mgbmusic replied to Bryan's topic in General geocaching topics
No history here, but as some may or may not know - diabetes is a serious possible complication due to pregnancy and, since my wife and I just had a baby, it's gotten our attention too. Request sent. I'll be happy to get this guy going around chicago. One thing that wasn't really clear tho - The tag has a bug attached to it right? Or do we/can we still attach one? --MGb -
Streets & Trips GPS reciever units any good?
mgbmusic replied to ILBandit's topic in GPS technology and devices
I have the same software for my Treo. Good software. The Bluetooth unit connects fast and locks on sats very fast! Only used it for caching a couple of times before getting my rino. Overall, very satisfactory for caching. Downside is i can't use my phone while caching... --MGb -
Found a micro in a forest preserve that had a rubber spider attached to a bison tube, which was stuck in a knot hole in a tree branch. Scared the drap outta me, and I had to poke it with a stick a couple of times before I'd touch it.... --MGb P.S. I'm still looking for an appropriate place to place my "Snakes on a Plain" cache. Rubber snakes glued to an ammo box...Just gotta find a Plain somewhere....
Is Caching Disrupting Your Marriage?
mgbmusic replied to lacey38655's topic in General geocaching topics
Everything in moderation. Heck my wife - been on two hunts with me - let me release a travelbug for our son on the day he was born! She's understanding, as long as it doesn't get in the way of practical concerns. Got a new baby boy and 12-16" of snow expected tonight, so I won't be out again for a while, but when I am, she's good with it. --MGb -
I use a simiar method with my Treo (since someone else brought up PDA...), but what I do, and what might be even more ideal for a blackberry (it's what the things were built for) is on a reg web browser (computer) look up cache locations for where I'm gonna be, and email the links to the pages. Then, I load the links into Blazer, and save the pages. Treo provides 5 pages of bookmarks - 5 different cache locations based on where I'm gonig to be, or just my cache wish list, broken down by locations. I know the topic is Blackberry specific, but i only brought it up b/c a similar method could be used on a BB. Works for me... --MGb
All I Really Need to Know I Learned From Caching.
mgbmusic replied to headybrew's topic in General geocaching topics
<levity_mode> From a prvious topic: 10. Bushwhacking is a polite term for "stumbling blindly through the woods" 9. If it forms a rash right away, the cache is not that important. 8. Spiders will always build their webs face high and in the most inconvenient place possible. 7. If you don't like bugs, take up go-kart driving instead. 6. Always add a waypoint for your car, or at least bring enough change for the bus. 5. Long hair and windy environments DO NOT MIX. 4. When a cache is listed as being 1,000 feet away, plan on walking 4,000. 3. If you're caching near a river, the cache will always be on the other side - even if you've already crossed it. 2. You don't know that area as well as your thought. 1. The average GPSr holds enough battery life for about 4 caches, 2 bottles or water, one sprained ankle, a couple of DNF's, and about 50,000 pickly seeds that stick to every available inch of clothing, hair, etc. </levity_mode> --MGb -
Heh. Is that a face I should be recognizing? Her body of work is listed in her personal website, or her myspace page, both linked to at the bottom of the profile. But I ain't no stalker or nothin' I think the weatherman has a longer resume.... --MGb
Common Misconceptions That Lead to ANGST!
mgbmusic replied to Snoogans's topic in General geocaching topics
I have never experienced the kinds of concerns, angst and impassioned conversations that fill the forums when caching with others or at events. Ed Well, tecnically, it sohuld read: You're apparently confusing the forums with the geocaching community. That's kind of like confusing talk radio and editorial pages with society. But yeah...yuo're right on. Nice disaclaimer AR. I like mine better... -
sadly, I've only got 71 in google, and i think all of them are from here....Hmmm.... I was a musician once...I coulda been a contender! --MGb
Houston, we are drifting down and away... I personally can't wait till my son gets older and we can go out together....And I can't wait til spring...stupid winter in Chicago..... I know, I know....I'm just not as hard-core as some of ya'll... --MGb Edit: spelling