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Cape Cod Cacher

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Everything posted by Cape Cod Cacher

  1. I prefer to see new, local caches and events without being redirected to the main page, sign in, etc. Plus Washington State... A 2 minute e-mail is a 10 minute process now. Don't like.
  2. You can find but can't hide.
  3. Redundant. Not necessary.
  4. Individually bagging since 09 April 2001. Think of the children! (and save the enviro-messiah bit too)
  5. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Mega-multi-post...
  6. ^^^^ that^^^^
  7. No. Don't get a tattoo of your girlfriends name either.
  8. THIS is Snarky!
  9. I noticed logs started to drop off in quality with the advent of GSAK and other direct to GPS data methods. Carrying 500 locations on a chip is easy, carrying a few printed sheets made people stop and think. I think the growth of speed caching and park and grab hides killed a lot of the original spirit too. How else can one log a Wal Maht lamp pole other than "Uninspired. Fail"? "Twitter-Mentality" will further wound eloquent logging. Txt msg has already shown up from cell phone found caches. Just an observation.
  10. I noticed logs started to drop off in quality with the advent of GSAK and other direct to GPS data methods. Carrying 500 locations on a chip is easy, carrying a few printed sheets made people stop and think. I think the growth of speed caching and park and grab hides killed a lot of the original spirit too. How else can one log a Wal Maht lamp pole other than "Uninspired. Fail"? "Twitter-Mentality" will further wound eloquent logging. Txt msg has already shown up from cell phone found caches. Just an observation.
  11. I did "The Big 'W' " GCB0F It IS a big dubble-ya too
  12. Home page makes my Cod look like a Scup! DAMMAGE!
  13. I don't whether to laugh or cry...
  14. "old School" gps 48. Hold in right hand and button (verb) with thumb. Am-beer-dexterous afterwards.
  15. double post.....................
  16. You're probably 50+ (based upon being a driver in 1975), You had a 'handle'. You have a good memory or keep things. You owned an 8-track. You liked 'Smokey and the Bandit'. You HATE Vega's and Pinto's. I couldn't remember my VHF Marine Land license # for a hundred Monty Hall dollars. SOMEWHERE I have an engraved tag for the radio, somewhere...
  17. Someone had a tagline similar to "Geocachers know where to hide bodies" forgot who...
  18. "Were / Are You Military / Scout?" I did that thread WAAAAAAAAAAY back in '01 I started to feel a bit queasy when after a quick scan, I saw I've been here the longest in this thread (insert queasy smiley attempt to follow) :queasy: Back in the day ( when we used to go Geocaching barefoot, in the snow, uphill both ways), EVERYBODY was learning, so posting was pretty interesting. Amusing anyway. What whippersnapper with a brand new GPS® 3000 with holographic display and 10 TG memory wants to listen to someone that is using a 10 year old GPS48 ? Deep Purple, Trail Gators Edited a comma between the 2 names
  19. Still here, I can't bear to look at Getting Started anymore. I don't sell GPS units anymore so I'm not the fountain of pertinant information I once was. I also get upset with people that say "GPSr" and I'd have a complete melt-down if I ever saw another "How do I Use My NewGPS®" thread (RTFM idiot, it's easier than your remote control AND posting in a forum). "What GPS® Should I Buy?", "What Does IDIOM Mean", "It's Hunting Season", "Do You Carry a Gun?" and "The Religious Question" put me over the edge too. Hence, I don't even look at them. I still get out with my non-vocal account, I should start finding a few more with my classic name and GPS-48. BrDad hangs out in some Maine forum.
  20. You could walk to it if it was in Georgia now...
  21. http://babelfish.altavista.com/ Learn the language, don't be an ugly American.
  22. You're HOW old and you leave the house without a pen / pencil?
  23. I know how to post on a forum, but can't read a manual. How do I turn on my GPS?
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