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Everything posted by Dale_Lynn

  1. Hi all... Real new at this... Here is what I did... I was trying to get a group of waypoints off the GEOCACHE site... Found out I can only "check" the 25 sites on each page. But I wanted the 70 or so sites with in 25 miles of me (three pages). So I went to first page and checked all 25 and downloads as "first25.loc". Went to second page and got next 25 - file "second25.loc"... Went back again got last 20- "last20.loc" Run "Easy GPS" ... Can not find my files!... Aaaah... Files have a extras ".asc" extender on them. Rename files with out extra ".asc" extender and Easy GPS finds them and loads them... Discover there is no way to MERGE files in Easy GPS (there might be, but I did not find it)... So... I get bright idea, I try uploading (send) each file to Meridian GPS unit... YES!... It accepts all files and merges them in database... Now to house clean... download (receive) the database file from Meridian and save it as "Local25mile.loc". Now I can edit and tinker with all 70 sites in one Easy GPS file. Now I can just clear the database in Meridian and reload massaged "local25mile.loc" file back into GPS unit. I can also delete old non-merged files from easy GPS data base. Or not, what ever is appropriate. Now did I do it the hard way, or did I discover some new way to merge files.. Cheer! Dale I'm Diagonally Parked In A Parallel Universe.
  2. Just remember what ever you put in your backpack, some one has to carry it!.... The longer the trek, the heavier the pack will get! pssst.. Good pads on shoulder straps help. Dale I'm Diagonally Parked In A Parallel Universe. [This message was edited by Dale_Lynn on August 22, 2002 at 09:57 AM.]
  3. Just remember what ever you put in your backpack, some one has to carry it!.... The longer the trek, the heavier the pack will get! pssst.. Good pads on shoulder straps help. Dale I'm Diagonally Parked In A Parallel Universe. [This message was edited by Dale_Lynn on August 22, 2002 at 09:57 AM.]
  4. Where on Magellen Web site would one find the downloads... Dale I'm Diagonally Parked In A Parallel Universe. [This message was edited by Dale_Lynn on August 20, 2002 at 09:09 PM.]
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