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Posts posted by DudleyGrunt
I originally heard about it from the colonel (McMasterC), that ran the program office where I work. I think that was sometime back in 2002 or so. It sounded interesting, but it didn't click with me. I don't think I really had a good grasp of it.
Then in April 2006, my uncle (Rookie49) read an article about it and started doing some. It really sounded like a fun thing to do, especially with my son (JuniorNimrod). I did my first with Rookie49 on 30 May 2006. JuniorNimrod did his first with me (and my first with R49) later that week.
Rookie49 has also gotten a coworker (Mother Wolf) and another of his nephews (MyQuest13) into caching.
In December, me and R49 did our 100th together. It was JN's 50th. I plan on doing a cache later this week that will be my 200th and JN's 100th.
Happy trails,
I watch most "real" non-micro caches I've found. I'm only nearing 200 total, so it's not too bad. Plus, I have the messages segregated to a special folder and not my inbox. I also watche interesting TB's or coins I've encountered.
I'll also watch DNF's (to see if it's me or the cache is really missing) and especially interesting one's I'm planning on doing soon.
Also BSG, The Shield, Heroes, Enterprise on SciFi (never kept up with it 1st time around), Ghost Hunters, and The Riches.
I'm for continued anonymity on the site. When dealing with people individually, I don't mind divulging my true name or other info. Just the other day, I left my name and cell number in a note on another cacher's vehicle while out working on the Cache Across Maryland (CAM) - they had an MGS sticker on their bumper. Turns out she wasn't headed the direction I was, but knew that there was a group of 5 just a few minutes behind me headed for the same cache. We got in touch and did the next two together. Afterward, we all went to dinner together. If I hadn't been willing to share my number with another, unknown, cacher, I might have missed out on hanging with some great folks.
Online, however, I like to keep some level of privacy.
I recently joined a scouting forum and used my real name as my log in, but still wouldn't post my address and phone number on the site. I have begun, though, to wonder if I should have used a somewhat less revealing name there. While I wouldn't post anything out of line or make any personal attacks, I think there some value in being able to talk to other scout leaders (or parents) about issues and problems I've had in my den / pack and get their input and suggestions. I have discussed some issues, without using individuals names, but if another parent in my den or pack were to read them, they could concievably take offense. I'm thinking of letting my current username die and create a new one.
Can you help us? I recently saw a cache listed on Route 1 VA, Jefferson Davis Highway, having to do with all the historical markers along it. Now we can't find the listing anywhere and we really want to do this hunt! Does anyone remember it? Was it removed? I've looked everywhere! Thanks for any info!!!
I drive down Route 1 from the Beltway to Belvoir and have hit many of the caches between and around and have not see anything like that. How long ago do you think you saw this?
About six months into caching, I visited a cache with my son which I'd previously found. It had been moved approx. 50' feet from it's original coords (as noted on the page). I figured that since it had been moved and I didn't know where it was before I got there, I figured it was worthy of a second found log.
I even specifically noted in my log that it was a second find. If I'd gotten a note from the owner, I would have been happy to change it, though. I don't think I'd do it again if the situation was similar, though. Perhaps if it was moved a bit farther.
Do agree if it moves significantly, it should be archived and republished as new listing. However, if the owner doesn't do that, it doesn't change the fact that it SHOULD have been done and should count as a unique find.
When viewing a list of geocaches in my area, I am confused by what D/T means? For exampel, for a cache it may say D/T is 1/1.5.
I'm sure when I hear the answer, I'll have to smack my head that it is obvious.
Found my first geocache today, BTW
D/T = Difficulty Rating / Terrain Rating
Time to smack your head?
I'm was introduced to geocaching by my uncle (ROOKIE49). My son (JuniorNimrod) enjoy doing it together, but I've actually done as many without him as with him. My uncle also got a coworker (Mother Wolf) into caching shortly after us. Now, my cousin, also ROOKIE49's nephew (myquest13) is getting into it and my other cousin, his brother, is considering to jumping in.
I also introduced it to the boys in my Webelos den before they bridged to Boy Scouts. The each loved it.
It's like a virus, huh?
Sounds cool. My son (JuniorNimrod) will be in middle school next year and will be in the GT science program. I hope he gets the opportuntiy to participate in the SO program.
You can take the test:
Sounds like a great cache. I'll gave to get some money out of the bank, take the next few days off, get a passport and fly to Denmark. But I won't log it just to prove I'm not addicted. ;-)
All seriousness aside, I can sympathize. Can't even imagine 667 in four months. I'm just trying to get to 200 by my caching anniversary - May 30. Does knowing this date by heart serve as an indicator of obsession? I mean, some guys (not me) have trouble remember their wedding anniversaries.
I originally thought it'd be something I did mostly with my son. Then I started checking out caches near work, on the way to or from work, and anywhere else I might find myself. And if I have a day off and he's in school, I'm not going to waste it by not caching. He enjoys it, but he seems to agree that I am a little obsessed with it sometimes.
As for loaning someone my GPSr, only if they were going to return it the same day - assuming it wasn't going to have to forfeit any caching I might have other wise done, and they'd have to promise to buy me a replace immediately if anything happened to it.
every place is different... but I find that a lot of the time, people don't really pay attention to what others are doing around them.
It kind of sounds strange but I think the longer you hang around a particular area thinking about searching... the more suspicious you look.
I've also noticed how little most people see to pay attention to their surroundings. I don't throw caution out the window, but I agree that the more you hang around, the more likely people are to notice you.
In and out and nobody gets hurt, as they say.
By the way this song is nothing at all close to the Man in Black in style, form or content
This is probably much ado about nothing.
I think everyone is overlooking the line in the first post that said " (it hasn't happened to my caches yet, but the new tourist season is abuut to start...)."
I went and looked at the OP's profile and went thru the logs of 7 caches found. None had this restriction listed and all the logs were in either english, italian or both.
Put it up with out the restriction. If only 1 or 2 pop up in, say, a 12 month period I think most would agree not an issue. If you see a frequent problem, then start considering other options.
I think you will find it is a non-issue.
Much ado about nothing? This is the Groundspeak fourm, isn't it? I thought that's what we lived for.
You're right, though. At this point it does seem to be a moot point.
I think we were talking about this situation Dudley...what gave the impression I thought every cache should be accessible by all?? And I didn't realize there was a "positive" discrimination!
IMHO this is discriminating against those that don't speak this person's language. What's even funnier about this is that this person is a translator...this person knows how rough it is for those with another language and is trying to make it worse for them!
I once took a cruise with the German Bobsled team that had won the gold back in the 70's (or was it the 80's...). We had a large group of mostly Americans, but the four Germans were the most fun to "talk" with (for me). Trying to break the language barrier was tough, but the stories I understood (or thought I understood) were awesome!
Be the gracious host and translate the logs...if it really bothers you, post the translation so others can also read it. I know I wouldn't want others to see me as being rude toward our distant neighbors!
kdv...I'd be proud that someone from sooo far away visited my cache! Delete a log?? Nope!
Well, CR did say, "Caches are required to be available to ALL (emphasis his) cachers." I tend to read "ALL" as "ALL", but that's beside the point, but I don't seem to be the only one that read it that way. CR?
Discrimination is simply the process of making choices among a variety of options. Everyone does that all the time. In some instances, it's used as shorthand for "racial discrimination", "ethnic discrimination" or such, but it's not an inherintly negative thing. For example, it's generally a compliment to be called a discriminating shopper or to have a discriminating pallete.
I keep reading everyone saying how it's "no big deal" for the cache owner to translate the log if he wants to read it. How is any more of a big deal for the logger to do the same. It would me MUCH more efficient since it would only require one translation. Remember, other visitors to the cache page would also need to translate the log if they didn't speak the finders language and wanted the benefit of the information the log might contain. As I've said, I'd log in the local language and my own if I were in a foreign coutry.
I would definitely agree with Cardinal on this...discrimination. kdv....hmmmmmmmmm
Are you seriously agreeing with CardinalRed that every cache needs to be accessible by every cacher or the owner is guilty of discrimination (in the negative sense)? Or just that it is discrimination in this case?
If there is a requirement listed on the cache page, why shouldn't it be enforced?. A language requirement is for the benefit of the owner and other local cachers. Again, I wouldn't add such a rule to my own caches, but if it's posted on the cache page...
The other day, I was at the market. There was a family there that was pretty much taking the same 'race track' around that I was, so we were often in the same aisles at the same time. They were speaking Russian. I guess I should have complained to the manager that they weren't showing the proper respect.
Since when is using your own language disrespectful to anyone? Good grief.
In the parallel of the market conversation, the folks speaking Russian are carrying on a private conversation.
I'm just saying that as a courtesy, I'd attempt to post my log in the local language in addition to my own English. Not just for the cache owner, but for other local cachers who would be reading the posts for the cache.
As far as your final question... I think that when visiting a foreign country, one should at least attempt to learn some of the local language. And that if you plan on living in said country for some length of time, there is even more of a burden on your to learn the language, At very least, you should not expect everyone else to accomodate you when you aren't willing to make the effort.
You may be getting an idea of where I'm going. When Americans, in particular, travel abroad and expect everyone to speak English, they are called "ugly Americans" - to some degree, deservedly so. HOWEVER, when others come to our country and have little or no desire to learn to speak English, certain people consider it hateful or racist not to bend over backwards to accomodate them.
All that said, I would not personally delete logs in another language.
There. That should spark some discussion.
Guess, I took too long to post my thread on this (Trusy eTrex Backs Up British Soldiers) . Had it open and got busy before I had a chance submit it. Is there a way to request my thread be locked to avoid duplication.
http://www.kamera.com/content/anm/World_Iran.asx (~1:08)
Pretty sure it was on the following page, but the link was replaced with a link to article about Iran wanting it's vases back:
If I was visiting a cache in another country, I would take it upon myself to use a translator so I could post in the local language. I'm the guest, after all. I'd also post the English text, though.
Have you checked out GeoScouting - http://www.geoscouting.com/?
I've been a den leader for 5 years, but have only been caching since May 06. I've tried to work some GC activities into a couple of our camping trips. I've just found caches that were in the parks were stayed at and taken den sized groups on a hunt. Of course, I had to take another adult to maintain 2 deep leadership. The boys have seemed to enjoy it. A lot of the ideas above seem to be good.
Can't believe the ******* that would steal from the boys like that. I'm sure the committee is already looking at ways to prevent it from happening in the future such as what MREAGLEWO1 mentioned, but also agree with crawil that the community would probably be willing to help scouts that have been victimized like this.
Actually, could let me know what your pack number is and if they have a website or other contact information?
Dave - DudleyGrunt
Web II Scorpions
Pack 62, Laurel MD
I like that one!
Seriously, a GC car flag would be cool.
Let's try this again. I typed up a reply yesterday, but by the time I finished and tried to post it, we'd lost internet connectivity. Aaaagh!
It was funny to see this newly posted, as I'd just had my first worthy stream crossing incident the day before yesterday. Nothing major and no injuries, but a story, none the less.
I'd gone out to get two between work and a certification class. It started off bad when I got to the park and found I'd left my boots at home and was stuck with my work shoes.
Fisrt one, "Cashews", was no biggie since it was only about 20-30 feet into the woods. Then I headed off to get "Peanuts" in the same park. The description had said that you could stick to the trails, but I was impatient and thought I'd make a clear shot since spring really hadn't arrived and there wasn't much greenery in the way.
Then I came across the creek that ran along the bottom of a small ravine. I searched for a good spot to cross and finally came up with one that wasn't too bad. I could stretch enough to straddle the ravine in a spot that it was about the same height on either side, but still sloped down toward the water. Since I didn't have my boots, I didn't have much traction, but was able to use a fallen tree to balance myself and not fall in.
Luckily, it was worth it and I stumbled upon the cache eventhough the GPSr was showing I had another 100 feet to go.
Of course, on the way back I found the bridge I was supposed have used in the first place.
I've been part of a group that went caching at an event. Once cache, was placed so that if you weren't careful, you could slide down the cliff into the water below (~20 feet). It was aptly named "Sounds like Duck". I was the one that spotted it and another guy shimmed out to it to retrieve it. He passed the log around and we all signed it. Classic group effort, I think.
I had another cache that my son and I went to do and would have been nearly impossible for him, but I grabbed it. I didn't let him sign. Partly because he could not have done it on his own, but partly because he wasn't really even helping to look for it and was more so playing in the creek. I think that if he'd been searching, I have let him sign.
I was looking for one cache - hoping for FTF - and wasn't finding it. Another cacher came along and we looked together. He ended up finding it. Although some one else had ended up getting FTF earlier, I would not have claimed half of the FTF credit.
That said, if you can't even get to the spot where the cache is hidden - or even see it - there's probably and argument to me made that you shouldn't claim credit.
Dont Tread On Me Geocoin
in Trackables
Well, I've GOT to get one of these. Signing up on your website. Waiting for my e-mail confirmation message.