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Everything posted by Beowulf83

  1. Nope, not a one. Just agreeing that it's OK given proper attention to decorum. I did try a virtual at a remote cemetery in the middle of a cornfield in the middle of nowhere, but the link to the USGS Nameserver in my hint gave away the answer. I archived it before it was ever found. I might go back and place a micro if I could ever find the owners and get permission. Forgotten Family Virtual Edited to include the following... Duh - it's obviously been awhile since I posted/archived that cache. Mapblast is no longer used, and that was the problem. Also, the link to the name server in that clue is no longer valid. Of course, I doubt this one would get approved again given the new guidelines on virts.
  2. I got my first GPS mainly to mark grave locations in neglected cemeteries for genealogy. Many of the ones I've found were overgrown, and in some danger of being lost. If done in accordance with guidelines and acceptable practice, placing a cache nearby might bring attention to some of these neglected sites.
  3. Agreed - not only between pocket PC (or Palm, in my case, with IR), but to also quickly share waypoints with cachers encountered on the trail.
  4. Glad you enjoyed them. We got carp-al tunnel syndrome typing them.
  5. Hmm, kind of like the ability to synchonize "The Wizard of Oz" with Pink Floyd's "The Wall." I kind of like the idea of a musically inclined cache. What would be really cool would be to synchronize it with the lyrics as a hint. Something like, "Starting at coordinates X North and Y West, put in song Z and continue at M miles per hour until you hear the phrase N." Of course, the d=v/t formula would still make it easy for the mathematically inclined. Edited to add obligatory singing fish reference.
  6. You might check out the DeLorme State Atlas series. These are topos with lat/long grids. I don't think they will have the detail you are after, and it's in atlas rather than flat map format. I don't know about your part of the state, but The Map Shop in downtown Greenville might have what you need. I think Acorn has it right about GSAK and EasyGPS. I have just started with GSAK, so I'm still kind of partial to the Topographix products (EasyGPS, ExpertGPS). I've found it worth the money to go ahead and purchase the ExpertGPS. NOTE: I'm glad you're in the EASTERN part of the state! I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm heading to Myrtle Beach
  7. I guess I'm not as much of a geek as I thought. It hadn't occured to me to look on Ebay for supplies. I am in agreement that most of these containers are problematic. I did a quick search using the keyword "geocache", and this interesting tidbit turned up... Fake Diploma
  8. I play disc golf for the same reason - I just drop the "disc" part when convenient
  9. We don't have any BPS in my area, so I just recently visited my first at Myrtle Beach earlier this month. I did EXACTLY the same thing. My whole reason for visiting was to pick up a compass for caching because I had left mine in my other car. Good luck with the job - seemed like it would be a fun place to work.
  10. I keep forgetting about flea markets. Thanks for the reminder We've got a HUGE one nearby that could be the source for many caching necessities - swag, containers, etc.
  11. For me, it also depends on who is going with me. I'll carry a spare compass and my extra GPS, as well as some spare SWAG if I'm taking someone new with me. For someone experienced, they are pretty much on their own.
  12. Great looking cache! Just curious - how do you keep moisture out? I've enjoyed looking at all these creative caches, and I may "harvest" a few ideas for future caches. I do have a question, however. At what point does a camoflauged container cross the line from "creative" to "unfindable"? It seems to me that if you make the cache too obscure, you won't get any finds. I like challenging, but not impossible.
  13. I can get them locally for $5.00 apiece. Of course, if you factor in airfare to my location , it tends to negate any savings you might realize.
  14. I've got nothing against regulars, but if you really want to take on a persecution complex, be my guest. I do, however, have a problem with those that think the world revolves around them. 'Tis the nature of forums - you need both regulars and irregulars to sustain a conversation. And it is also the nature of forums that someone is going to get bent out of shape.
  15. You know, I don't really care if this is all said tongue-in-cheek. The fact that this thread exists shows an arrogant "the-world-can't-exist-without-me" attitude and lends credence to those that criticized regular posters in the other threads. IMHO, all this really belongs in Off Topic. When I visit this section of the forum, I would hope to find information about the sport of Geocaching, not sniping about who intimidated whom and which forum can't get by without whom. Lively debate - yes, but not this BS. My prediction - if regulars stopped posting, other equally experienced cachers who don't say as much would gladly answer questions. It might be a bit quieter, but maybe that would be a good thing. Now if we went a week without Mods...
  16. I had used a Magellan 315, but just got a Garmin eTrex Legend for Christmas. What I would REALLY like to see would be IR ports so that GPS units could beam data in much the same way as PDAs.
  17. Dang - wish I had found this thread before starting my next two caches. These are to be book exchanges as well, but I only had standard ammo boxes to work with. I'm limiting mine to paperbacks. Thanks for the suggestion of including additional Ziplocks - I'll definitely do that.
  18. I agree completely, Coyote (not that my stat counts are anything to be proud of). In a case like that, I think it's fairly easy to spot when someone truly has a question and when someone is being a jerk. You're going to get all kinds on a discussion board - those that barge in and try to intimidate while new, and those that try to intimidate after hanging around awhile. Perhaps it's less a function of how long you've been involved as it is a function of personality (or lack thereof.)
  19. I disagree completely. They are "newbies"; meaning they don't know yet. If veterans fail to see that, then they have FAILED to see that. exactly....very well put So instead of posting my diatriabe, I should have waited a few minutes and let Gixxar say for me. Much more eloquently and succinctly, I might add!
  20. Always happy to welcome new cachers to the area! Spam, it sounds like you're in the Dacusville area. You've got some great caches nearby.
  21. I would echo Robert's comments about the Name Server. Back in early days of GC, before Virts became a thing of derision, I had a virtual at a very remote cemetary called Forgotten Family. The question for the virtual was to provide the name of the family buried there. The cemetary was located on a dirt road in the middle of a corn field in the middle of nowhere, so I THOUGHT it was suitably challengined. That is, until I plugged the coords into the Name Server and it gave me the answer in seconds. I pulled the cache myself before anyone registered a find. DeLorme's Street Atlas 2005 does a great job showing coordinates for locations.
  22. Until recently, my screen name was "ttaylor181", which was my rather unimaginative AOL screen name. I've recently switched to Beowulf, which is what I use on several other discussion boards. It's more a nod to Beowulf Shaeffer, the intrepid star traveller created by Larry Niven, than a reference to the mythical warrior. That, and I like the avatar I found to match it.
  23. I'm probably considered a nOOb here, but if you'll look closely you'll see that I've been around since early 2001 - an oldtimer by anyone's standards. I just don't post much to this one. I have been a part of many discussion forums, and have even run a couple of them myself. I don't get intimidated by anyone, and will stand my ground in a verbal melee. So why don't I participate more fully? First, as I read this, many of the posters already said what I wanted to say, and in some ways much more eloquently. I don't feel the need to say "ditto" just to cast my vote a particular way. I'll read, gather opinions, and post when I have something to say. That's just my style, and on a board as active as this one, it means I don't say much. As far as new folks asking the same questions, I have absolutely no patience for those that DON'T have patience with them. They have made an effort to participate, and in most case have made the bold step in admitting their ignorance of things with which regulars are very familiar. While I would hope folks interested in the sport would at least read the FAQs, sometimes those can even be long and intimidating, and a friendly interpretation might be what they really want. As far as their searching past threads to make sure you're not asking a previously discussed item, it is only a rare new poster that will do this, so forget it. It takes time and participation to develop a feel for the board. Be a welcoming mentor and answer their questions. I think that as they participate, they will see that topics tend to run in cycles, and be better able to use the board to best suit their needs. If you feel bored or impatient with those that do ask questions that have been asked earlier, then no one has obligated you to respond. There are plenty of other topics for you to express your opinion.
  24. Double-posting like a madman... "Journey of the Sorcerer" by the Eagles, AKA the theme song from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."
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