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Posts posted by b1rdbrain
Steal his caches. nothing will piss him off more then to have to replace his caches. by the way it's not me you're talking about, right?
so i am watching the Discovery Channel today. Thay are playing a show thats all about the North Hollywood Shootout. This was a big bank Robbery that went all bad. 2 gunmen came out to find the LAPD waiting for them so they shot the whole area up with Fully automatic guns. AK47 and stuff. it was 44 min. of pure hell. many cops had been shot up and the gun men died, one took his own life and the other bled to death. i want to know would it be OK to do a Multi-cache at that bank to mark the shootout. the first of 3 caches would be in the parking lot of the bank number 2 would be where gun men #1 took his life and number 3 would be where gunmen #2 had died. this was the biggest shootout the LAPD had ever been in and it looked like a scene from a movie. it was so big, it made the LAPD start carring M16's and Changed the way law enforcement handles bank robberies for ever. by the way no cops died that day the only people that died was the 2 bank robbers. this shootout is now in our histery books it was so big, and every time i need to cash a check from Bank Of America i always go to that bank.
So i am coming up on find 100, it's a big milestone for me. what are some of the things people do for there milestone finds?
Urban Caching is good for Numbers. alot are just quick park and grabs. but don't think they are all easy. there are alot of evil hides out there. Lyndy hides seem to be very evil. the one that got me the most is in Reseda, CA at a Del Taco on Vanown and Corbin. i went to this place 4 times before i found this one. i have gone to many of this guys caches so now i just look at the spots that look like his type of cache. the most evil hide i came accross lately was call "A Mighty Lowe" it's at a new Lowes in Northridge, CA this one drove me nuts cuz i never would have thought how this was done till i found it. if you go for the numbers and do the urban Caches just remember that light poles are the most commen that you will find. The best cache i have found was a fake Sprinkaler. I had to look up Geocaching on Ebay to find out how one was hiden. there is one in Vegas that used Fake Dog Poop. so Urban Caches can be weird. pluse it is more of a challange to hide a larger cache in the Urban areas. most will be an Altoids tin.
And there we have it folks. Team 360 has the beans, Tons of people would like to take care of it, The best way to persurve it is in acrylic (by the way there is a place that will do it here in Chatsworth, CA and it's like $200) lots of people are pissed off like team 360 or people are on his side. I think at this time, all questions have been asked and there for all answers have been posted. we all would like to see the O.C.B. in a better place and team 360 would like to keep it. i would like to say some nasty things about some of the stuff he has written me personly but due to the fact he can not respond at this time i will keep my post to myself. so i here by close this thread at this time and i will take some ones advice and go get more caches for i am now getting closer to 100 finds Woo Hoo. some please notify me when team 360 is no longer banded from Groundspeak i still have some words i like to say to him pesonaly in the Forums. thank you for all that showed they do care about the can of beans, and good luck with the un-original can of beans
Considering the fact that Team360, holder of the OCB is now a banned member, he may be eating burritos or tostadas for dinner tonight.
Why was he banned? and who has the say in who gets banned? not to get off subject but if the man can not clearly speack out about my thread then this matter will be closed till he can speak. i'm going to close this matter in 24 hours from right now till team 360 can speak for him self. i think that it's only fair that the man with the can is able to speak about the beans.
... If the OP wants to see the can of beans he should write Team360 and find out when and where the next event will be where he will show off the rusted OCB.
Ummm.... Didn't Team360 post that it was no longer going to be taken to events and that the rusted piece of trash will live out it's days in a closet?
'Move it around'??? You must be joking!! Do you even know just how fragile the O.C.B. is? Sitting in a closet is probably the best thing for it (no movement, and away from light and heat).Guess I hadn't read where Team360 said he was keeping it in a closet. In that I case, I will tell the original poster that what I saw looked like a rusted can, much like you might find looking for a cache in area that has been used as a trash dump. I personally don't see the interest in this can as an historical artifact other than to show another reason why stuff left in caches degrades.
It's from the very first cache. if they placed a marker on the first spot of a cache then they should take the same care in the first traid item. after all it was what started a world wide game. we all go looking for some ones little something in god who knows where to sign a log to say we did it and it all started from the O.C.B. in the first cache in Organ.
I'll close it. If the original poster has follow up questions s/he can open it back up again.
IMO the whole can of beans thing is just fun and campy. It actually gave me a fun idea...
Just as selfish as team 360 i'll close this topic when i am dadgum well pleased.
this whole thing is about the O.C.B. being preserved for everyone. i just think that if you want to keep the first cache alive that the first traid item should also be kept alive. the O.B.C. belongs in some kind of museum. being in the closet of a house letting just rote and complaing about moving it is just wrong. as far as it's you're travel bug fine. move it along then to some one that is willing to get it moved in to a place that can properly take care of it. but if you are going to keep it then don't act like an a** about it. take it around and show people it or get it moved in to a museum. do as you please but just don't be an a** about it. you emailed me saying "i wanted to take you're travel bug?" i say if it's from the first cache it all our travel bug. just do the right thing and give it a proper home if the smithsonian will not take it then some other museum will take it. if you're going to keep it then share it. ebay is not a place for something like this and if no one has the balls to take care of it then i will. i 'll do what ever it takes to get it placed in a museum. but team 360 has it and it's up to him to do with what he wants with it.
i found a wooden nickle today in a cache. i looked up the tracking number and nothing. i can't find an actavation number for it ether. do i just pass it along and not worrie about it?
No money problems, thank you.
Just put it out there one time, to see if it would go, but no takers.
As stated on the Ebay page, it will never be offered for sale again and now sits on the closet floor.
Oh well.
the O.C.B. should be in the Smithsonian Institution and as Geocachers we should do as much work as needed to get it in there. i for one am willing to start a movement to get the can of beans in the Smithsonian. who is with me?
Just got an email from team 360 they have the Beans and they take it all over to Cache events and it's in good hands. Thank You Team 360 for keeping it alive.
Does any one know where the infamous original Can of Beans is at?
It happens every once and a while. Take a deep breath, and then decide what to do......
That is exactly what I was going to suggest. This happened to me, and I had a really hot email composed, since I was pleased with the sneakiness of this hide. Fortunately, I had it looked over by a cooler head and edited it. I got a very nice reply back and the log was edited very thoughtfully. All's well that ends well!
so i emailed the 2 people that spoiled the cache and yes i'm the owner of the said cache but i didn't get a responce. i then deteled the 2 post and and posted a mataince letter stating i removed them due to spoiling the hide with in a day i was emailed by both partys saying sorry and they both reposted not spoiling the caches hidding spot
i would say that the best way all you said was to email first then delete if nothing happens but then post a note on the page why you removed the said posting. all is still fine and nobody gets mad.
Well, there is no way for you to edit their log. As the cache owner, you can delete it, however.
The best thing would be to email them and ask them nicely to edit the log and take out the spoiler info. If they do not respond, then you can delete it for them if what they wrote is really bothering you.
they say right where the cache is in there post and they didn't encrypt the post
what can you do when people have spoiled you're cache when they post the find?
Is there a way to remove the postings that spoiled the hide?
what can you do when people have spoiled you're cache when they post the find?
Is there a way to remove the postings that spoiled the hide?
What's Dave Ulmer doing today? is he still around? does he still look for or hides Caches? how can i thank him for inventing this sport?
What if i wanted to have a Geocaching party. something local that people could come and have fun. listin to live bands and just have a night out but mark it as a cache site. would this be OK? would people go for something like that? it wouldn't be a big event but more like a party. would something like this be a good thing or a bad thing? would Geocachers want to meet other Geocachers? just a thought. just wanted to see what people would say to something like that. it could be done like a letterbox cache to find the party or something like that.
thank you very much for the advice. i just found my first 7 micros and i think they were kinda hard the first one was "I Wish I Had One Of These In My Yard" and the 2nd was "You Would Be Smart Not To Make This You're Final" i'm going back to Del Taco to get the light pole now i know about the skert. also found 5 more today
Hello my name is Jay aka B1rdbrain. i just got into this and went out last monday for the holliday looking for 3 caches in my area. i didn't find a single one. i got real dirty looking and i just need some help to see how it is done. the first one was Northrige 1994 this was a cool thought find the fake rock and look at stuff from an earthquake that i lived through. the 2nd was a del taco down the street i thought it would be quick being it was down the street but this one was listed as a light pole hide i opened all the light poles but one and i didn't have the tools to open it. (i just know it's in the one i didn't open. i'll be back for that one) so i think if i could be told about a group meeting then i could go and get some pointers. email me at b1rdbrain@yahoo.com or go to http://www.myspace.com/b1rdbrain
thank you for you're time
Hello my name is Jay aka B1rdbrain. i just got into this and went out last monday for the holliday looking for 3 caches in my area. i didn't find a single one. i got real dirty looking and i just need some help to see how it is done. the first one was Northrige 1994 this was a cool thought find the fake rock and look at stuff from an earthquake that i lived through. the 2nd was a del taco down the street i thought it would be quick being it was down the street but this one was listed as a light pole hide i opened all the light poles but one and i didn't have the tools to open it. (i just know it's in the one i didn't open. i'll be back for that one) so i think if i could be told about a group meeting then i could go and get some pointers. email me at b1rdbrain@yahoo.com or go to http://www.myspace.com/b1rdbrain
thank you for you're time
Milestone finds
in General geocaching topics
I like the Sign idea but should i make it a big cache like in a park of even an event cache? i really want to make it a big deal for #100