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Everything posted by midge08

  1. we've found sunscreen, but i have a little bottle of it in my caching bag. we need to find some bug spray though. we have also found a carwash key, but we don't know what it's for.
  2. we tried for our first night cache last night. there were three of us walking down a ditchbaks at 9:30 pm. oboegirl and i were scared. so we followed snare08. i had my cell phone in my hand with 911 pre-dialed. all i had to do was push call. lol. i'm scared of the dark. then we got down to within 500 feet of the cache, and realized that it was in some trees, near someone's house. we didn't want to cops to get called on us. plus i was freaking out. we turned around and went back to my car.
  3. i got hooked when my best friend found out about caching, and we tagged along. but, sadly, i am gonna have to take a break from caching. i crashed my car, and now i have stitches on my face, and a concussion... i was on my way to go caching when i crashed.
  4. i hate spiders. a lot. we found a big 'ol black widow one time. i ran away from the cache screaming.
  5. wow. i'm sorry. the worst that has happened to me is i was trying to hop a fence, and the pokey things poked me arm pretty bad. i still have the bruises a week later.
  6. we were at a cache yesterday, and when i found it, i got a bit too excited. we were in a park, so there were houses nearby (but no one in the park itself). so, when i yelled in excitement of having found the elusive little bugger, an old lady walked out of her house and looked at us funny. i immediately said, "i found my phone! why did your stupid little brother hide it under there? idiot! and look! missed calls! i'm gonna kill your brother." (i was with a few friends) the old lady went back in her house. there was one cache that required that we climb up a big pile of rocks that is part of a piece of "art" in the middle of our town. the so-called art, is a big 'ol metal rusty tree. we decided that if anyone asked what we were doing, we were going to tell them that we were gonig to steal the metal tree (which is absolutely impossible) and put it up as a christmas tree. (in the middle of may) sadly, nobody noticed us.
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