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Posts posted by TexasGringo

  1. ATP, CFII, MEI, AGI, IGI....EIEIO and Sometimes Y.


    Left aviation in the early 80's...went into computer programming and Project Management.


    8000+ Hrs TT...instructed at Spartan in Tulsa (early 70's) and later Burnside-Ott (Late 70's). Flew Commuters and Corporate.


    Since I left Aviation, I rarely fly...I'll drive instead.

  2. It must not be my night...


    In my profile, I was trying to change my location from Dallas, Tx...to Richardson, TX


    When I clicked to update...I got these errors.


    <The first name must be between 1 and 32 characters long.


    You must enter a last name.The last name must be between 2 and 32 characters long.>


    I retyped my first and last name...but still no workie. On the bottom left of IE...ie said "Error On Page".


    No problem...I just won't move.

  3. Took a while to get here....


    8:45 PM CST

    PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 45 seconds exceeded in E:\Inetpub\forums\GC\ips_kernel\class_db_mysql.php on line 457 PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 45 seconds exceeded in E:\Inetpub\forums\GC\sources\ipsclass.php on line 1111


    8:52 PM CST

    PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 45 seconds exceeded in E:\Inetpub\forums\GC\ips_kernel\class_db_mysql.php on line 457 PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 45 seconds exceeded in E:\Inetpub\forums\GC\sources\ipsclass.php on line 1111


    8:55 PM CST

    PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 45 seconds exceeded in E:\Inetpub\forums\GC\ips_kernel\class_db_mysql.php on line 457 PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 45 seconds exceeded in E:\Inetpub\forums\GC\sources\ipsclass.php on line 1111


    That was trying to get into the Forums.


    Now at 9:05 CST...it seems to work OK again.

  4. Puzzles and how to get the answers are the cache owners own thinking. Sometimes they are easy, Sometimes they are hard.


    There is a Puzzle cache near me and I found that puzzle in many sites using a Google search. So, off I went with the answer, I marched through mud, vines, stickers, poison ivy...you name it...it was their. When I got to the cache, I enter that number into the Padlock and WHALA !!!! It Did Not Open.


    Since I was already in the woods, I played with that Padlock for a good half hour+ without opening the lock....So, off I went...with out signing the log, and once again I marched through mud, vines, stickers, poison ivy...you name it...it was their...back to my car.


    So, the Moral Of The Story...Don't Use The Web-Sites I Used.

  5. For those of you who uses the Philips Sonicare electric toothbrush ....before you dump the old toothbrush head look underneath ... there is a really strong magnet (i think it is a Neodymium Magnet) which you can use on a Micro ... or film canister...etc... :D "save a buck or 2 on Neodymium Magnets"


    you will need to pry it off with a small tip screwdriver... but be carefull when prying off ...might slide off and scratch / wound your hand :D


    I have a small collection of them! :D


    A Collection of Magnets or Wounds?

  6. No Workie For Me Either.


    I have:

    Windows 2000

    IE 6.0.2800.1106

    New Communicator

    AT&T DSL (3.0 Down)


    Test Page says it works properly...shows my 60csx and unit id


    I've rebooted the system

    Tried that "Control" / "Refresh"

    Clicked on "Send to GPS" holding the "Control" key



  7. The very first cache I did was an Ammo Box in a little bunch of trees. It took me about 1/2 hour to find it because I didn't know what to look for.


    Not to worry, I don't find everything the first time either...or 2nd, 3rd...etc. Some, I have Never found...even though others have found them before me and after me.

  8. IPB WARNING [2] mysql_connect(): Too many connections (Line: 131 of \ips_kernel\class_db_mysql.php)



    There appears to be an error with the database.

    You can try to refresh the page by clicking here.


    Error Returned


    SQL error: Too many connections

    SQL error code:

    Date: Wednesday 12th of November 2008 09:15:19 PM


    We apologise for any inconvenience

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