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Posts posted by TexasGringo
What Is Wrong With The PN-40?
ATP, CFII, MEI, AGI, IGI....EIEIO and Sometimes Y.
Left aviation in the early 80's...went into computer programming and Project Management.
8000+ Hrs TT...instructed at Spartan in Tulsa (early 70's) and later Burnside-Ott (Late 70's). Flew Commuters and Corporate.
Since I left Aviation, I rarely fly...I'll drive instead.
<Of course I will boil it so that its clean>
I've Sent an Email to several Low Count Cachers (under 10 caches found), that found my caches...just to give them a "Hello...Thanks For Stopping By...have fun Geocaching".
It Worked with FireFox.
IE6 gave the errors.
It must not be my night...
In my profile, I was trying to change my location from Dallas, Tx...to Richardson, TX
When I clicked to update...I got these errors.
<The first name must be between 1 and 32 characters long.
You must enter a last name.The last name must be between 2 and 32 characters long.>
I retyped my first and last name...but still no workie. On the bottom left of IE...ie said "Error On Page".
No problem...I just won't move.
Richardson, Texas
Took a while to get here....
8:45 PM CST
PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 45 seconds exceeded in E:\Inetpub\forums\GC\ips_kernel\class_db_mysql.php on line 457 PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 45 seconds exceeded in E:\Inetpub\forums\GC\sources\ipsclass.php on line 1111
8:52 PM CST
PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 45 seconds exceeded in E:\Inetpub\forums\GC\ips_kernel\class_db_mysql.php on line 457 PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 45 seconds exceeded in E:\Inetpub\forums\GC\sources\ipsclass.php on line 1111
8:55 PM CST
PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 45 seconds exceeded in E:\Inetpub\forums\GC\ips_kernel\class_db_mysql.php on line 457 PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 45 seconds exceeded in E:\Inetpub\forums\GC\sources\ipsclass.php on line 1111
That was trying to get into the Forums.
Now at 9:05 CST...it seems to work OK again.
I put the Name and Date of the FTF on the Cache Page for the world to see.
I Also do the same for the First DNF...
Puzzles and how to get the answers are the cache owners own thinking. Sometimes they are easy, Sometimes they are hard.
There is a Puzzle cache near me and I found that puzzle in many sites using a Google search. So, off I went with the answer, I marched through mud, vines, stickers, poison ivy...you name it...it was their. When I got to the cache, I enter that number into the Padlock and WHALA !!!! It Did Not Open.
Since I was already in the woods, I played with that Padlock for a good half hour+ without opening the lock....So, off I went...with out signing the log, and once again I marched through mud, vines, stickers, poison ivy...you name it...it was their...back to my car.
So, the Moral Of The Story...Don't Use The Web-Sites I Used.
For those of you who uses the Philips Sonicare electric toothbrush ....before you dump the old toothbrush head look underneath ... there is a really strong magnet (i think it is a Neodymium Magnet) which you can use on a Micro ... or film canister...etc... "save a buck or 2 on Neodymium Magnets"
you will need to pry it off with a small tip screwdriver... but be carefull when prying off ...might slide off and scratch / wound your hand
I have a small collection of them!
A Collection of Magnets or Wounds?
No wonder all my fillings were pulled out and now stick to my toothbrush.
Thanks To Both Of You...
I fixed my profile.
Thanks to Mtn-Man and Hitechman for the answers.
When I go to:
My Profile
My Public Profile
And Look At My Profile Information
All the stuff is Bunched up.
When I go to:
Edit Profile
Preview Profile Details
The stuff looks correct.
No Workie For Me Either.
I have:
Windows 2000
IE 6.0.2800.1106
New Communicator
AT&T DSL (3.0 Down)
Test Page says it works properly...shows my 60csx and unit id
I've rebooted the system
Tried that "Control" / "Refresh"
Clicked on "Send to GPS" holding the "Control" key
I am "The Texas Gringo" and I have nothing to hide.
I just wish they took my picture down in the Post Office...
Can you make the question a little bit clearer?
How about a Pending Murder by your wife?
She wants to kill me and has a contract out on the guy who introduced me to Geocaching.
The very first cache I did was an Ammo Box in a little bunch of trees. It took me about 1/2 hour to find it because I didn't know what to look for.
Not to worry, I don't find everything the first time either...or 2nd, 3rd...etc. Some, I have Never found...even though others have found them before me and after me.
A couple years ago, I crossed back and forth between the USA and Canada at Niagra Falls (Rainbow Bridge) several times in 1 day. I got searched at the Canada side and the USA side.
This is an Older thread about the US / Canada crossings.
I usually keep some spare caching parts in the car...Baggies, 35mm containers, bison tubes, magnetic key case, pens, etc. Just in case.
Here is one I busted in 2006.
IPB WARNING [2] mysql_connect(): Too many connections (Line: 131 of \ips_kernel\class_db_mysql.php)
There appears to be an error with the database.
You can try to refresh the page by clicking here.
Error Returned
SQL error: Too many connections
SQL error code:
Date: Wednesday 12th of November 2008 09:15:19 PM
We apologise for any inconvenience
Is it just me, or is GP's website slowing to a crawl?
in Website
4:15 PM Dallas, Tx time.....So Slow, I can't log my finds.
The Forums move slightly faster.