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Posts posted by TexasGringo
***no offence but i think im confused..generaly i see a puzzel cache i run the other way..sappose if i had more time i,d try a few of them***
Hey, I have a PUZZLE CACHE for Confused People Like You.
The HTML Code
<a href="http://www.yoursite.com/yoursong.mpg">
Here is one of my sites with links to click on
(Look at the source for this site)
***A non-premium member wouldn't be running Pocket Queries in the first place***
Didn't know that...I have always been a Premium member from day 1.
I don't care what they put in my caches...anything but that lousy Bubble Goo (that crap you blow bubbles with).
Maybe someone else needs some kinda help and a card in my cache might be just what they are looking for. My wife hopes I find a card to a Psychiatrist...In fact, she would prefer that you just bring them to me...sooner the better.
I have had the memory card come loose in my 60csx...and it won't show the maps. You can check.
Behind the batteries is the memory card...make sure it is not loose.
In the 60csx, remove the batteries...you will see the memory chip in the middle.
With the antenna pointing away from you, The cover holding the memory slides towards you and then lift up.
Reset the memory card, close that lid and slide towards the antenna to lock it again.
Replace the batteries and see if that gets your maps back.
I have had my come loose enough times to know that. I've put in a 2 gig sd card and then put a drop of Elmers glue to hold it in. Never came loose again. And you can load the whole USA (City Navigator) in 1.6 gigs.
I Really Don't Care How They Log My Caches...Once, Twice...a 1000 Times.
It is a Game / Sport / Hobby...whatever...it is supposed to be fun for you. If you have fun logging the same cache over and over...more power to you...I'm glad you like that cache.
The only thing I ask...is to rehide it again. And, If you take or place a Geocoin or TB...Please log it out or in.
I had a new cache listing rejected by a reviewer because I used a "Blue Color" tag in my user name.
POW...BLAM...PUNCH....A Knockout
So, I removed the color tag and it was approved.
Another "Weird" thing is the Following Selection:
Are Available To All Users:
If you are a Premium Member and select this...you won't get Premium Member cachers in the listing because it isn't "Available To All Users".
So, if you know there are Premium Member caches but can't see them...uncheck this box.
I guess I'm dense (or worse) because I don't know what the purpose of that selection is. A non-premium member should not see those anyway.
***I always claim new finds every time I visit a cache which I have found before, or even when I end up driving near its location. In fact, the 2,000 or so finds which we have on our account are really multiple finds on two caches down the road from us; these are the only two caches we have ever found! ***
Wow! Why didn't I think of that? All this time I've been driving all over the state finding new caches. THANKS for the tip.
***I always claim new finds every time I visit a cache which I have found before, or even when I end up driving near its location. In fact, the 2,000 or so finds which we have on our account are really multiple finds on two caches down the road from us; these are the only two caches we have ever found! ***
Wow! Why didn't I think of that? All this time I've been driving all over the state finding new caches. THANKS for the tip.
I have to hold the button down for a few seconds.
***But I don't see how you can 'find' something that you have already found once before?***
I once had a TV remote...and lost it somewhere...then I found it changed the channel and put it down...but where...I had to find it again. I've found that TV remote hundreds of times.
Just Kidding.
The Garmin Map software checks for your units serial number...the one that was registered to that map software.
I have 2 Garmin units and had to go online to Garmin and pay for an additional unlock code...or mine would load on but would be locked.
Yep, I had to pay the Piper.
For New / Used You can check here at geocaching
Sometimes I buy stuff from here
Silly question...Are you outside? If I'm in a house, somedays I get the Satellites, somedays I don't.
Next...On the Satellite screen, press Memu once...the top sould say "Use With GPS Off" (that means the GPS is on)...don't change that.
Press Quit and you should be back at the satellite screen.
Press the Menu twice and you should see all the options. Look for "SETUP" it looks like a wrench Icon.
Move cursor to there and press enter....not move the cursor to "SYSTEM" and press enter.
At the top...the GPS should be "NORMAL".
The next line is WAAS / EGNOS...I have mine set to "ENABLED".
Press quit 3 times and you should be back to the sattelite screen.
Turn off...turn On.
Thats about it....you may try updating your units software too ... just to get the latest.
You might start at the Garmin site and download the "WebUpDater" so you can upgrade your units software to the current version. You will need the USB cable for that.
Then, if you buy street maps (City Navigator CD), you need to install them on your PC then upload it to your unit using that USB cable.
All I have seen are the Blue Charts (Marine) offered for the Colorado.
When I see City Navigator for the Colorado...then I'll start looking. But first the Colorado has to be announced...I don't see it yet on Garmin's site.
Don't know...but before you buy a faster card...make sure it will work.
Several people had problems with the "Fast" (Gold Label) Sandisk SD card for the GPSMap60s'.
I got an email and then I looked at my accounts status and it said "Premium Member".
Then the TV news crews came, Larry king called me...etc. (Just Kidding).
***yes it is....general publics not alowed on fm....well anyway i know fm is not alowed on cb unles your are a ham....***
CB and Ham are two different things and licensing. CB is 11 Meters (27 mhz) and the closest Ham band is 10 meters (28 mhz).
***like i said..this should be in the ''GPS''/ham section***
I gave you links to information to update your knowledge about unlicensed FM transmitters...but I guess you wish to remain Mis-informed.
*** Finally ***
Post as you wish...nothing else from me to you.
Here is something from The FCC...It Might Answer Your Misunderstandings.
***yes it is....general publics not alowed on fm***
Part 15 of the FCC regs allows UN-licensed FM transmitters (and AM) at a certain RF output, antenna length and transmission distance.
***shoudnt this be in the''gps and ham radio'' section below***
Nope...FM Broadcast band is not Ham Radio.
Server Error trying to upload log pictures
in Website
***The forum pages are now starting to timeout a lot for me.***
Yea...during the last 30 min, the speed has dropped quite a bit.