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Everything posted by wray_clan
We had some fun with this Travel Bug. Picture 1 Picture 2 Here's me atop a hill on a cache we did on a vacation in New Mexico. Here's (most of) the clan
I think during your work day, you have to have the geocaching website on another window or something, check every ten minutes, and when there is a new one, you run out of the office saying "How did I forget that?" 134 finds, none of them FTF. That must be because I'm in school. Someday....
If you're caching somewhere away from your house, and you find a Travel Bug, you're going to take it, its geocaching nature. However, you may replace it on the wrong side of the country simply because you have to. If a tag says that a bug is supposed to go to Canada & you live in Texas, then we can prevent things like misplaced TBs & even more ranting threads. If you're concerned with the look, place your ID tag & bug in a Ziploc, seperate from your card. (I did that on my most recently released bug) Also, an idea that just came to me: if a bug has a really complicated goal (I want to go New york, then Seattle, then Mexico, then Alaska...), just print out the Travel Bug page & put it in the geocache, in the log book Ziploc bag, or one that you would supply yourself, with the TB. Tags are very helpful.
Sounds cool. Notification on event caches would be nice.I think it would be cool to see who passes a millenium mark. (in finds) Would it be an e-mail thing, or would it be a little newspaper in your mailbox?
I live in Southern California. I seen snow on snowboarding stuff on TV & once I was in it when I was 3 until... San Diego, in April. It was actually quite warm & fun.
Twice. Once, we were caching, & they were hiding a cache. Its pretty neat to know the person instead of their web alias.
Something that bothers me about hiding a cache...
wray_clan replied to JamesJM's topic in General geocaching topics
Once we hid a fairly easy cache amid an office area. We averaged about four readings, most from about 15 feet away, & we've gotten remarks that the coords were right on. Weird. -
How many times have you attempted a cache (that was still in existence) & yet you couldn't find it? To what lengths have you gone to sign that darned logbook? Please share your maddening stories. We have tried eight, yes EIGHT times on this one. Its hider, OtisPug, is legendary in OC, but that's really no excuse. We got about 25 finds in between our first attempt & our find. After a few disbarging attempts, (we were all over this place, various photos of the area about 50 ft. away from the cache through us off. Hey, we were newbies!) we asked for help. Another cacher give us this advice: bring a hand-mirror & a flashlight & go at night. Thus we discovered it was at the bottom of a sewer. But how? Was it resting in a ledge & then took a trip? Did it slip & drop from a nearby bush? Did we have to walk through the sewage tube from a park across the street to walk into here & nab the cache? (we thought this after we discovered that the guy knew no limits on his hides) After a few more nighttime attempts we finally found the piece of fishing line running from the surface to the cache. It was a truly victorious moment.
I've been in one. This here cache is located a few hundred feet from the ocean, located next to the Sand Diego Marine Base. There is a small fork in the road, not even with a stoplight. Only one car can pass at a time. In the middle of this fork, there is some greenery, in which the cache is located. All it takes to find this cache is a 100 ft. walk, and some supreme smoothness skills to do the trading, log signing, in the middle of the street. The day that my dad & I happened about this cache, it was supremely windy. We had found the cache in a matter of minutes since parking the car. Now we were here, in the middle of the road, and if we opened the cache & traded stuff, not only would we fail to look innocent, but the cache contents would be borne by the wind into the largest body of water in the world. Therefore, I had to run the ammo box across the marine base. Granted, it was only 100 ft., but who wants to run around a place that probably houses some of the toughest men on earth with what looks like a weapon? As you can see from the most recent logs, its not there anymore, to say the least.
Getting Arrested For Placing A Cache
wray_clan replied to kerouac's topic in General geocaching topics
Hmmm...when I read your post first (kerouac), I thought that something with that long a name HAS to be a hoax. Esp. the word "Interior," it doesn't make much sense at all. So, I went over to Google & searched "US Department of Interior Fish & Wildlife Services." Sure enough, its real. After a few clicks around the website, I found a map of all the offices in Florida. I might be missing something (and please check if I am), put I don't see a "Boyton Beach." I feel like Encyclopedia Borwn. -
A nice retreat center in Monterey. Its become a family tradition. We have a gift exchange, since we've never gotten together for Christmas. Rrgh...one more day of school...
Areas Of High Cache Concentration: Where Is Mecca?
wray_clan replied to GO West's topic in General geocaching topics
Mecca is on the Arabian Penninsula. Actually, I have a test on the Islamic culture on Wednesday. I think I should be able to tell you more. North Orange County & Monterey are both good places. For our cache, Squirel Creek: 1 mile - 6 5 miles - 53 10 miles - 174 15 miles - 288 100 miles - slightly upwards of 3,000 (this also includes San Diego) Wacka, that's pretty impressive. -
bthomas has done 60 in a day.... 100 in a weekend proof One day, I went in an al-out marathon, & accumulated a mind-boggling total. Nine
Oi. If you've created a bug that you've spent time & money on (making page, buying tag, buying/finding bug), its incredibly annoying for someone to hurt your cause. I currently have a bug that was intended to go from Southern California to Utah & back. that must have been to tame. It now sits in Maine. Also, goal tags on the bug are EXTREMELY helpful. If you're caching on a vacation, & discover a bug, of course you're going to take it. You have no way of knowing where you're supposed to take it, and if your home is hundreds of miles the opposite way without Internet access, which you usually don't have on the hunt. I've also moved bugs the opposite way, & it was entirely an accident and I didn't know, and didn't try to, since the bug didn't have a tag. I had no way of knowing when I picked it up. But people who intentionally move bugs the wrong way are an annoyance. We even made a thread about them.
1.)Hey look, SpongeBob! 2.)One way to see if your jeans really are tough
Distance between caches
wray_clan replied to Cincinnati Bearcaches's topic in General geocaching topics
In Southern California, more people equals more cachers. More people equals less spacious parks to place caches in. More geocachers equals more caches planted. So here's some fun stats: -Within a few miles of this computer that I am pounding on there is a geocache in a small park. Also in this park, there is/was at least two caches. Across the street there is yet another geocache. -I don't know if geocachers in remote places like Western Montana are familiar with the term "dash 'n' cache." It probably got copyrigthed in Southern California. One cache we hid you can park one foot from the location. Another: about 300 ft. The the geocache that we placed that is farthest from a parking lot is a virtual at Disneyworld's Animal Kingdom in Florida. (I think) -Without moving our car, we hiked around a nearby trail all morning and found three caches, and we walked by the location where we would place another. (we probably went about one/one-half mile(s) from our car as the crow flies at the farthest point..if that) -In Southern California there is NOT a wide expanse of road between cities. We pass city limit signs while driving, walking etc. all the time. Fullerton, (our home city as you can see at the bottom of this post) is basically a suburb of a suburb (Anahiem), but it is larger than 10 states cities with the largest population in that state (as of 1998). There are two cities of about 50,000 nearby, and another large city that I don't know the population of. Now, remember, all are sandwiched together; there is a nearby park in the middle of which three cities meet at one point. Within fifteen miles of some point that this website determined to be my zipcode, there are 286 caches. Most of them are about 300 feet away from parking spots, or hidden by masterminds of the area in fake sprinklers or in libraries, or in streetlamps, etc., etc. My point is, making it so that caches have to be one miles from each other would tremendously hurt a thriving Southern California geocaching enviorment. Plus, what's wrong with getting more finds? We all want them, right? Thank you for watching -wray_clan [This message was edited by wray_clan on September 01, 2003 at 07:35 PM.] -
quote:Originally posted by pnew:ok here's my two cents... I've seen better arguments than this in a class of preschoolers. Its sad to think this board is used almost exclusively by adults... sometimes you would never know. http://www.texasgeocaching.com WELL NOW YOU DO!!!!!! I am sorry if I have disrupted the dignity of this board. Really. I feel like I've done evil now.... -wray_kid..AND PROUD OF IT!!!!
Oh, shucks, you made me feel all guilty over here. I do however, think that my situation is very different than all of yours. I don't have any limbs. Just kidding. I'm actually a twelve-year-old kid. (Don't believe me? well, its true.) I suppose it wouldn't hurt to pay $2.50 a month...I mean, geocaching is FUN but..uh...uh...I don't really know, except that I would not have as much fun in my life without geocaching. Its really great. It saves me from the Saturday morning boredom of cartoons. It helps the community. But I honestly don't think its that big of a deal. We've bought stuff from this website, is that much different. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to be a charter member. Now more than ever I hope to become one. -wray_kid I don't really understand what I just said either.
Most ingenious cache-hide idea I've heard yet...
wray_clan replied to Sparrowhawk's topic in General geocaching topics
We had a good one in our area that took us more than five tries. Fishing line tied to...uh..something nearby...that you pulled up to get the cache. The cache is at the bottom of a 10-15 foot sewer. We were sondering if we had to walk into a huge tube in a nearby park and that dark, scary tube would lead to the bottom of the sewer with the geocache sitting right there.(we saw the geocache before the fishing line with a mirror that we had purchased with advise from a fellow cacher for this purpose) With this hider, we wouldn't have been all that suprised. He also put a cache in a fencepost. You didn't need a large amount of water to get it out, though. -wray_clan -
Heh...we're guitly of holding two bugs "hostage" over four months. (we actually thought that we had lost one of them....whew) We ended up placing them in some caches in New Mexico, about 660 miles from where we picked them up. At least we moved them in the general direction that they were supposed to go! Over the same period of time, a guy took our TB that was headed for Utah and put it in Maine! I guess we can't be too mad, though, after we didn't really help those two others. BUT NOW I'M SORRY FOR CAUSING YOU SO MUCH PAIN I PROMISE!!!!!!!! -wray_clan i feel so guilty...
Ye-ah! Go Citezensmith! Geocaching.com should get some huge bonus points!!! (on, y'know the..."scoreboard") -wray_clan
Oh, man. This one made us go through not one, not two, not three, not five, but EIGHT excruciating attempts. . But, oh man, OtisPug is the champion of difficult-to-find geocaches in my area. In ANY area. Highlights include: -A geocache located on the fifth floor of a library. -A three-gallon bucket that WASN'T at ground level -An ammo box under a bridge, six feet over a small river There's LOTS more, and they have all kicked MANY people's butts. Another (primarily) hider around our area, (calliopy), although he has not done much the pst year, has put some really good ones out like fake sprinklers, electrical outlets, etc. Don't let the one ratings fool you, they're hard. If you've gotten this far, thank you for watching. Yes, you....over there. -clan "Looks like somebody needs some bisciuts"-I refuse to be named
We didone with some friends that's comic-themed. Cut a cartoon out of the paper, then bring it the cache. But nobody really did it. Is that a bad one? da-da-da-daaaaa! - THE WRAY CLAN!!!!!!
Ummmm...just to put in my two cents.... As we're talking about things around geocaches that are dangerous to us, this one was thought to be dangerous to other people. For a little briefing on the cache: it is located right next to the Pacific and Downtown San Diego, and a Marine Base, and an airport. and its an ammo box. Personally, I'm glad that our harmless little TB didn't get stuck in it. Also, this 'n was about 15 ft. away from a homelss person's...current residence. Come to think of it, we really shouldn't have gone fo it. I'm pretty glad that we found it without incident. Just wanted to show the world what I thought. I feel pretty proud right now. -clan
...you have trouble reading the paper, because it isn't in the dycrypted code...