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Rusty & Libby

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Posts posted by Rusty & Libby

  1. quote:
    I think this is my preferred way of implementing this. All anyone would see is something on the cache listing like: "8 people placed this cache among their favorites"


    What about adding a top 10 favorite finds to a cachers profile? If the user adds the cache to their top 10 list a top 10 icon could replace the smiley face in the log entry. It wouldn’t provide across the board ratings but would acknowledge the best caches out there and wouldn’t be open to abuse as some have pointed out could happen.



    I would completely agree with both of these suggestions. I have been to some excellent caches that don't get much traffic becuase they are difficult. It seems that they would not get the credit they deserve if it took a minimum number of votes to get a rating. Here in Michigan we seem to have a lot of cachers that never log >5 finds and they seem to hit the same few beginner caches. There is only a small core of people who will go out and find everything they can and seek out the tougher ones.




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

  2. quote:
    I think this is my preferred way of implementing this. All anyone would see is something on the cache listing like: "8 people placed this cache among their favorites"


    What about adding a top 10 favorite finds to a cachers profile? If the user adds the cache to their top 10 list a top 10 icon could replace the smiley face in the log entry. It wouldn’t provide across the board ratings but would acknowledge the best caches out there and wouldn’t be open to abuse as some have pointed out could happen.



    I would completely agree with both of these suggestions. I have been to some excellent caches that don't get much traffic becuase they are difficult. It seems that they would not get the credit they deserve if it took a minimum number of votes to get a rating. Here in Michigan we seem to have a lot of cachers that never log >5 finds and they seem to hit the same few beginner caches. There is only a small core of people who will go out and find everything they can and seek out the tougher ones.




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

  3. It's been almost one year ago that on a cool 50 degree day in Michigan I swam across a small pond while my wife laughed at me and found "Rabbit Island" It contained a Douglas Adam's book that I wanted but since the water was about 8 foot deep and I was soaked I took nothing left nothing. I was hooked and that is still one of my favorite caches because of the challenge I had being the first one to it.




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

  4. I have been doing a lot of complaining about the Member Only Caches in some other threads but I definitely think this site is worth $30 a year to me. I also think that joining will make me feel better about voicing opposing opinions just like voting gives me a right to complain about whichever idiot gets elected. I know you can still use the site without joining but if you use something alot I think you should support it.


    I am enduring one of those "can anything else possibly break" times around home and won't have a spare dime until mid-April but I will join.


    I ran a full-time online business at the same time I worked 40hrs at a real job and I am in total awe of Jeremy's ability to keep up this site. I also know that unless you have been involved in it personally you wouldn't believe how much big-time bandwidth can cost.




    (shareware - if you continue to use after 30days you should register)

  5. quote:
    Originally posted by Markwell:

    I have not - nor do I ever intend to be - an "elitist". My comments were directed to the fact that this topic as everyone above had said, was beaten to death last week. The comment "Did I miss anything?" was a direct statement asking if I posted all of the threads dealing with this subject.


    Markwell I respect your opinions and follow the forums almost daily. Last week I was busy and didn't have a lot of time. I know you like to point out old threads but personally I am still getting used to the new forum format and find it a bit less straight-forward.


    You have to realize though that this topic will not disappear in a week. It cuts to the very core of geocaching philosophy and will be beaten way beyond dead. I think Member Only Caches sound elitist, that is my opinion as of now. I will keep an open mind and continue following and commenting on the discusions.



  6. quote:
    Originally posted by BassoonPilot:


    Maybe it's different in your area, but a quick check of my area turned up one "paying" (member's only) cache within 50 miles of home. So there are approximately 350 "free" caches and 1 "paying." For someone to decide not to try,or continue, geocaching based on that would be plain silly . . . But if a time arrives when we begin seeing a high percentage of "MOCs," or if it appears the only "good" caches are "MOCs," then I would agree that geocaching has a major problem.


    You are lucky, here in Michigan I don't think we have 350 caches in the entire state and half of those are 150 miles away in Detroit.


    The number of members only caches in your area now has NO relationship to the total caches. How long have MOC's been around? A week? Check the ratio mid-summer and it will have meaning.


    I may subscribe or I may not, I have enjoyed caching for about a year now but $30 is alot. Especially when I cannot see a scenario where I would either hunt or hide a MOC, they sound elitist and that is a big turn-off. I guess the timed MOC might be an alternative.




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache page

  7. quote:
    Originally posted by BassoonPilot:



    The horse was dead long ago; why continue to beat it? I have serious doubts these whiners and complainers have even begun to tap the __regular__ caches in their respective areas.


    The only thing that will die is Geocaching. I am willing to pay to support the website but I will not pay to cache. Contrary to your ubiquitous statement I have found all but a couple caches within 50 miles of home and have been very active until now. The vast majority of cachers have 5 or fewer finds and that catagory will not subscribe, those remaining cannot expand the sport. I started caching as something to do while hiking, at this point I am undecided about my own future in geocaching.



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