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Rusty & Libby

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Posts posted by Rusty & Libby

  1. I would recommend looking at the Frog Togs before buying. If you check their website you can probably find a nearby source. The material is kind of strange, very thin with a rubbery feel. I don't think they would hold up long if you had to do any bushwacking. Price wise they are less than half of the Marmot or Patagonia suits.


    Libby & I use $5 ponchos we got at Busch Gardens in a rainstorm. They are light and roll up into a ziplock. Because of the design the don't seem to steam up too much and if they tear up I can get another for $5. We often go out in the rain but since most hunts are under an hour it is no big deal that we look like blue smurfs icon_biggrin.gif If you plan on hiking for hours in any kind of weather then spend the bucks for something better.




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

  2. I would recommend looking at the Frog Togs before buying. If you check their website you can probably find a nearby source. The material is kind of strange, very thin with a rubbery feel. I don't think they would hold up long if you had to do any bushwacking. Price wise they are less than half of the Marmot or Patagonia suits.


    Libby & I use $5 ponchos we got at Busch Gardens in a rainstorm. They are light and roll up into a ziplock. Because of the design the don't seem to steam up too much and if they tear up I can get another for $5. We often go out in the rain but since most hunts are under an hour it is no big deal that we look like blue smurfs icon_biggrin.gif If you plan on hiking for hours in any kind of weather then spend the bucks for something better.




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

  3. Learn the minimum basics from reading the book:


    - How to enter a waypoint in the correct format (hh mm.sss)


    - How to tell the direction (bearing) and distance to the waypoint


    - How to tell what direction (heading) you are going


    - Enter in the closest cache with a lower 1/1 or 1/2 difficulty rating, put the manual in your pack or pocket and go for it.


    I started caching to learn how to use my GPSr and got hooked by accident. But even if you only do a few caches it is a great way to gain comfort with the GPSr.




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

  4. quote:
    Originally posted by Harrald:

    I hate to say this but.....


    This looks like another troll attack. This person registered on the 24th. They also have no logged finds. There is no link to the cache provided.


    Whatever your opinion on this subject is it's not worth a flame war. There have been quite a few of these subject types of late. I wouldn't be surprised if they are all the same person/people using different logins.



    As always, the above statements are just MHO.



    I think your right, we got suckered icon_redface.gif




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

  5. quote:
    Originally posted by Harrald:

    I hate to say this but.....


    This looks like another troll attack. This person registered on the 24th. They also have no logged finds. There is no link to the cache provided.


    Whatever your opinion on this subject is it's not worth a flame war. There have been quite a few of these subject types of late. I wouldn't be surprised if they are all the same person/people using different logins.



    As always, the above statements are just MHO.



    I think your right, we got suckered icon_redface.gif




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

  6. Religous freedom is a basic tenet of the American way of life and some of the attitudes against it scare me in a way that has nothing to do with religon. I'm the last person you could accuse of being a religous zealot, but what is so terrible about finding a religous item in a cache?


    I have never left or taken a religous item out of a cache I have visited. I have never found one that was totally religous items but I know of a couple local hiders that always leave a few such items. While doing maintenance on a cache recently I found that one of them had left a bible, and since the container was not large and the bible was full size I thought about removing it to make more room. I decided to leave it and the next finder took it saying he had undergone several changes lately and it couldn't hurt.


    To each his own, it is not illegal, immoral, nor in bad taste. Would you object to a child finding it? If you are only in this for the material goods get ready for a rude awakening. It is ok to log "took/left nothing" or to leave more than you take. I always try to take something but sometimes there is just nothing in there that looks worth toting out so I don't.


    Jeremy you are wrong. If it doesn't interest you don't take it. Under no circumstance should you raid someone elses cache unless it is illegal, immoral, dangerous, or has an obvious problem that cannot wait for normal contact.


    IMHO: Rusty...


    [This message was edited by Rusty on June 25, 2002 at 12:20 PM.]

  7. Neat topic! My wife and I both wear trail-running shoes such as New Balance 804/805 most of the time. And sometimes we just go out with hiking sandals unless there are prickers. Water is no big deal with the trail runners because they dry quickly, they are sure footed, and don't weight your feet down. The Nikes you mention look a little heavier but are a similar style, if they feel good, just do it!




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

  8. Neat topic! My wife and I both wear trail-running shoes such as New Balance 804/805 most of the time. And sometimes we just go out with hiking sandals unless there are prickers. Water is no big deal with the trail runners because they dry quickly, they are sure footed, and don't weight your feet down. The Nikes you mention look a little heavier but are a similar style, if they feel good, just do it!




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

  9. quote:
    Originally posted by evilrooster:

    The new rules make me mildly anxious about something I've been working on for a couple of months. It's a set of seven virtual caches that map out a piece of interesting local history. The coordinates for the seventh cache are made up of numbers on buildings, gravestones, etc. from the first six. Sort of like the Sherlock Holmes cache in London, but more geographically and thematically integrated. It should take 2-3 hours altogether, and cover about 3 miles of Edinburgh's Old Town.


    So -

    1. Would such a series of caches be acceptable?

    2. How do I post the seventh cache? At 00 00.000/00 00.000? As a locationless one? It's not locationless; there's one and only one place to go to log it. I'm just not posting that location on the web.

    3. What suggestions do you have for how to log the final cache? Email me to tell me what the object of the quest is? Or some other idea?


    Thanks for any help/suggestions.




    I would post the final cache as a multicache with the posted coordinates being a suggested parking location. The description would detail the other caches you had to find first to get the necessary info for completing the last one. In most cases just giving away the parking area will not give away the cache.




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

  10. I am very frugal on my caches but I've never had any complaints about the contents. The value is also somewhat relative. I usually include items that items I have that may have cost a lot but have no value to me anymore, they do have value to those who trade for them though.

    I purchased about 30 genuine Rubbermaid 1/2 to 1 gallon containers new for about a dime each. I got a bunch of mini-screwdriver sets for 40 cents each at a flea market, 10 cent stuffed animals at garage sales. Software & audio CDs from around the house, books we have read. About a buck for notebook and pens. Throw in a couple other small items and there you go. Complete cache <$10 easily. Part of the fun is searching for items to fill my caches and I never put anything in that I wouldn't trade for.




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

  11. quote:
    Originally posted by cachew nut:


    Just to quote Rusty, the guy who voted no:


    I think Member Only Caches sound elitist, that is my opinion as of now. I will keep an open mind and continue following and commenting on the discusions.



    But to quote what I wrote above:

    I haven't used the option yet but I have had a change of heart in my opinion of them.


    Meaning that I did keep and open mind and I changed it icon_eek.gif




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

  12. quote:
    Originally posted by cachew nut:


    Just to quote Rusty, the guy who voted no:


    I think Member Only Caches sound elitist, that is my opinion as of now. I will keep an open mind and continue following and commenting on the discusions.



    But to quote what I wrote above:

    I haven't used the option yet but I have had a change of heart in my opinion of them.


    Meaning that I did keep and open mind and I changed it icon_eek.gif




    Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

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