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Everything posted by solohiker

  1. There are fewer than 200 caches in my state. Many of those have been archived. I cache in spurts. If I can plan a trip to bag several in one day I will go. It takes quite a bit of driving anymore. The numbers are part of my motivation. Finding new places in the outdoors is my main motivation.
  2. It was only six months or so ago that I was poking fun at the 'charter members' for plunking down 'cache' to be a registered member. Most of the sheeple were making comments about the high cost of running a web business. It was my obligation as a cacher to pay to play. Now this site has won a webby. Can you say cash? Can you say millions? Thanks for the free ride suckers.
  3. quote:Originally posted by Bilder:http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=36406 Here is a DVD theme cache. I plan on hitting this one over the weekend. You could hit WalMart and find a few DVD's in the discount bin for 5-6 bucks each to get started. I am thinking of starting one of these as well. Bought a grab bag of DVD's off Ebay last year, most are silly B movies. Would make good cache material. Another idea would be a "logo" cache. Fill it with logo items from businesses and ask that cachers trade logo for logo. Would be intersting to see what things you would get in there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost! I have given this some thought... Six DVD's @ $6.00, plus the two I have at home that I paid $20.00 apiece for and a log book. I only have $77.00 invested. The first guy takes a cd and leaves a bumper sticker. The second guy with his three kids takes four CD's and leaves a happy meal toy. The third guy is ****ed because he isn't the first and he takes the rest of the Cd's and the bumper sticker.... Maybe I need a new hobby.
  4. What is your agree/disagree average? Cultural topics are always embers in a pile of kindling.
  5. No we should not avoid these spots.
  6. quote:Originally posted by seneca: quote:Originally posted by solohiker:Many people are fearful and disgusted by the homosexual lifestyle. They have a right to complain, it is called free speech, not gay bashing. Yeah, you may be right, but , “_Exercising free speech to complain about being fearful and disgusted by the homosexual lifestyle_” just takes so long to say. _I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me._ http://www.cslaw.ca/geol4.JPG Agreed. Then why is the term 'faggot' so offensive to the pro-gay lobby? Is anyone really expected to use the phrase, "Exercising free speech to complain about being fearful and disgusted by the homosexual lifestyle?" Free speech is not without sacrifice. Homosexual bars are great! Homosexuals using public parks to have sex or troll for sex is unacceptable. This is just my opinion. I influence my opinions by my actions.
  7. In order to get credit for the micros they would have to be listed on geocaching.com. If the micros were listed on geocaching.com then the concept would be moot, Would it not? [This message was edited by solohiker on June 04, 2003 at 04:55 PM.]
  8. quote:Originally posted by Northern-Lights:How about doing a cache with a bunch of pre-made micros inside.... Each finder could claim one and then you may be rewarded with a bunch of new caches to look for too!! If God is your co-pilot, it's time to change seats!!! A single cache with instructions to several micros? I like that idea.
  9. quote:Originally posted by seneca:Gee, Jomarak5, I think I am finally seeing what you are getting at. I guess you just confused me with, “Disgusting, Ghastly, & Frightening”, “Adam and Eve”, “but they were of the same gender”, and “ I think I would have rather found a dead body.” I wonder why everything went so far off topic. Hmmmmm... _I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me._ http://www.cslaw.ca/geol4.JPG [This message was edited by seneca on June 04, 2003 at 06:31 AM.] Many people are fearful and disgusted by the homosexual lifestyle. They have a right to complain, it is called free speech, not gay bashing.
  10. I am going to get off my duff and saturate one of the local State parks with caches. Since our State recently approved geocaching, I have only replaced one of my State park caches. I want to place 4-6 caches. I am thinking of placing each cache with a separate theme. The only idea I could come up with that won't cost me an arm and a leg is a library cache. Some of my old books and an Ammo can. Other ideas I came up with involve a more significant investment. I could afford to fix up some nice caches, but we all know the first rule of geocaching is that no matter how worthless the junk in a geocache; it will be replaced with something of lesser value. I might do a music cache with CD's or cassettes (does anyone still use cassettes?} A movie cache with DVD's. What ideas have you guys got?
  11. Congratulations! How about posting your Bride's picture as your Avatar. You know she isn't going to let you keep that ugly dog. You are young now... some of us stay young. Good Job.
  12. Why don't you just stick the gps up to your ear and pretend to be talking? When you are looking at the display poke it with your finger like you are dialing a phone. Walking around carrying an open bible seems conspicuous to me. Everyone will notice you then. "Hey did you see the guy on his cell phone? No, but there was a guy with a bible who hid something in those bushes."
  13. I think we should take the parks back from these cretins. I had a man hit on me during a cache hunt in a city park a few weeks ago. I just told him to get lost and he left the park.
  14. I waded through acres of poison ivy this weekend. I am one of the lucky ones who is not alergic. I can't say the same about chiggers. Those buggers itch.
  15. No wonder caches deteriorate. You guys are keeping all the good stuff.
  16. I am thinking of getting the iQue 3600 if it ever comes out.
  17. I tend to move items from cache to cache. I used to place items in caches and take nothing, but now I am a little more selective. If there is nothing in the cache that I would be comfortable leaving somewhere else I LNTN. The exceptions are if it was a really fun or interesting cache. I may as well make another point that I consider a travel bug as one item. If you only leave one item, it doesn't make sense to me to take a travel bug and something else.
  18. I have bagged all the local caches so I have to drive quite a ways to make a find. I usually plan a route that will take me to four or more caches. If I am trying to do a dozen caches in a day, I don't spend a lot of time writing in the log book.
  19. I have found copies of copywrited material in caches. I took them with me to prevent some unknowing person from committing a crime ;-)
  20. quote:Originally posted by Mr. Snazz: quote:Originally posted by solohiker:Would Mr. Snazz be so kind as to provide a list of the potential harms caused by geocaching? I'm not arguing that geocaching is harmful/damaging, I'm merely curious as to why people assume that those who do hold that opinion are uninformed. This appears to be an example of circular logic.
  21. I followed someone's suggestion and created my own maps with microsoft streets. I had to perform some cut and paste with EasyGps and Adobe and then some editing in excel, but what else does a geek do for fun?
  22. Would Mr. Snazz be so kind as to provide a list of the potential harms caused by geocaching? I concede that the potential for harm exists if the rules are not followed, but I am not sure how much damage is caused when people follow the rules. [This message was edited by solohiker on April 22, 2003 at 10:20 AM.]
  23. Assuming you have permission of the land owner you can forward a copy of the contact person or document that approves the use of the land for geocaching to the folks at SGW. If you have not obtained permission to place the cache then ...
  24. There was a 5.0 in Baghdad, but it was archived recently.
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