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The Li'l Bears

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Everything posted by The Li'l Bears

  1. In case you haven't been following the thread on KY Ping ... we're having an event cache/ lunch this weekend (saturday the 14th) in Lexington. Any geocachers in the Central KY area (or beyond) that are intersted should join us. Do a search from Zip 40503 to hone in on the event cache or check out the topic 'KY Ping' for more info. The more the merrier. We're hovering around 15 now but I expect at least 20. Koneko, from The White Diamond Pirates is the host ... she works at the place this is happening ...(Bella Note at Noon). Hope to see everyone there! ~Greg ~ The Li'l Bears from Lexington, KY
  2. Since this thread started about a year ago in an attempt to see who was geocaching in KY, I'm afraid SOME people who might be interested in our li'l lunch might miss it. I'm going to start a new thread called "Cental KY Geocache Lunch this Saturday." to pull in people who may miss the PING thread. I'll refer them back here to find out more. ~Greg ~ The Li'l Bears from Lexington, KY
  3. ... but there's no tree on the patio (grin). Let's go with 2 Adult Bears and 2 Very Li'l Bear Cubs. Course THEY take up a good deal of room with all the stuff that supports them. ~ Poppy Bear ~ The Li'l Bears from Lexington, KY
  4. Like I said before, it will be great to finally meet you all (I'm from NY so those are still 2 words for me ). I'm planning to hide 3 or 4 caches right around the meeting spot (within a mile) for people to hit in conjunction with the event. (That's not counting the micro in the tree above table 24.) I will hide them in the next two weeks but won't post them 'til a day or two before the event. No fair "Woo-Hooing" early. ~Greg ~ The Li'l Bears from Lexington, KY
  5. As the "out of town cacher" I thought I'd reply. This was a relatively new cache when I dropped 'Ponce' off and it had been hit a few times quickly. It's easy to get to and pretty close to about 15 active caches. I'm suprised he's still there . I guess you just never know. ~Greg ~ The Li'l Bears [8)][8)] from Lexington, KY
  6. Didn't think to look on this thread. I was looking for something that said ... Oh, I don't know, "Lexington Lunch". (grin) We're in for 1 for sure, maybe 4 if I can talk Mommy Bear into it, and maybe 6 if the other Li'l Bears aren't away (they're scheduled to be). Looking forward to it. Greg AKA: Poppy Seed PS: Woo Hoo ... I was first to log it ...Patrick! ~ The Li'l Bears [8)][8)] from Lexington, KY
  7. Maybe this should splinter into two threads as it's getting a bit confusing between the Memphis event and our Lex-Lunch, but count me in to LL, I'll have to see about Memphis, but it's not lookin' too good. ~Greg, from The Li'l Bears ~ The Li'l Bears [8)][8)] from Lexington, KY
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