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Squirrel Nut & Beersnob

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Posts posted by Squirrel Nut & Beersnob

  1. Hmmm.. I remember reading somewhere (years ago, maybe Omni magazine) about a guy (I think he had some kind of science background) that noticed that prior to an earthquake, there was an increase of 'lost pet' ads in the paper. No big 'exact day' predictions, but it did appear there was a correlation. Anyone else heard of this?


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  2. Only the last leg will be really sneaky, I'm still debating whether to make the first 2 or 3 virtuals or micros..... leaning towards fairly easy virts since it's in a really open area. It's a mini-cache version of my TB below- so I don't want to make it too hard overall. icon_wink.gif


    RandK currently has a TB of mine, Pay It Forward, I contacted them, and it looks like they can drop it off in teh general farmington hills/novi area this weekend. dwgogo wants to see it come their way, so if you find it you can take it back with you. icon_smile.gif


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  3. I've only gotten as far as the 1st 2 legs (hit it on vacation en route...), but Craftily Concealed Containers by The Warm Fuzzies was a challenging one to work on. Too bad I don't have plans to go to Ft.Wayne anytime soon to try and finish it off...


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  4. hmmm.. when are you heading over? I'm palnning a sneaky multi in Southfield & Oak Park that I can hopefully get in place before this weekend... One that you can easily hit on 696 from Novi to New Baltimore, or vice versa....


    And I bet that most metro Detroiters have driven right past this series of parks and never gave them much thought... icon_wink.gif


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  5. oops.. forgot to mention that the Park Novi Tree Farm is in charges admission to non-Novi residents- during the winter they don't but I'm pretty sure they do once they open the pool- so unless your relatives live in Novi and are tagging along you probably should check with the owner for a hint or have a phone-a-friend with a computer to solve the 1st leg.


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  6. It's a bit west of Novi, but UMC's 1st cache is a good one.


    If you have a whole afternoon, try Novi Tree Farm. Tree Farm includes Michigan Trivia, but only 1 question stumped me- I was stuck between 2 answers that both made sense. If you know much about Michigan at all, you should be fine. It's all 'common knowledge' for anyone that lives here. Bringing printouts of Michigan trivia won't help. Though you might want to e-mail the owner, since the 1st leg involves something you will probably have to look up. A swing by one of the local libraries or a quick check online should provide you with the answer, thou.


    Kensington Park Disc Golf was interesting, but watch out for those golfers!


    For 2 quick (but IMHO better than most park-n-grabs)pickups in Southfield (Telegraph/696 ara, right nextdoor to Farmington) you can do Lunch break and my own Boardwalk Stash. For Lunch break, the park entrance is a bit hard to find and is not listed on maps, so take a look at the aerial photos to find the road to the park if you try for this one.


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  7. I don't think it's too late-


    Besides, I'd rather see the Mini category applied now and forward, at least the new 'mini' caches would give people a better idea of size. Some might change the designations of their older caches that fit the category. Big whoop if there are some that don't change to mini.


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  8. There are currently 2 caches in Grand Canyon National Park that utilize an existing visitor's center 'guest book' as a log-only cache. I think for both, you need to mention 'geocaching' when you sign. I don't know if these were 'grandfathered', but I'm sure if you work something similar out with a park rep, and put a note to the approver, it'd probably be accepted.


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  9. I've gone ahead and created it:

    PIF TB




    With the logistics, I know I'll have to refill it now and then. I'd think that most cachers wouldn't mind holding on the the TB until I can mail coins to restock it to them... icon_wink.gif


    I've got 2 lbs of additional coins coming in soon from another e-bay auction. I don't expect this lot to contain many 'collector' coins, but there should be a bunch of interesting coins to use for this TB... if there's other logistics I overlooked that you thought of, please let me know so I can address it!


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  10. We're going to visit Indy shortly, and I just wanted to see if there are any TBs that need a lift either way. Preferable spots to drop off any travelers for me to pick up would be in the Farmington Hills to Birmingham area of Metro Detroit, and at one of the caches along the Monon trail near Broadripple in Indy.




    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  11. I came up with this idea after finding a whole bunch of duplicate coins in a bulk lot I won on ebay, please let me know if you think this would be good as a TB. Or how about If I made a microcache version as well as a TB version?




    Pay it Forward


    It isn’t a requirement to participate in ‘pay it forward’ to move this travel bug, though I’d like to see everyone who finds it do so.


    The ‘pay it forward’ travel bug carries foreign coins… finders are invited to take a coin, no trade necessary. If you choose to take a coin, I ask only that you ‘pay it forward’ by doing a little something for charity above and beyond what you would normally do. Donate canned goods to your local food bank, help out with an event sponsored/hosted by your place of worship, donate blood, whatever you choose.


    All finders of a group are invited to take a coin, as long as everyone pays it forward. Adults are allowed to ‘help’ younger children with this requirement.


    Please move the travelbug to another cache as quickly as possible, I’d like to see it reach as many cachers as possible. If there are 5 or less coins in the travelbug, please e-mail me so I can send coins to restock it.


    As a side note, looking up information on the coin itself is something the whole family may enjoy. I’ve found some interesting tidbits about some of the coins I’ve started collecting, and hope you do as well.


    I’ve numbered the bags the coins are in. When you take a coin or coins, please list what number(s) you have so when I restock the travelbug I don’t send duplicates.


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  12. Geez, if I didn't know better, I'd say someone hacked into Team Jedis account and was trying to cause a big ruckus... seems to be working.


    As for the cache,I'm sure most cachers would enjoy it just as much whether it was a multi or individual caches.


    Mebbe, with the ever-increasing number of caches placed, Erik just wanted to simplify things, and have 1 cache to approve instead of 10-11. I don't blame him if that's the main motivation for requesting it be palced as a multi.


    Team Jedi- after looking up your profile, you're a very prolific physical cache placer. You even had 1 approved just a week ago, and several mid-March. If Erik was the approver of all those, I think you're still ahead of most of us on gettign physical caches out and approved (by whomever).


    I originally voted to have them listed as seperate caches- can I retract that and vote instead to remove Team Jedi from geocaching.com becuase of extreme unsportsmanlike behaviour unless they chill out and stop their wild accusations soon?


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  13. You could always just post the coords of your recommended parking spot- some may choose the closer parking if/when available, but most will probably use whatever spot you recommend.


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  14. Did a bit more digging and found a few places that sell them wholesale (increments of 100)... At about $8 + shipping (for uncirculated bills) it's a heck of a lot cheaper than buying them 1 at a time on e-bay icon_wink.gif. And less time-consuming than joining the armed forces... Though I just may try a bank, since the exchange rate is about 6 cents per 100 Rublei, and the Kapeeks are less than the Rubleis.....


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is


    [This message was edited by Squirrel Nut on April 08, 2003 at 09:03 AM.]

  15. Team Jedi, you need to cool off a little.... I don't think you're endaring yourself to everyone by launching a verbal attack at an approver. Geocaching doescare about kids, that's why we try to keep caches and the boards 'clean'. And I bet there are plenty of us who try to place accessable caches. As well as those who like to place more physically challenging ones. There's enough diversity in caches for everyone. Just take a few deep breathes....


    After translation, I do think your new series of caches sounds like a cool idea- does each 'picture' cache have it's own logbook? I couldn't tell from the explanations. Maybe that's Eric's hangup. Shouldn't be too hard to fix that, thou.


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  16. Ok, is it as simple as going to a bank and requesting/placing an order for a specific denomination of a foreign currency? I just found out the Belarusian 50 kapeek note has a squirrel on it (at least in 1992 they did- found one on e-bay) Thought that might make a nice signature item....


    Does anyone know if they still have squirrels on the 50 kapeeks, or how to find out? The website I did find on it looks like they still do, but I don't know how old that info is.




    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is


    [This message was edited by Squirrel Nut on April 08, 2003 at 05:41 AM.]

  17. quote:
    Originally posted by FullOn:

    If there's grass, how about the old microcache in the fake sprinkler hide?


    a. it violates 'thou shall not dig holes to place a cache'

    b. if there's an irrigation system (which would be kind of odd for a nature preserve) the fake irrigation head would probably be discovered by the site sooner or later - especially when starting up the system. (if they're good about keeping up the system).


    Is it possible to place small magnetic tags/etc on several trails? That way if one is closed, they can use another? Are there any boardwalks, bridges, or metal pipes/culverts the trails go over?


    I think it would make a nice virtual, but if you can squeeze in a micro somehow, the better...

    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  18. quote:
    Originally posted by BeDoggy:

    ..Like being called a retard and loser for buying a geko or being ridiculed harshly for saying that radio waves are a form of light.(which I was easily able to prove with a 2 minute search on google.)


    There's always going to be someone tho thinks they're better than everyone. If the geko works fine for you, I'd tell them just that (Though I may not use such nice language).


    As for the radio/light thing, where'd you find that? I know it's all part of the EM spectrum, but since the portion of that specturm that we utilize as 'radio waves' does not coincide with what we classify as 'light' (infrared through ultraviolet), I can see where some scientific or engineer types (like my husband) would argue 'till he's blue to the face on that point icon_wink.gif


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  19. Tip on Cell Phones, and how to better prevent them from being lost (after I nearly lost mine once):


    I have a case with both a clip and a lanyard loop- what I do is attach the lanyard to a beltloop in my jeans/shorts (put it through the beltloop, then through the lanyard loop itself- hopefully you know how I'm doing this). Then I clip it on. Haven't had a problem since.


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

  20. People have been known to make or use fake rocks or stumps. Stone hide-a-keys seem to be popular for micros, as well as those magnetic hide-a-keys. IMHO, a clever hide is just about anywhere BUT under rocks/sticks/in a hollow stump/log. Those are the obvious spots.


    I walk the Maze of Moments, but everywhere I turn to, begins a new beginning, but never finds a finish... -Enya, Anywhere Is

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