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Posts posted by rws
My tutor is on vacation so I have to ask the question here. I want to change indidual tracks in my custom map to diiferent colors. So I went into my .img file to change for example one track from major highway to principle road. The problem is that it will only let me change the track one track point at a time instaed of the whole track at once. Any ideas?
This isn't a GenTYP question...it's a GPSMapEdit question
open the .mp file that you originally compiled your .img file from
click Edit...Select...By Type
checkmark the Major Highway box...click OK
rightclick the highlighted (Major Highway) track...Modify...Type
now select a new type (Principal Highway) from the list...click OK
click File...Save Map
click File...Export...Garmin Img...select your previous .img file...click OK to overwrite...click Run
you will now have an updated img file with the changes you made
Now...GenTyp is used to change colors of polylines but it is not done by editing an .img file as you tried to do.
I downloaded GPS TrackMaker. It opened one .shp file fine. Another one I got the error message: "Datatype 23 not supported, please contact the author" and it locked up. The author's web site says the free version is not supported. Suggestions?
email me the shapefile you had trouble with
cf-700 at hotmail dot com
Another method I use is a free ArcView extension called DNR Garmin. It will convert shapefiles to .gpx format, and works great to transfer GIS data between Garmin GPSrs.
DNRGarmin will work fine if your shapefile has less than 32,767 records.
GPS TrackMaker will do the job for you...and it's free.
An unregistered Global Mapper will not convert shapefiles.
start GPS TrackMaker
click File...Open...point to the *.shp file
choose the correct datum and coordinate system (find this info in the .xml file included in the shapefile pack)
click OK
the shapefile will load onto the screen
click File...Save File as...select a name for your file with a .gpx extension...click Save
I don't see it either. I was hoping for an option that I don't know about, or a way to do it.
Anybody else have any experience with this?
Data for county lines is readily available from online GIS repositories. You could create your own map from that. It takes some determination, though...
Okay, I took pity on you. See here: CA_counties.img. (Go easy on my server; no guarantee of uptime). I also put the source mp file in the pub/maps directory if someone wants to tweak it. My source for data was http://www.biogeog.ucsb.edu/projects/gap/gap_data.html with format and coordinate transformation via ogr2ogr, then combined in GPSMapEdit and converted to Garmin img with cGPSMapper (whew! I told you it takes determination...)
He's working with Magellan...not Garmin.
I must not have my settings right in Mapedit because it take a good portion of the day to process the map and then Gentyp gives me a "Max 32x32 xpm bitmaps with 2 colors" error. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
email me your .mp file and the image you are attempting to use in GenTYP
cf-700 at hotmail dot com
So, I've been playing with MapEdit et al in my quest to make some usable hunting maps for the upcoming hunting season. KS puts out an atlas (PDF format) that shows where all of the various Walk-In-Hunting-Access (WIHA!!) land is that is open to public hunting. My 1st whack at this was to screencapture a page into a BMP, then into OziExplorer, then outline each WIHA area with a polygon in MapEdit, yada yada yada...
The problem with my first attempt was that I used a solid polygon, and so the topo features beneath each polygon are obscured. So then I used a TYP file (similar to the one detailed here) to create a "transparent" polygon. Well, since these areas are relatively small the transparent version doesn't show up that well when you're zoomed out to about 15 mi or so, and the edges are kinda hard to make out, since it uses a semi-solid pattern...so that gave me idea #3:
I think it's possible to have BOTH solid and Transparent polygons at two different zoom levels - solid for when you're zoomed way out, and then transparent when you get close enough to care about the finer details.
I haven't played around with MapEdit enough to figure this out, so I was hoping some ol' map sages here could give me some pointers -
1) How do you assign the level on which each polygon is drawn (and therefore NOT drawn)?
2) Is there an easy way to specify that you only want the BORDER of the polygon a certain color, and not be filled (either with a solid color, or a patterned bitmap)?
3) Is there a way to specify a polygon with a border AND a fill pattern? something like a cross-hatch pattern that would have hard-defined edges at the border?
4) Is there a good mapmaker forum out there in the internets that I should go read up on?
Sample screenshots from a Garmin 276c of a simple map I created to show a solid polygon at one zoom level...semi-transparent at another level...both with a border outline.
1) draw polygons on different levels
2) if you only want a border with no fill...change polygon to a polyline
3) draw polyline around the perimeter of the polygon...create a bitmap to make a pattern of your choice
4) map_authors
Make sure your topo map is the Active Map....click Menu...Active Map...Detailed Maps...if a topo map is not your Active Map there will be no Topo Lines choice in the Display tab under Map Setup. Once a topo map is active then zoom into at least 0.80 mile....the contour lines will be displayed.
Here's a map using semi-transparent polygons TYP'ed for color...the amount of transparency and colors can be adjusted.
I changed the original shapefile polygon format of the Idaho Game Management Units to polylines and TYP'ed them so the outline of the GMU shows as a red line with a white border. (GMU border outlines can be made any color with TYP)
I used GPSMapEdit, cGPSMapper, GenTYP and MapSetToolKit to make the custom map for upload to GPS through Mapsource. Search this site and Google "custom Garmin maps" for info on how to make your own map using these tools..
Here's what it looks like over the Garmin basemap in a Garmin 276c
If I understand this correctly: (1) I create an IMG file using GPSMapEdit and cgpsmapper, the same as today; (2) I use GenTYP to open the IMG file created in step 1; (3) I alter the characteristics (such as color) of one of the polylines in the IMG file that is open in GenTYP; (4) ? now use MapSetToolKit to do something?
1.) Yes
2.) No...you do not open an img in GenTyp...you create a TYP file to alter types used in the img file
3.) No...you do not open an img in GenTYP...you create a TYP file to alter types used in the img file
4.) Yes...re-read Note: in post #5 above
better go back and read "How to use GenTYP" on the GenTYP website
Thanks. I will get GenTYP. I will read the instructions. Would you be so kind as to give me a quick answer to this question: with GPSMapEdit I open a .mp file, and export a Garmin IMG file with cgpsmapper. Do these steps change? Do I use GenTYP on any of these files, before or after?
create your img file as usual
you create a TYP file using polyline, point or polygon types used in your img file that you want to alter
then upload your image file and TYP file to your GPS either through Mapsource or another program such as SendMap20 or Mapupload.
To install your image and TYP file into Mapsource use MapSetToolKit another great program from cypherman
Get GenTYP ...very easy to use. Read "How to use GenTYP" for instructions.
GPS TrackMaker (freeware) will combine/merge gpx files.
In GPS TrackMaker:
click File...Open File
point to the folder with gpx files
select multiple gpx files (hold Ctrl and click with mouse)
click File...Save File as
you will now have one file with mulitiple tracks...waypoints
if you have more gpx files in another folder that you want to add (or gpx files to add at a later date)
(with previously saved file open)
click File...Merge File
point to folder with gpx files
select gpx files you want to add
click File...Save
Wow, lot's of info in those links! On the gpsbabel.org site, which program is it that I want...the 1.3.4 beta?
A lot of that info in those referenced threads seems to be geared towards building topo maps. I just want to choose a route from point A to point B, mark out the roads on the map, load them into my Vista, and go ride. Will citynav accomplish this?
You originally said you had a route created in Google Maps and wanted to get it into your Vista.
Can't get any simpler than:
"If you created a route by drawing with the Google Maps "Draw a line" tool and simply want to upload the track to your GPSr:
save your route in Google Maps to a .kml file (click KML tab)
convert the .kml file in GPSBabel to Garmin .gdb (and optionally upload directly to GPS)
open the Garmin .gdb in Mapsource and upload to your GPSr"
GPSBabel 1.3.4 will work just fine.
Of course you can create a route or a track (your choice) in Garmin Mapsource (CityNav)
In Mapsource click Help...Mapsource Help...under the Contents tab...(for creating routes) expand Routing...(for creating tracks) expand Working with Tracks....follow the directions.
I built a route in Google Maps. Is there any connectivity to load it into my Vista HCx so I can reference it during a motorcycle ride?
If you created a route by drawing with the Google Maps "Draw a line" tool and simply want to upload the track to your GPSr:
save your route in Google Maps to a .kml file (click KML tab)
convert the .kml file in GPSBabel to Garmin .gdb
open the Garmin .gdb in Mapsource and upload to your GPSr
Make a map of your route to upload to your GPSr:
previous thread on making simple maps (see tutorial 2 for track map making)
Try GPS TrackMaker (freeware) to calibrate your jpg map image. I did a test run with it and it worked well.
For the test I created a jpg image of a screencapture from Mapsource.
I inserted the jpg image in TrackMaker and used the Map Adjust Tool to calibrate it. You would do the same using two known coordinates from your map image. In TrackMaker..click Help...Inserting a Image as Background for instructions how to do this.
Then I opened the calibrated map in Google Earth...and the jpg image appeared right where it was supposed to. It would now be ready for tracing and making into a Garmin map following my tutorials Google Earth Maps to Garmin Custom Map 1 and Custom Map 2.
Another shot...use transparency slider to vary how much of Google basemap to show through
Ok my question is WITHOUT getting google pro whats the simplest way to convert googles Lat/Lon to manually enter in my 60csx? Or if there is a program that wil send it to the GPS. I have alot of cemeteries placemarked and would like to transfer them to my gps so I can place some caches.
Thanks in advance!
Save your Google placemarks to a .kml file...convert that file in GPSBabel to .gdb or .gpx...now open the .gdb or .gpx file in Mapsource and upload it to your GPS.
I tried this out and got something but didn't like how it looked. I used photoshop at work. The problem is I can only make it at work then bring it home and try it out. Is there a way to use a free program on windows to do this. I am running xp. If not I will have to make it at work and try it at home. Also I made a square box but it didn't look to good. Can you send me your .bmp file. I will pm you my email. I would like to look at somthing in case I have to do this at work.
Try this free paint program Paint.NET v3.08 I tried it and worked great. A little bonus is it has a bunch of brush patterns. I did a little test with it...created a 32x32 file...turned the grid on so I had a guide to follow with the brush...zoomed it to 800%...selected the brush tool...set brush to 4 pix...tried several of the brush patterns and whipped up many different images in no time. Of cource you can draw freehand images too.
I tried this out and got something but didn't like how it looked. I used photoshop at work. The problem is I can only make it at work then bring it home and try it out. Is there a way to use a free program on windows to do this. I am running xp. If not I will have to make it at work and try it at home. Also I made a square box but it didn't look to good. Can you send me your .bmp file. I will pm you my email. I would like to look at somthing in case I have to do this at work.
I'd Google a freeware graphics or icon editor to install on your home computer.
bmp was emailed to you.
I imported the bmp into GenTYP and set the x's to green and the dots to transparent (NONE).
Here's what the bmp image looks like blown up to 256x256 to better show the pattern that produces the semi-transparent polygon in the GPS screenshot below.
Here's another pattern
Thanks for the example. It looks pretty good. I use cyphermans gentyp program to do this stuff. I find it more user friendly and less learning curve. I will look at page 55&56 of cGPSMapper to see if I can translate that to gentyp program. Unless you know already how to do this?? Thanks for the help.
I re-did the bitmap and updated the screenshot picture above.
I used GenTYP to typ the polygon in the example above...click the ADD/EDIT Image button to import your .xpm image. I used Photoshop Elements to create the image and converted it to .xpm with XNView...then imported it into GenTYP. There are better instructions for this typ/xpm stuff Here Download the CutomTypes.zip file
I just looked at cypherman's site...no need to convert to xpm...you can create image and save as bmp and when imported into GenTYP it is converted.
rws had a quick question. I just got some .shp files of park borders. They are polygons. I am trying to get them into the gps and be able to see city navigator roads, waterways, etc through the polygons. I tried to make a .typ file using cyphermans gentyp but had not luck. I set the color scheme then set the priority of the polygon to 8. Thought this might work but my custom map again was on top of all city navigator items. Know of any work around?? Thanks for the help.
Here's a screenshot with a semi-transparent polygon custom map on top of City Select. I created the example polygon to cover water, land and roads to show how they show through. I used a typ file to alter the State Park polygon (x20) using a bitmap to color in green leaving some transparency to allow the City Select map to show through. The bitmap can be adjusted to let more (or less) of the underlaying map show through.
Page 55 and 56 in the cGPSMapper manual covers how to typ a polygon.
rws had a quick question. I just got some .shp files of park borders. They are polygons. I am trying to get them into the gps and be able to see city navigator roads, waterways, etc through the polygons. I tried to make a .typ file using cyphermans gentyp but had not luck. I set the color scheme then set the priority of the polygon to 8. Thought this might work but my custom map again was on top of all city navigator items. Know of any work around?? Thanks for the help.
...typ draw order I believe only applies to draw order on your custom map...with your transparent map over another map solid polygons will cover anything below. You could use a semi-transparent polygon like 01 (and a few others) that would allow the underlaying map to show through the polygon. Another option instead of using a polygon use a polyline to define the perimeter of the park.
I just thought of another option...typ a polygon with a custom bitmap with a transparent background...info on how to do it is in the latest cGPSMapper manual.
Would anyone be interested in hunting down geocaches hidden on Lake of the Woods? Even if you're not into geocaching just to do the ride to various parts of the lake would be fun. August 4 or 5? Boat or jetski would work. Lake of the Woods is located on the northern border of MN and is also bordered by Ontario and Manitoba.
Where the caches are hidden:
GenTYP sample patterns
in GPS technology and devices
Here's a file you can download with some 32x32 bmp patterns I made to use with GenTYP to alter your Garmin custom map polygons.
Screenshots showing how various colors/patterns will show up on your GPSr screen.