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Posts posted by rws
Thanks to everyone. I watched RWS's video and figured out how to do it in Photoshop. I think I've got it now.
Video on how to make image in MS Paint.
RE: transparent polygons. I read your geocaching post and understand the concept now. How do you easily create an image with the checkerboard patterns? Thank you for your assistance.
I created this short video showing how to make the 50% coverage bitmap used in GenTYP to create semi-transparent polygons....as shown in my post above. I used Photoshop Elements to make the image...other graphics programs would prolly work the same way. You can make any pattern you desire, but remember to design it so it repeats itself as the bitmap will be tiled when applied to the polygons.
here's a bitmap with 50% coverage...
and how it appears on GPS
create a 32x32 bitmap image of your choice in any graphics program then Add/Edit Image in GenTYP to custom type any standard polygon
the density of your bitmap will control the "transparency"...the more pixels you fill creating your pattern will cover more of your map
bitmap example 1
creates this
bitmap example 2
creates this
I am using cGPSMapper v 97 and MapSetToolKit v 1.50 and my custom maps have worked on all versions of Mapsource including 6.15.6
Thanks for letting me know, however that does not help.
The maps are working fine on any Garmin GPSr, just the overview maps are not dispalying in Mapsource. There must be a difference between version 6.14x and version 6.15x
use the above versions and your preview map will display
I am using cGPSMapper v 97 and MapSetToolKit v 1.50 and my custom maps have worked on all versions of Mapsource including 6.15.6
Thanks for all the help! I have one more problem. I just upgraded to the new version of MS via the check for updates button. After the install I get a data box that says problem w/ Product Tigerdata please reinstall product tigerdata. How do I do this & will I loose all the stuff I have in MS currently?
What is the tigerdata product? A custom map? If so get a copy of MapSetToolKit and delete that map....Mapsource should then start up.
I made up a custom map of the TN Wildlife Management Areas using the data available at the link in ripmyfly's post. The map installs into Mapsource where you can then upload it to your GPS. It will overlay your Garmin basemap or Topo maps and displays in red.
Download and open the zip file....read the READ_ME_FIRST.txt file for installation and use instructions.
map displayed on a Garmin 276c over Topo 2008 at 8 mile zoom
map displayed on Garmin 276c over Topo 2008 at 2 mile zoom
1) Get GPSMapedit.
2) Import the shape file(s).
3) Convert the areas to polygons.
4) Convert the polygons to polylines.
5) Create Garmin map.
Thanks for information. I can get it imported but I don't have something correct and after changing numerous things I still don't think I've got the coordinates being projected correctly. In Step 3 of the import process if I set the Coordinate System to Lat/Long deg. then the map does not not even appear on the PC screen. If I set the Coordiate System to UTM North Hemisphere then the map appears on the PC screen but the coordinates don't seem to be converted. I am setting the Datum to NAD83 since that is what TWRA said it was. This is all new to me so any help will be much appreciated.
The shapefile is using TN State Plane coordinate system...If you're using GPSMapEdit I don't think that option is available in the drop down box.
Example of a custom map using shapefiles from your ZIP file....semi-transparent polygons allow background map to show through. Color and pattern of polygons are changeable. Create a pattern of your choice in a graphics program...save as .bmp...import it into genTYP to create typ file to alter the polygons. Custom types is covered in the cGPSMapper manual.
Screenshots from Garmin 276c of White Lake WMA area (shown over Topo 2008)
Here's a video tutorial I made that plays in Windows Media player to get you started making basic maps by tracing map features in Google Earth and then making and installing the map into your Garmin GPS. Once you learn the basics you can add more detail to your maps. Search this site and the internet for more advanced map making help.
You'll need the following software packages:
Google Earth...trace features you want to appear on your Garmin map
GPSBabel...used to convert kml to gpx
GPSMapEdit...program used to make your map
cGPSMapper...used by GPSMapEdit and MapSetToolKit
MapSetToolKit...program used to install your map into Mapsource
Go from Google Earth map to Garmin Custom Map
Custom Map installed in Mapsource
Screenshot of Custom Map from a Garmin 276c
Tutorial 2....adding more detail to the previous Tutorial map....roads, airstrip, resort and parking lots. When creating your own maps add as much detail as you want.
Download Video Tutorial 2 Here
from Google Earth map
to Custom Garmin map (screenshot from Garmin 276c)
I am working on a custom garmin map. It includes road information (using TIGER data) and my own trail tracks. The problem is that in areas where my trail follows a road Mapsource draws the road over my trail. I would like the trail to be on top.
I am already using a custom TYP for my trails and I wonder if there is a way to increase my trail tracks draw priority ?
Couple of options to try
Major Hwy 0x01 would draw on top of say Walkway/Trail 0x16, Un-paved Road 0x0a, Alleyway 0x07 etc....ie use a road type greater than what you now have assigned to trails.
Use two seperate maps...Tiger data and a seperate map for trails. If the Tiger data map is not transparent and the trail map is transparent the trail map will draw over the Tiger map. If both Tiger and trail map are transparent then use DrawPriority= to force trail map to draw last. DrawPriority is covered in the cGPSMapper manual.
Anyone know if you can make custom maps using google or mapquest maps? I know you can using google earth. Anyone know?
If you mean making custom Garmin maps...yes...Google Maps has the same tools as Google Earth for creating lines, polygons and placemarks. The following tutorials are for Google Earth but can be used as a guide for Google Maps.
Here's a video tutorial I made that plays in Windows Media player to get you started making basic maps by tracing map features in Google Earth and then making and installing the map into your Garmin GPS. Once you learn the basics you can add more detail to your maps. Search this site and the internet for more advanced map making help.
You'll need the following software packages:
Google Earth...trace features you want to appear on your Garmin map
GPSBabel...used to convert kml to gpx
GPSMapEdit...program used to make your map
cGPSMapper...used by GPSMapEdit and MapSetToolKit
MapSetToolKit...program used to install your map into Mapsource
Go from Google Earth map to Garmin Custom Map
Custom Map installed in Mapsource
Screenshot of Custom Map from a Garmin 276c
Tutorial 2....adding more detail to the previous Tutorial map....roads, airstrip, resort and parking lots. When creating your own maps add as much detail as you want.
Download Video Tutorial 2 Here
from Google Earth map
to Custom Garmin map (screenshot from Garmin 276c)
split the track at desired point with Track Divide Tool
use Track Draw Tool to make arrow
use Track Join Tool to join the split track back together
Good idea - but you don't even need to split the tracks. Just draw arrows on top of the track (with the track draw tool), wherever you want them.
And since the arrows you draw with the track draw tool are actual tracks, they can be loaded to the GPS.
Splitting the track, making the arrow and then joining the tracks will not add to the track count. With Garmin's limited track storage limits (usually 20 tracks or less) by adding arrows on top of the tracks you will be over the limit real quick.
Looking at this tracklog, is their a way I can determine the layer order of the tracks in Mapsource? Which is on top of each other?
Can I create a track with direction arrows? Using time ascending, have arrows embedded into the track to show direction of travel? Can I create a legend, a small section of track with text off to the side?
Since you aren't interested in making custom maps with a TYP modified line (using arrow bitmap) here is a way to make direction arrows in Mapsource.
split the track at desired point with Track Divide Tool
use Track Draw Tool to make arrow
use Track Join Tool to join the split track back together
Looking at this tracklog, is their a way I can determine the layer order of the tracks in Mapsource? Which is on top of each other?
Can I create a track with direction arrows? Using time ascending, have arrows embedded into the track to show direction of travel? Can I create a legend, a small section of track with text off to the side?
Yes you can change the layer order in Mapsource...CHUY! answered it correctly.
Look at your track names...they are listed in alphabetical order (or by number) and are layered on the map with the first track listed drawn on the bottom, the second track listed drawn next and the last track listed drawn on top.
Let's say your track names are:
black colored track is Track 1
blue colored trail is Track 2
red colored trail is Track 3
That is how they are now layered on your example. Say you want to have the black trail on top...rename it to Track 4. Now blue will be on the bottom, red will be next and black will be on top.
Doesn't look like a Garmin screenshot. So how did you create the arrows? If not Mapsource, what?Not in Mapsource but you could make a custom map with directional arrows for upload to your GPS...GPS screenshot
Screenshot is from a Garmin 276c...
arrows are created with a bitmap image...then imported into genTYP to make a custom Garmin map using cGPSmapper
Looking at this tracklog, is their a way I can determine the layer order of the tracks in Mapsource? Which is on top of each other?
Can I create a track with direction arrows? Using time ascending, have arrows embedded into the track to show direction of travel? Can I create a legend, a small section of track with text off to the side?
Not in Mapsource but you could make a custom map with directional arrows for upload to your GPS...
GPS screenshot
I would like to access the Tutorial which deals with USGS data to compose the map .
There is mention of an Installer ( Inno based ) and .bat files etc which I would be
most interested to read . The ATV snowmobile ( transparency ) tutorial I was able to
access but still the ones on POLAR I can not .
In particular , could you help me access the USGS tutorial on the POLAR server .
also emailed same request to cf-700
I don't use the Polar account for files any longer...all my files are on MediaFire. I don't have the USGS tutorial any longer...it received very few hits so took it down a long time ago and I no longer have that file.
The Inno site has info on how to write scripts for their installer.
I have been unable to access your tutorial videos ???? Upon clicking on the links , the
server replies " you do not have permission .....
Could you please provide help such that I can access your videos !
I have created a video tutorial that uses Cypherman's Mapset Toolkit and genTYP...very nice front ends for cGPSMapper...making it real easy to make and install maps with custom color trails into Mapsource. The zip file contains a video that plays in Windows Media Player showing how to make a transparent map from Garmin track files using GPSMapEdit, cGPSMapper, MapsetToolkit and genTYP. Included in the zip file is a READ_ME_FIRST.txt file that has step by step text instructions to follow along with the video.
Creating Custom Garmin Maps from Google Earth Maps
Here's a video tutorial that plays in Windows Media player to get you started making basic maps by tracing map features in Google Earth and then making and installing the map into your Garmin GPS. Uses the same software as in the Map Making Tutorial above.
Creating Custom Garmin Maps from Google Earth Maps II
Tutorial 2....adding more detail to the previous Tutorial map....roads, airstrip, resort and parking lots. Once you learn the basics you can add all the detail you want to your maps. Uses the same software as in the Map Making Tutorial above.
RWS, you're such a nice guy!
I'm a fellow snowmobiler so am more than happy to help out. I've made snowmobile trail maps for Quebec, Ontario. parts of Manitoba, MN, ND, MI and New York.
I have received a Shape
not file (.shp) with all the Snowmobile trails for New Brunswick which is approximately 8 meg. I have a Garmin GPS 60 CSx, and would like to be able to load these trails into my 60CSx the same as any other Garmin map set so I can see the snowmobile trails on a map of the province.
The originator of this file uses two or three different types of GPS receivers.
A couple are high end ($6000 units) manufactured by Trimble, the other is a cheapy ($300 Canadian Tire version) made by Garmin, model 12. Both of these units will accept shape files. / the originator
I have done some reading on this at this site http://www.highspeedsat.com/satellite-gps/...d6527f24774701a, but it makes no sense to me.
I'm a little nervous downloading trial s/w if needed to do the conversion, and for a one time conversion, not worth purchasing it to find it doesn't work.
Has anyone done this? I can send you the 8 meg shape file if that helps. I have a 1 gig memory card for my unit, so if I can get this shape file converted to a Garmin format, the size should not be an issue.
If anyone can lend a hand or some advise, would be greatly appreciated.
Email file to me and I'll make a custom map you can upload to your Garmin.
Send to cf-700@hotmail.com
Do as Red90 says...use MapSetToolKit along with cGPSMapper. I made a video that plays in Windows Media Player showing how to use MapSetToolKit to install the 00001295.img file you are working with. BTW it works in the latest version of Mapsource.
Topo map BC/Van. Island
in GPS technology and devices
Posted · Edited by rws
I repackaged a smaller dataset of Ibycus Topo (according to licence agreement http://www.ibycus.com/ibycustopo/#Legal) to include the Vancouver\Vancouver Island area and created an installable mapset for Mapsource.
Vancouver\Vancouver Island Area Topo Map