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Everything posted by Bambography

  1. Picked up 2 from Blacks Basingstoke this Lunchtime. Only 1 left as of 12.30pm. I'm assuming that only the Big Ben coins have been released so far, but there doesn't seem to be any word on the others, any ideas anyone?
  2. I'd like to second (3rd - 4th... whatever) all the praise for a fantastic weekend! I had to keep asking myself what made it ok to wonder around the valley dressed as a pirate this weekend when on any other I wouldn't even think about it! Well, the answer is safety in numbers and with so many great people all out enjoying the event how could anyone feel silly! Thanks again to PuP & Liane for all your hard work over the weekend! See you again next year! Up the Reds!!
  3. I'm amazed this isn't an automated function. If people have been able to do this for years with GSAK the surely GC can get the server to work out where a cache is using the polygons shown on the map?? Although I see the use of this feature in given circumstances I don't think it'll ever be perfect unless the reviewer(s) really are going to sit and amend each and every cache page. I'm sure many cache owners will not sit and change all their caches, many won't even notice the feature exists and all those 'abandoned' caches certainly won't get done. It seems like another great idea only half implemented.
  4. I thought you were meaning Car Hire in the original post. I looked it up before and there are a Several Places in Lerwick. That doesn't however take into account the Orkneys which i'd not thought about but there are some there too. Will have to do the maths nearer the time.
  5. Hmmm, I've assumed mine was a manufacture issue as I have 'inaccuracy' issues when using the compass on my Vista HCx that I got for Christmas. If others are having a problem then it sounds more generic however I think i'll still contact Garmin (sooner or later) to ask what they think. Has anyone else tried this? What did they say?
  6. Oh, Oh, Pick Me, Pick Me...... The tour sounds great and i'll make a note of it all ready to plan for annual leave next year. I'm also happy for a car share if I can make it! I'll add it to my diary and will see how things go in the new year!!
  7. Does this sound like a volunteer everyone?!! Yup, but i'm not sure the location will be too popular with the masses!
  8. I've literally just bought a Piratey geocoin, so come and grab me if you wanna look! (Plus you can peek through the rest too if you want!)
  9. Any further news on any apps upcoming to the App Store? I'm on the Touch so have limited connectivity outside the house and a native app would be amazing!
  10. Thanks for this link. I'll certainly be book marking that!
  11. The best way i've seen is to look at other caches in the area. If one particular cacher owns many of them, send them a nice polite email explaining what you want to do and ask if they mind keeping an eye on it for you. On the cache page you can then put that it is a cache by you and maintained by..... Also be worth making it clear that you will send them any replacement items that are required so they know that its not going to be costing them money to maintain it for you!
  12. I'm in the middle of planning a cache that I hope will be Unique and very enjoyable. As a result of the planning and 'parts' to the cache I intend to create a puzzle to start the multi to do just that. If the puzzle stops large numbers visiting it then so be it. I'd much rather those that can be bothered get rewarded with (what I hope to be) a very enjoyable cache rather than everyone finding it. Large numbers of people will mean very regular maintenance visits and potential for problems (and i'm not saying any more than that for now).
  13. It went to your event first.... It can only be in one place at a time
  14. It can't be any worse than caches on top of cliffs, rock formations or at high levels in places like the Lake District. There are scuba caches, and all sorts. So long as you stick to what YOU feel safe doing and can muster the willpower to walk on by if you don't think you can find the cache within sensible safety levels then the world will be fine.
  15. OH NO!!!!!!!! He got it wrong!!!
  16. Text sent, listen out for Chris from Basingstoke... heres hoping!
  17. Is there going to be a standard message that we'll use so that they'll all show up en-masse?
  18. Sounds like a plan......
  19. About 43mins into the listen again on the website. Nothing more said than was stated by the OP. So, the next question, who is Sian????
  20. In fact it is a 3 part series (thanks Sky+) so don't miss the rest of the programmes!
  21. And I was hoping for the Extreme North next year..... Sounds good though!
  22. I set up a load of new PQs this evening and they all came through nicely.
  23. When did that happen? The last I heard people were campaigning to get the mapping rights opened up - haven't heard anything about a government agency being sold off...?? Interesting, at my conference & tour at OS HQ in Southampton last thuesday they never mentioned it. They changed from a Government department several years ago into a Trading Fund meaning that they have to at least break even. Which is fair enough as i'd be a little annoyed to discover than i'd be picking up the cost of them supplying you with cheap mapping. Still part of the government though!
  24. SP, you said the other day that you were going to take a cache or two with you to place if you could find a local cacher to maintain it for you. I was thinking of doing the same, so before I email any local cachers, have you already been in touch with anyone? If so, how receptive have they been?
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