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Everything posted by MCL
what you may not realise is that the photo in the testcard is in fact reversed so that the girl appears right handed when in fact she was using her left hand when the picture was taken. That would make it face the same way as plaid-dragon's avatar... No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
Plaid-Dragon, from your avatar, did you used to be the girl on the old BBC testcard? That pose.... No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
Geocachers do the stupiedest things.....
MCL replied to TheCookieCrew's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
Dan and Pid do night caching......? -
What is wanted of a national geocaching organisation
MCL replied to paul.blitz's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
quote:Originally posted by Pharisee:does anyone know or even bothered to find out if geocachers in ANY of the other 172 countries have even considered a 'National Body' to represent them. My guess is 'no'. Your guess is wrong. New Zealand is a classic example. A small country, outside the US and the UK that has basically had an external body effectively 'force' their cachers to organise themselves into a body so that they had one point of contact with the NZ caching community. Now, don't misread me here: I am not using NZ as an argument either for or against a UK organisation, I am using it to disprove John's guess that no other country outside the US and UK has gone down this path. We certainly are not the only country outside the States to be facing this sort of situation, and maybe we can learn something from those other countries' processes. No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.... -
Fun and games with the Garmin European Basemap and MapQuest
MCL replied to Lee&Jackie's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
Well OS maps themselves are not always so accurate either...I once bought an OS motoring atlas of Britain, all spiral-bound and expensive, only to find they had forgotten to print Lake Windermere on it! The blue blob was simply not there....which was unfortunate, since when I discovered this fact, I was driving along the edge of said lake in the pitch dark! No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.... -
Fun and games with the Garmin European Basemap and MapQuest
MCL replied to Lee&Jackie's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
Yes I can confirm that, Lee&Jackie. Wronskian and myself found another glitch involving a railway line only yesterday. The one I mentioned in my last post, the one in Torquay, was again a rail line in the wrong place. The roads in Mapsource seem to be spot on. No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.... -
Fun and games with the Garmin European Basemap and MapQuest
MCL replied to Lee&Jackie's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
I recently stayed down in Torquay in an hotel which is right on the sea front. My room had a sea view out of the window, with the sea being about 50m from the hotel. Imagine my surprise when I looked on my laptop at Mapsource (the Garmin software) and discovered there was meant to be a railway line between me and the sea! In fact, the railway was on the other side of the main road, away from the sea, so the order things went in was: sea>hotel>road>railway as oposed to Garmin's idea of sea>railway>hotel>road. Being more interseted in railways than I am in the sea, I would have preferred the Garmin version of reality, but had to make do with the God version. Oh well, you can't have everything. No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.... -
quote:Originally posted by Gunther:There must be something about you people that can't let go... I can't actually see where I have insulted or abused anybody - I did question some peoples motives, BUT you all do seem to want to abuse and insult me. Well, where I come from, to question someone's motives unless you have a *very* good, pressing and urgent reason to do so, is in itself insulting and abusive. As far as I can tell you just decided to question the motives of a personal friend of mine, for the sheer hell of it, to see what you could stir up. To make a "nice, contentious post". And *thats* the reason you get the abuse and insults back from people. Many of us on here are friends of each other who meet in real life not just on here. Go slagging one person off and you are sticking your oar into a nest of stingers. The whole point is that you just don't realise the damage you are doing. Thats not all your fault: you couldn't know all the ramifications of a mudsling at someone, which is why it is better not to mudsling in the first place. This forum is NOT quite like the usual Usenet newsgroup. Most people on those fora don't know each other personally and so don't really care too much if one of them is upset by something one of the others says. Trolling and mudslinging for fun on there is bad enough, but to do it in a place that has painstakingly built up a core "family" element is like getting out a machine gun at the Godfather's family barbecue. A lot of people are going to get very ****ed off very fast. I am happy to say that 5 of my 8 closest friends in the whole world are posters on this forum, and a lot of the other posters are people I would class as personal friends. I have met them, phoned them, emailed them, ate with them, drunk with them. Yes and even cached with them. Why don't you come along to one of the cache bashes and meet the people who's motives you have been questioning? You will not have any doubts about them after that if you do. THATS what you do if you suspect someone's motives. You check them out. Get to know them. sociallise with them. Then if you still think they are dodgy, by all means ask around. Don't use it as a first option, only as a last resort. Is that quite plain and clear for you now? Has that answered your question? No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
..oh and picture 1 is definitely Huga.
quote:Originally posted by pepperpot:"schnauzer" Bless you.... No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
quote:Originally posted by Gunther:MCL - I think I've got your goat... you really do like a little tantrum every now and then don't you! Have you ever posted anything other than a rant and rave over something someone else has posted? Nice of you to keep the kettle boiling though. To answer you question directly, yes, I have. Many Many times. Through the wonder of archiving you are welcome to read them all at any time. I will admit to a mild attack of fury a couple of days ago. I am not usually prone to such attacks. If youtake the time to read all of my posts you will find 99% of them are carefully argued and sensibly put set-pieces which have sometimes taken me several days to compose. Normal service has now been resumed. I hope, however, that my small slip has unintentionally demonstrated to everyone just how hurt and dismayed I have been. And I don't often admit that in public.
quote:Originally posted by washboy: quote:Originally posted by MCL:..you mean "altogether"? Ere, 10001111110, how did you do the double quotes? I've been trying to use them for ages. They keep getting stripped out ===== _There's no such thing as a free lunchbox!_ ..erm..I use that key with the number "2" on it in conjunction with the SHIFT key... No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
Thats a good point. I wonder if it is possible to sell a cache on Ebay?... No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
quote:Originally posted by Omally:If you saw a lemming throw itself off a cliff, would you follow that example too? Oh, we can but hope... No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
quote:Originally posted by Gunther:The results are not so good for G:UK but in saying that one thing is clear, as per the GAGB poll - a lot of people like mouthing off about certain issues (me included) but not many are bothered enough to vote ( a bit like politics really). The main reason people are not voting on your pointless poll is that they can't see the benefit in doing so. No-one but you has any reason to put G:UK in the dock, and frankly the phrase "More to it than meets the eye" is just vague, specious and conspiratorial. One could ask the same about anyone but it doesn't make it a valid question does it. Oh lets stand up and ask about the Samaritans shall we? Who thinks theres more to that organisation than meets the eye? ....Piffle! Speak a lie often enough and it starts to be believed. The fact is that the things that you and others are saying on here are really hurtful, and doing untold damage. Why oh why are you intent on wrecking the world for everone else? I can imagine you as a child, were the sort of person who ran along the beach and kicked over other people's sandcastles. You never brought a bucket and spade and built your own, probably because you knew if you did, everyone else might come along and break it down. How you people get a kick out of smashing, wrecking and hurting I do not understand. You think you are big, and clever. You are neither. quote:Spelling though thats a different kettle of fish alltogether - now that really gets my goat. ..you mean "altogether"? Now go and do with your goat whatever it is you do once you've got it. quote:So in summary I think we can safely say that it is not all roses for G:UK but no-one really gives !!! What really counts is a nice and contentious posting or two! And that is why we are so sensitive about trolls on here. I couldn't have put it better myself. No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
Actually I think Gunther has given us the clue in his original post. He said: "Maybe I just have a poor opinion of people and their motives" I think that you are right, Gunther. You *do* just have a very poor opinion of people. And you seem to have no idea of their motives either. And the more you speak your mind on here, the more obvious it becomes that you have a problem of some sort with how you view your fellow man. Deal with it. Because *we* can't, until *you* do. No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
I'm really only talking about the cache approval part to come back. There is no reason why the two tasks of moderating and cache approval *need* to be done by the same group of people is there? Or am I missing something? No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
quote:GUNTHER: No further questions from the prosecution m'lud, I think the jury now can see exactly what has transpired here. There is no jury, and no-one is on trial, so stop trying to metaphorically put anyone in the dock. Apart from what anyone else has said, the main reason not to slag off other organisations on these forums is that it puts GC.COM's moderators (who are now all over in the US, don't forget) in a potentially awkward position. To use an analogy, you don't walk into Tescos and start slagging off Sainsbury's at the top of your voice. If you do, Tesco's managers get a bit edgy and politely ask you to desist, becuase they don't want to be seen by Sainsburys as stirring up trouble. Besides, its just plain rude, EVEN THOUGH you are quite within your "legal" right to free speech. By the same token, it was pointed out on here a while back that to start to discuss other website's business/problems/etc on here was not the best move, and might even lead to Jeremy Irish (The US boss) taking action from afar. This is even more the case when the website in question has a free and open forum of it's own, so it just makes good sense to put your greivances over there, rather than here. We do not wish to attract the ire of our US overlords on here. THATS why the recommendation is that you desist here and take your problem over there. You can still post here if you want, but frankly this is not the best place to do so. There are other better ones. Doesn't that make sense to you, Gunther?
quote:Originally posted by Gunther:"This is a troll, right?" - a bit obsessed with trolls this forum!!! Trigpointing - I rest my case m'lud Ah thats probably because we have had rather a lot of trolling in the past. I did actually take your post at face value which is why I replied sensibly to it. I notice that from all I said in it, all you could come up with as a reply was the above. You don't actually have any hard evidence to back up what you say do you? No I am not mistaken in saying that there is no moderation on G:UK. Washboy is indeed empowered to moderate, but in practice he doesn't. So therefore they are unmoderated. Gunther, what the hell is it you have against G:UK? Have they done something horrible to you? Have they sent you a caching bill you can't afford to pay? Have they cut off your access to the GPS satellites? Do they sap the life out of your Duracells while you sleep at night? I am trying hard here to grasp why it is you are going down this path. Please tell us all, just what it is you have against Mark, Ian and Washboy. No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
<blinks> ..you mean there are people *without* a GPSr?
Gunther said: "Ok to stop the mud slinging lets have a poll." No. To stop the mudslinging, all you have to do is stop slinging mud! So stop. Its that simple really. No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
..well I would say that OK, you weren't in tune with a small, yet vocal minority of UK cachers, but then, thats not as bad as it sounds. You *were*, from all the conversations that I had had with you, pretty much in tune with the majority. And the evidence for that is the large number of people on here to support you. We need UK based cache approval back. Now, can anyone think of anyone *better* to do that, than those who have done it so far and made a dadgum good job of it? Anyone else would have to spend time learning the ropes, all those little exceptions that we in teh UK have wangled ourselves. And to do that "training", the experienced approvers would need to be onhand anyway. May I suggest some of you come back, even temporarily, to train up a couple of new people, to introduce those to the people at GC.COM, to effect a smooth transition, to hand over the relay baton. Then perhaps fade into obscurity. No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
"GeocacheUK started off the back of Geocache.com and even is "approved" by them... funny how their aims seem to be the complete domination of geocaching in the uk - a bit of the Oedipus Complex I would say. GeocacheUK is a parasite living off the back of this very forum - where if it were not for the people who regularly contribute would not even exist." This is a troll, right? GeocacheUk has nothing whatever to do with trying to dominate anything. It is not and never has been an "organisation". It has never sought to represent anyone, or to control anything. Its sole aim in life is to take the data that is available from the GC.COM servers, and re-mould it to provide interesting new charts and tables. In doing this it costs Mark a lot of time and money, something which he has never asked a penny in return. He provides a *service* to you and to me, free of charge, should we wish to use it. If we don't, then we don't have to. Yes there are forums over there on GeocacheUK, primarily set up for people to discuss the things they would like Mark and Teasel to add to the site. It so happens that those forums are unmoderated, which means that no-one controls who or what is posted there. Please don't make the mistake of thinking that the views you get off there are either approved of or disapporved of by Mark. To suggest that GeocacheUK is in any way a hostile organisation to GC.COm or its forums here is just downright wrong. GCUK is neither hostile, nor an organisation. If you have any information that might prove me wrong then I am all ears. If you haven't then please don't make such unfounded suggestions. No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
"You actually belive after this anyone would want the job!!! You must be joking.." Funny, thats exactly what I thought when I read it! No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....
Working with landowners
MCL replied to Countryside Manager HCC's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
quote:Originally posted by Icenians:Now why does a polite response to a post with some facts about dealing with a council make someone an idiot? Statistics show that those with the most birthdays live longest. A polite response it was, yes. A factual response too, yes. But nevertheless, there are time when such a polite factual response is still not appropriate in a delicate scenario. I think Tim & June's reference to idiocy was becuase of *that*, and frankly I agree with them. However, I would like to add that I think what was *done* was "idiotic", rather than to assert that those who *did* it were "idiots". The former is to judge the action, and in my book preferable to the latter which is judging the person. Is that clear for you all? No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....