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Everything posted by MCL

  1. I should hope you have!
  2. It is quite common for me to go it alone, but equally I have a pool of about 3 other guys to tag along with me, if they can be bothered to get off their a**es.
  3. Ah but this is the UK, not a state. It is not illegal to commit suicide in the UK. Attempted suicide *is* illegal, and there are sentences pertaining to the crime, but actual suicide is quite legal, presumably due to the difficulty in bringing a successful prosecution. I guess it pays not to fail....
  4. It strikes me that, beacuse Tc and Fezzi did not know exactly what the sheet and phone number were, that maybe the sheet is not self-explicit enough as to what it means? Just a thought. If a geocacher can't understand it, then will a muggle be any the wiser if they stumble across one? Furthermore, Midway Cafe, is it likely to be any kind of prank, if the cost of the phone calls is explicitly pointed out to the reader? If anyone was setting up someone to rake money in by getting people to call, then they would hardly advertise the cost of the phone call would they?
  5. Don't forget the rackmounted wine rack to go with it...
  6. Nope, I can't actually think of anything that makes a good multi.... <ducks>
  7. One of the suppliers I use for my studio equipment is Canford Audio, and one of the things they sell is an earth spike, for hammering into the ground at an outside recording or broadcast event so as to provide a local earth connection for all the equipment. The spike, which is their stock code 42-991, is fine as it goes, but then you read in the catalogue that the spike "is intended to be fitted with our Earth Spike Fitting Tool, stock code 55-991. The people that write the canford catalogue have a wicked sense of humour, and the whole catalogue is peppered with tongue-in-cheek references and jovial quips. No I'm not advertising them, since it is unlikely that many people reading this are going to want the sort of things they sell... Except these fine spike fitting tools.
  8. SimplyPaul, I have told you before about carrying that arch around on that kit car. You'll ruin the suspension... Me, I drive a Metro 1300 Sport. Because its what I currently own. OK?
  9. Do you actually have time to go out Caching???? No. Oh look, Ok, yes, but I thought if I tried adding any more activities to the list people might think I was showing off.
  10. Don't worry, you are in good company in the distraction stakes. Why else would Craig have written above "Other than that my normal deposit is either a useful toy." (I did the spelling correction myself) As for my lounge being a walk-in geocache, well that used to be the case, but then I made the cardinal error of getting Mother in, and, well, the phrase "Took Everything Left Nothing" springs to mind.. ...although there *is* a small logbook down behind the sofa....
  11. dadgum. And there I was attempting to start up a rival to the post office online....
  12. Aside from the mention of me being a gadget-head above, I can admit to being sort-of-in-the-IT-field. I'm a PC consultant, in that I spec and build and maintain PCs for my clients. I'm also a voice-over artist. And a recording engineer. And a DJ. And an office administrator. And an hotel night manager. I think I've covered everything ...
  13. Oh but I have! And he's seen mine. (before he posts here in protest...)
  14. Is there anyone else apart from me who read the title "Kerry Event Cache" and on first glance read it as "Kenny Everett Cache"... Please don't do things like that to my eyes!
  15. .. do you mean those things I saw Maplin selling the other week. Something called "peeball".? Apparently its a little ball which gentlemen are supposed to place in the channel of the urinals, and then by careful using their supersoaker skills, pee it up and down the lane in record time... ..or something. I was trying to read the instructions off the side of the box. I'm deadly serious about this. Maplin really do sell a thing called a peeball, and it is for guys to pee on. They are on sale by the till in my local store. The funny thing is, as soon as I saw them I thought "shall I get one to put in a cache?"... ...and then you wrote the above in your post. I tell you I nearly wet myself, but I realised that would have been a terrible waste, when so much more fun could have been gained....
  16. someone once swapped some cheap bit of old tat in one of my caches, for a signed photo of Tony Blackburn. Now the question is, was it trading down, or up?
  17. Actually, Wil has branched out into various interesting things since his Trek days. He runs quite a good web log (blog), and he is now a radio reporter too. I last heard him working as a BBC reporter on the Califonia governor elections. He really knows his stuff, as a political pundit and I was very impressed with his ability to hold an interview/round-table discussion and control it properly. Obviously the BBC were too, otherwise they wouldn't have employed him. I heard him on the World Service, Radio 4 and Radio 5live. I guess he does similar stuff for local stations over there too.
  18. Ah well in that case you should know that Dan is an expert in these circumstances...
  19. If you send me your snail address I'll post you one of my story tapes I have started using as a signature item.
  20. I put this through the Google Translation service but it simply gave up....
  21. That depends on whether you ever want to be seen in that pub alive again...
  22. Not only do i agree with everyone else that you can take items from your own caches if you want, but in fact i did just that last weekend. I am not going to say which one or what....
  23. There used to be a series of five caches that I know about that had a stamp in each one, but that was not for letterboxing, it was part of the cache series that you had to collect a card and then collect the right stamp at each one to fill up the card. As far as I am aware, with decent instructions about what to do with the stamp being included in the cache box (say, on a lamintaed card for instance), it is unlikely anyone will take it as a swap by mistake. Having said that, someone did swap the pencil sharpener out of one of mine a while back. Come to think of it, I never did replace it! (makes mental note...)
  24. I also use my "real" name. That is, my friends and family do actually call me MCL now, after about 20 years of trying to get everyone to do so. I'm MCL, in every web presence I have. I have never believed in hiding behind a nickname, and I rather prefer it if others don't. They do, though, and there's nothing I can do about it. So I'll stop moaning and get me coat...
  25. "The M6 through Birmingham and Wolverhampton will be a nightmare " ..isn't that what they built a Toll road for?
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