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Posts posted by Zahrim
Originally posted by FISUR:I was surprised by Neuman's experience of not getting a reply from geocaching.com. We are in the process of getting Team FISUR geocoins which include a variation of the geocaching logo (they'll have a Rhode Island touch). We asked permission for the design from logo@Groundspeak.com, and we received permission in less than 48 hours of the request. Maybe they just don't like Texans.
. Perhaps it was less complicated to provide permission since our coins will not be for sale.
So, by "will not be sold", you are saying that one person is paying for all of the coins, and is then giving them away for free?
If someone is having it set up, and then others are going to "help" pay to have them made, that sounds to me like selling them.
I don't mean to be a BIG pain, just a thorn that makes people think about just how a lawyer might look at things....
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
Originally posted by FISUR:I was surprised by Neuman's experience of not getting a reply from geocaching.com. We are in the process of getting Team FISUR geocoins which include a variation of the geocaching logo (they'll have a Rhode Island touch). We asked permission for the design from logo@Groundspeak.com, and we received permission in less than 48 hours of the request. Maybe they just don't like Texans.
. Perhaps it was less complicated to provide permission since our coins will not be for sale.
So, by "will not be sold", you are saying that one person is paying for all of the coins, and is then giving them away for free?
If someone is having it set up, and then others are going to "help" pay to have them made, that sounds to me like selling them.
I don't mean to be a BIG pain, just a thorn that makes people think about just how a lawyer might look at things....
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
Originally posted by VentureForth:I WOULD think about buying other geocoins to spread out into caches. Examples would be http://www.geocachetreasures.com which have no 'territory' imprinted on them, and http://www.txgeocoins.com so I could spread a li'l Texas when go international caching (like to Oklahoma). If I find a Waypoint15 coin, I'm a-gonna keep 'er. Same with a Moun10Bike coin.
Am I way off my rocker?
http://www.scubaboard.com/images/smilies/wavey.gif Go! And don't be afraid to get a little wet!
Well, I live up here in OKC, and I would love to grab one of those TX coins. Why not drop a few off up here?
I agree with you about not buying an ''Out-of-State'' coin. If you are not from there, or are not there on vacation, it is just not the same thing. It is much more fun to ''FIND'' such coins.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
Originally posted by VentureForth:I WOULD think about buying other geocoins to spread out into caches. Examples would be http://www.geocachetreasures.com which have no 'territory' imprinted on them, and http://www.txgeocoins.com so I could spread a li'l Texas when go international caching (like to Oklahoma). If I find a Waypoint15 coin, I'm a-gonna keep 'er. Same with a Moun10Bike coin.
Am I way off my rocker?
http://www.scubaboard.com/images/smilies/wavey.gif Go! And don't be afraid to get a little wet!
Well, I live up here in OKC, and I would love to grab one of those TX coins. Why not drop a few off up here?
I agree with you about not buying an ''Out-of-State'' coin. If you are not from there, or are not there on vacation, it is just not the same thing. It is much more fun to ''FIND'' such coins.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
It all depends on what is in the cache. If there is something I want, I know a friend might want, or my daughter might like, I trade.
If none of the above, I will 'take nothing', but I always leave 'something'.
Unless there is no room in the cache to just 'leave something'. In that case, I will take something to drop off at another cache, so I may 'leave something'.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
Originally posted by brdad:What a neat idea! Now I have to come up with one... Much better than taking my own pic!
_On my first day of school my parents dropped me off at the wrong nursery. There I was...surrounded by trees and bushes._
MUCH easer to take, and better than just a hand holding a GPSr in the corner of the picture.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
Originally posted by Dru Morgan:http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cachelog_details.asp?ID=102216&L=608206 found my NYNY in Vegas Cache recently.
http://www.theheavenlyhost.com/dru/images/stealyourcache.gif Serious cachers needed! http://www.theheavenlyhost.com/geocache
LOL... That's cute. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that one.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
My friend has the 330, and that is what I used for the last 2 month. It works great and I like it a lot.
The unit I just bought though is the Meridian Gold. I wanted to be able to upload more maps than what you can with the 330, and the screen is just a bit wider.
I was also looking at the SporTrak Pro, it is a bit smaller, lighter, and lower in price. As I use it 'most' in my truck, and then just a bit of hiking around to a cache, the extra size and weight is no big deal to me, and I can do without eating out for a few weeks to make up for the extra cost. LOL...
If you do a lot of boating, I'd go with the Marine.
I guess what it all comes down to is like they say about buying a computer, ''Get as much hardware as you possible can afford.'' You will end up paying less the long run do to having to upgrade as soon. So, in that vain, go with either the 330, SporTrak Pro, Meridian Gold, Meridian Marine, or even the Meridian Platinum if you have the extra money.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
If you are willing to buy online, goto www.pricewatch.com and do a search for 'sd'.
Pricewatch does all most of the searching for you, and will list many stores where you can buy just about any type of computer related items.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
If you are willing to buy online, goto www.pricewatch.com and do a search for 'sd'.
Pricewatch does all most of the searching for you, and will list many stores where you can buy just about any type of computer related items.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
This is a great post.
I think some people may not know what "550 Paracord" is or where to get any though. I'm sure if they can't find it, that they could use some other form of crafting cord.
My first idea for a wrist strap was to find an old power cord and cut off the cord part to use just the end piece that attaches to the Meridian and attach a strap that came with an old camera to the little 'D-ring'.
I like your idea much better. And since you put in the screw size, I wont have to spend half an hour trying different screws to find the right one.
This is a great post.
I think some people may not know what "550 Paracord" is or where to get any though. I'm sure if they can't find it, that they could use some other form of crafting cord.
My first idea for a wrist strap was to find an old power cord and cut off the cord part to use just the end piece that attaches to the Meridian and attach a strap that came with an old camera to the little 'D-ring'.
I like your idea much better. And since you put in the screw size, I wont have to spend half an hour trying different screws to find the right one.
From what I have heard on http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Magellan_Meridian This case seems to be a good case for the most part. The one problem I have heard about is that the plastic cover over the buttons can be a pain, and cause the unit to turn.
The fix they suggested was to cut the plastic out around the button area.
Originally posted by drewreger:
The GPS Store offers a custom case made for the entire meridian series. It is made of black neoprene and has a clear front window and a swivel belt clip on it.
It sells for $14.99
Our website is http://www.thegpsstore.com
(look under the meridian details in the handheld GPS section)
"Our" website? Hmmm...
Anyway, that's the case we were discussing, but several of us (well... two) were looking for opinions of the case. Is it worth it? Is it hard to push the buttons through the screen? Does it have a place for a lanyard?
All information is correct for the Magellan Meridian Gold. Current version is Rev 3.12 April 17, 2002.
Harmony Computers seems to have a very good price on their units, $229 right now for the Meridian Gold. I just bought one last week for $247 at http://www.gpsdiscount.com.
This was after about 2 days searching online for a better price, and at the time, $247 was the best I could find, so, I feal I got a good deal, and the store ended up only being about 20 miles from where I live. I drove up and picked up the unit myself.
I am now looking for accessories. Harmony Computers accessorie prices are outragous. I have found the best prices around so far at GPS_Discount.
Anyway, that's just my 13 cents.
I've been doing a bit of research myself. I am borrowing the GPS I'm using right now. http://joe.mehaffey.com/ is a website I came across from a link here somewhere. They have a lot of great information, and there is a review of the SporTrak Pro at http://www.gpsinformation.net/mgoldreview/sportrak-pro-rev.html
Sounds like you've found a great deal. I'm trying to decide between the SporTrak Pro and the Meridian Gold myself.
I was looking for a cache in Riverside, CA with my family. We found it and sat on a nearby bench to read the log and all. I look up and down the trail is a pit bull headed straight for me full bore. I'm a dog lover but those things look scary and I just about had a heart attack. I grabbed my backpack and put it between me and it but it (she) came around the backpack and proceeded to lick my 6 year old. Whew! Everyone laughs at me about it now but what would YOU think if you saw a pit bull coming right at you. The owner was nearby and I guess this dog was friendly.Well, let's see, I guess I would be seeing dinner. FOr, if my 6 year old daughter is in the area, I would not even be waighting as long as you did. That would be one dead dog.
Just where do you come from that you think a frell'n troll is able to open it's mouth and make a voice of worth?
I was just on a 45 degree slope trying to find a waypoint tag. What if I slipped and fell. Would I have recourse against the cache owner? Scarey, but those kind of situations are bound to come up.Hmmm... From what you say here.... ''''YOU are on the slope'''' Why whould ANYONE else be tag'd as a party to YOUR fall?
I'm no lawyer but while it would be nice if everyone took responsibility for themselves, it seems to me that it would fall under what a reasonable person would expect. Is it reasonable to be walking, even trespassing across an open field and suddenly find a man-made hazard without any warning?Yes it would be expected... For what it comes down to is this.... If you are plying with the rules and are 'out in the woods', then you have to ply by the 'woods owners rules'.... This is not based on any private cache... Just common since...
Yup. It all sounds good for what I see. What it comes down to is local law. And think it true or not, there are still some stupid 'local' laws out there... I just don't want some pore guy try'n to do a good thing ending up with a 45k$ law suit/bill for being in the wrong place at the wrong time....
Though... What it comes down to is a 'small hand full' of people who think they might hit pay dirt by try'n to sue others...
Heck.... The silly fools that got away with the tabacoo law suit, are at it again by trying to sue the 'fast food chains' now. As, it is there fault that people are fat from eating food.
I care not if the land owner was informed or not. It is pure poppycock to even think about a lawsuit of any kind if you do not pay attention to where you are while looking for a cache.
Sure, it would be nice for the cache placer to post hazards, but then again, as a hunter, you need to pay atention to what you are doing...
I think this needs to be the end of this thread, and if not, then I can dig into all the silly crap some people find to try and sue other people about. When you get right down to it, it's not all that funny...
I care not if the land owner was informed or not. It is pure poppycock to even think about a lawsuit of any kind if you do not pay attention to where you are while looking for a cache.
Sure, it would be nice for the cache placer to post hazards, but then again, as a hunter, you need to pay atention to what you are doing...
I think this needs to be the end of this thread, and if not, then I can dig into all the silly crap some people find to try and sue other people about. When you get right down to it, it's not all that funny...
Autumnal Equinox Today?...Not
in GPS technology and devices
The Equinox is not related to a 12 hour day. The Merriam-Webster definition is this....
Main Entry: equi·nox
Pronunciation: 'E-kw&-"näks, 'e-kw&-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Medieval Latin; Middle French equinoxe, from Medieval Latin equinoxium, alteration of Latin aequinoctium, from aequi- equi- + noct-, nox night -- more at NIGHT
Date: 14th century
1 : either of the two points on the celestial sphere where the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic
2 : either of the two times each year (as about March 21 and September 23) when the sun crosses the equator and day and night are everywhere of equal length
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."