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Posts posted by Zahrim
I live in the south, have done so for most of my life (AZ to AR covers most of the south, also lived in LA, OK, TX, and if that is not enough, then we are no longer talking about the South.), but have never heard of "A Triangle" short of the Bermuda.... So, where is this triangle that I may consider joining?
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
There is a monthly meeting in OKC on the second saturday of each month. The next meeting should be on 11 Jan 2003. The meeting is usually held at a local restaurant.
If you go to OKC Monthly Meetings you will find the details for the meetings. The page has not been updated for the next meeting as of yet though. Just keep an eye on this cache and when it is updated, the new coordinates will be listed.
If I can be of any help, just send me an email at zahrim@cox.net
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
I did a search on several topics and did not find what I was looking for, SO, I am asking here before I do anything.
How does one go about switching from a monthly PayPal membership to a yearly PayPal membership?
I did a look over of the PayPal site, and found no way to stop a "standing payment", and on the "Subscription Page" here, I found no information to help me switch from a monthly to yearly subscription.
Any help would be much appreciated.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
Thank you for your help Markwell. I like the new page, and think a link to it needs to be added to the "My Cache Page". That is where I first encountered it, and when it went away, I could not find it again because I was looking on the "Hide & Seek A Cache" page.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
I feel that if the cache is a valid virtual cache in it's own right, then, using information on a benchmark that happens to be in the area as verification of a find should be just fine. Be it in the database or not.
The key here being that the cache meets all other requirements. I am in no way advocating the use of any and all benchmarks as virtual caches. Most benchmarks are by no means in a spot worthy of a virtual cache, but the ones that are should be usable.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
I see a thread about wanting the old State page back, but do not see one about where the new State Page went. I for one like the new page and can not find it.
The old state search was still there, so, I don't see a problem other than some people need to learn how to use the search tool.
What happened to the "New" state page?
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
[This message was edited by Zahrim on November 12, 2002 at 08:30 PM.]
Ok, I see this thread has gone medi-physical.... SO, can anyone here tell me where Zahrim came from? I have a very good idea, but that is what I gleaned from a web search. Can anyone provide some form of proof as to just where the name came from?
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
I guess you could say that I work in the IT field kinda. I "rework old computers" so they can be used by new users.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
Sounds like a great deal, and is in no way off topic. I have a Palm Vx that I use for the Pocket Query's. I wish I could get my hands on the Compainion for the Vx.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
Originally posted by magellin:If you can afford to go GeoCaching you can afford an active cell account
. Phones that are no longer needed by fortunate ones should be donated to people/organizations that NEED them. People like abused women and children need these phones. Please contact your local Abuse Hot line and I am sure that they will agree.
Eye, Ham, We, Todd, Did
Sofa, King, We, Todd, Did
I have an active cell phone account at the cost of not having a normal home phone account. Just because someone has a GPSr does not mean they are rich, or have extra money to spare. I know three people who received there GPSr as a prize in a contest, and two others who got them as Birthday / Christmas gifts.
I got my GPSr at expense of being late for two of my monthly bills. Until I got my GPSr, I was borrowing a unit from a friend, so please do not make such assumptions as to everyone having the same finances as you might have.
I do agree that if you have a spare phone, donate it to a local organization that can use it.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
This is a way to download ''POI'' or, ''Points Of Interest'' in the area of the cache.
Points of interest include things like:
· Cities
· Airports
· Recreation/Amusement
· Parks
· Wineries
· Sight seeing
· Golf courses
· Tourist attractions
· Sport stadiums
· Historical & Museums
· Archery & Firearm shooting ranges
· Aerial events
· Gardens
· Campgrounds
· Zoos & Aquariums
· Hunting & Fishing locations
To name a few.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
If I may ask.... Where'd the funky G come from? It looks a lot like an Avatar I just saw on an Avatar test post. If so, have you talked to that person yet about useing it?
I do like the LOGO I just want to make sure we dont end up with a new fight on our hands.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
I agree with everything said so-far.
Also, get some good pictures of the local hazards to look out for and make sure the young ones know what to stay away from.
Things like poison ivy/oak.
Any bugs to watch out for... I can still recall a time when I brought my mom a tick to ''See the funny looking ladybug'', (It was a big tick...), and she just about dropped the pot of soup she was cooking...
Snakes, scorpions, spiders, etc...
Make sure you know the terrain you will be visiting. Cliffs, big rocks, and lot's of places to fall off of are out there.
Carry a first aid kit with you at all times.
It is always better to ''Be Prepared'' and not get stuck in a hard spot. I did a cache today that when I started, thought this ought to be an easy one, only just over half mile hike on a trail... The Cache name happened to be ''Be Prepared'', and I thought as i got out of my truck, ''Hmm.... Maybe I should bring along my flashlight.'' It was a good thing I did. By the time I was done with the cache, the sun had set, and without that flashlight, I would still be sitting there until tomorrow morning, for there is no way I would have found my way back in the dark without that flashlight.
All the negative aside, know what you are headed for, make time to do it safely, and above all, HAVE FUN.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
I would say to find a new place to put the cache, or find away around the fee. But, that is just a temp fix. You need to get with your other local/state cachers (get many voices behind you) and show the "people" in charge of the state parks what is going on in other stats. "NEW Forum" idea, or a new page idea.... State by state/country Official status of GeoCaching in parks page.
If done properly, a cache is a benefit to getting people to come to their park. It gets people who would not normally bother to go out and see a part of what they are responsible for....
Originally posted by TeamConley:Currently NC State Parks are only allowing geocachers to hide a cache for a three month period for a fee of $25.00. It must be moved to a new location after 3 months to avoid creating trails that damage natural resources, also another $25.00 fee is required. We plan on hiding 4 caches in north carolina I am not willing to pay $400.00 a year for them. If anyone has any ideas or solutions please let know. thank you
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
I would say to find a new place to put the cache, or find away around the fee. But, that is just a temp fix. You need to get with your other local/state cachers (get many voices behind you) and show the "people" in charge of the state parks what is going on in other stats. "NEW Forum" idea, or a new page idea.... State by state/country Official status of GeoCaching in parks page.
If done properly, a cache is a benefit to getting people to come to their park. It gets people who would not normally bother to go out and see a part of what they are responsible for....
Originally posted by TeamConley:Currently NC State Parks are only allowing geocachers to hide a cache for a three month period for a fee of $25.00. It must be moved to a new location after 3 months to avoid creating trails that damage natural resources, also another $25.00 fee is required. We plan on hiding 4 caches in north carolina I am not willing to pay $400.00 a year for them. If anyone has any ideas or solutions please let know. thank you
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
in How do I...?
I have never taken my new MeriGold out in the rain yet, but I have had a satellite TV system for well over 6 years, and I can tell you for a fact that if it starts to rain "real" hard I lose signal very fast, and for as long as there is a hard rain going on.
On a side note, a tornado will also block the signal for a satellite TV receiver. I live just a mile from where the 3 May 1999 tornado came through Midwest City Oklahoma.
Originally posted by RobertM:Hi,
I'm quite certain that mist and rain doesn't effect the reception of satellite TV too much, but does it effect GPSr reception?
The reason I ask is that yesterday I went find a cache I couldn't find on the first attempt a fe days earlier but this time I could get no signal on the mountain (Mt Seymour in North Vancouver). On my previous visit I got reception under the trees, but with the heavy mist under rather thick tree cover I could only get max 2 birds which didn't help.
Anyone know more about this? Does mist/rain effect GPSr reception a lot?
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
I came across an interesting website a few weeks ago that I think might be of interest to some of the people watching this thread (or those who read it in the future).
After logging Would be Prophet and "Cult" Queen, both virtual caches here in Oklahoma, I wanted to know if there were any other famous people nearby.
Maybe you would like to know if there are any famous people buried near you, if so, check out Find A Grave. This may not be the only site around, but it is the best one I have come across so-far.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
As Topeka is about 300 miles from Oklahoma City, it would be a very long drive, so, I was wondering if you could provide the following information:
1. What are the dimensions for each size?
2. What is the weight for each size?
3. Is shipping out all together/how much trouble would it be?
4. How did you end up with so many? I am in the USAF atm, and not to detract from your chance to sell....
Originally posted by treeves7:I need to get rid of a bunch of ammo cans. I've got about 100 50cal., 125 30cal, and 25 large 120mm cans (the 120mm's are a little wider than the 50's and are about 30 inches tall) All are water tight and very durable. They are kind of heavy to ship, but I would consider doing so, would prefer to have buyers come pick them up in Topeka. $2.00 for the 30's, $3.00 for the 50's, and $6.00 for the 120's. Quantity discounts available.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
Originally posted by Lil Devil:I'm guessing you're talking about http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=8444
I just tried saving it to a LOC file, and loading it into ExpertGPS version 1.1.3b1. No problem. You should make sure you have the latest version of EasyGPS, or upgrade to ExpertGPS (the mapping features are worth it!)
Other than that, I would send an email to the cache owner, politely stating the problem, and asking him to change the name. Perhaps to '95 percent nice view'
I would also send an email to the author of EasyGPS, as I think this is a bug. The name to comment feature is a Good Thing, but the crashing when there's a % is a bug.
Lil Devil http://www.trailbikesportsmen.org/images/lildevil.gif
Well, I just downloaded the trial version of ExpertGPS, it is version 1.1.1, and the % sign still crashes the program. Maybe it has been fixed in the beta version you are using.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
I have 3 other Pocket Queries set up, and they have no trouble at all, so, I am left to the point of view that this one cache is killing my Pocket Query.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
Ok, I ask this question here because it involves several other points of view, and I feel this is the best place to address it for now.
When I get the zip file from my Pocket Query, it has a cache in it that I have found out with much trial and error is causing a problem.
When you get a loc file from a Pocket Query, or just from the cache page itself, the EasyGPS program takes the name of the Cache and try's to make it into a comment for the comment field.
So far, fine and dandy. When I do a state search, and download all 25 caches into a LOC file, I have no problem most of the time.
This one cache does mess it all up, and after MUCH testing, I have found out what cache is the root of my trouble....
There is a cache with a % sign in it's name. Well, EasyGPS does not let that get into the comments field, so it crashes my system.
I guess my question is this. Who should I talk to to fix this? The cache owner, asking him to rename his cache, EasyGPS asking them to kill the name to comment thing, or an admin of GeoCaching.com asking them to rename the cache by force?
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
I have to wonder.... If you was to walk up to 100 people on the street and show them your GPSr, just how many do you think would be able to tell you what it was at a glance? I am betting that it would be a very low number.
From my own dealings with a GPS and people who don't use one, I have found that if they have never seen one before, they will not know what one is. If they have been introduced to at least one in the past, then when they see another one, they will see it for what it is in a matter of seconds....
So, all things are relative to what you are dealing with.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
Originally posted by ejmct:Anyone have any experience using their GPS on a regular commercial flight?
My GPS II+ had a good antenna so if I got a window seat it would work probably 75-80% of the time.
However I have struggled with the flight crew on this subject.
Typical interaction goes like this:
Clueless High-School Dropout Flight-Attendant: What is that thing?
Me: Its a GPS
FA: What's a TBS?
Me: Not a TBS, NBC, CBS HBO or even a FOX. Its a GPS!
FA: That's like a radio. You can't use that here.
::By now another clueless flight attendant has stopped to see what's going on::
Me: Its not a radio. Its NOTHING like a radio. It uses satellites...
2nd FA: No, no. You can't use that. Put it away now.
Me:...thinking to myself that since its only a month after the 9/11 hijackings it would be best not to make a big deal about this for fear I'll have 200 other passengers ready to kick my butt...
Anyway, whenever I fly I always check the in-flight magazines where it says which devices are allowed and which are not. It seems like there are 2 categories of devices:
1) The kind you can use after initial takeoff like notebook computers, CD players, etc.
2) Those that aren't allowed at all, such as mobile phones.
Now I don't fly all that much, but never have I seen a GPS fall on either list. So I therefore assume its my legal right to use the thing if I want. But a couple times I have had issues with the flight attendants.
So now I just hide the unit under a newspaper or magazine and nobody seems to mind.
Anyone have any experiences, thoughts or ideas on this?
1. I have an aunt who is a 'Flight Attendant', and she has a PHD, so, please do not disparage any group of people because of their job, for you will end up being dead wrong, and just as bad as a raciest, just not race. So, I guess we could call it 'jobist?'.
2. Almost all electronic devices are disallowed on takeoff/landing because they have the potential to interfere with the planes instruments. (Can we say ''I can't see the runway on the scope...'' *Crash*?)
3. 9/11 being taken into account, and even if it was not, a GPS has the potential to give someone enough information to give a ground based So-And-So a ''Target'' in the sky.
I LOVE my GPS, and use it every time I am in my truck to watch the map, even when I know where I am going. But, there is just to much at risk these days to even think about raising a stink if I were asked to turn it off.
Anyway, I guess I will shut up now.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
Originally posted by Zahrim:quote:
Originally posted by Greenjeens:The sun/moon info on my Garmin GPS unit indicates the sun rose at 7AM and sets at 7PM today.
Autumnal Equinox brief
"A minor point ... if you look up the rising and setting time of the Sun in the newspaper, it'll look as if the day is still a bit longer than the night. That's mostly because "sunset" and "sunrise" are defined by the top edge of the Sun, not the middle of it, and the middle of the sun sets (rises) a few minutes before (after) the edge does"
The Equinox is not related to a 12 hour day. The Merriam-Webster definition is this....
Main Entry: equi·nox
Pronunciation: 'E-kw&-"näks, 'e-kw&-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Medieval Latin; Middle French equinoxe, from Medieval Latin equinoxium, alteration of Latin aequinoctium, from aequi- equi- + noct-, nox night -- more at NIGHT
Date: 14th century
1 : either of the two points on the celestial sphere where the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic
2 : either of the two times each year (as about March 21 and September 23) when the sun crosses the equator and day and night are everywhere of equal length
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
If you happen to live on the equator, then you would have a 12 hour day/12 hour night. If you do not live on the equator, then when the equinox happens at the equator, it will not be 12/12 anywhere else in the world above or below the equator, though it may be close to that.
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."
Where's in a name... help
in South and Southeast
The cache in question is located at Where's In A Name?, and is called "Where's In A Name?"
"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.
Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."